import {FixedUiElement} from "./UI/Base/FixedUiElement"; import CheckBox from "./UI/Input/CheckBox"; import {Basemap} from "./UI/BigComponents/Basemap"; import State from "./State"; import LoadFromOverpass from "./Logic/Actors/UpdateFromOverpass"; import {UIEventSource} from "./Logic/UIEventSource"; import {QueryParameters} from "./Logic/Web/QueryParameters"; import StrayClickHandler from "./Logic/Actors/StrayClickHandler"; import SimpleAddUI from "./UI/BigComponents/SimpleAddUI"; import CenterMessageBox from "./UI/CenterMessageBox"; import {AllKnownLayouts} from "./Customizations/AllKnownLayouts"; import UserBadge from "./UI/BigComponents/UserBadge"; import SearchAndGo from "./UI/BigComponents/SearchAndGo"; import GeoLocationHandler from "./Logic/Actors/GeoLocationHandler"; import {LocalStorageSource} from "./Logic/Web/LocalStorageSource"; import {Utils} from "./Utils"; import Svg from "./Svg"; import Link from "./UI/Base/Link"; import * as personal from "./assets/themes/personalLayout/personalLayout.json" import LayoutConfig from "./Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig"; import * as L from "leaflet"; import Img from "./UI/Base/Img"; import UserDetails from "./Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import Attribution from "./UI/BigComponents/Attribution"; import MetaTagging from "./Logic/MetaTagging"; import AvailableBaseLayers from "./Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayers"; import LayerResetter from "./Logic/Actors/LayerResetter"; import FullWelcomePaneWithTabs from "./UI/BigComponents/FullWelcomePaneWithTabs"; import LayerControlPanel from "./UI/BigComponents/LayerControlPanel"; import FeatureSwitched from "./UI/Base/FeatureSwitched"; import ShowDataLayer from "./UI/ShowDataLayer"; import Hash from "./Logic/Web/Hash"; import FeaturePipeline from "./Logic/FeatureSource/FeaturePipeline"; import SelectedFeatureHandler from "./Logic/Actors/SelectedFeatureHandler"; import ScrollableFullScreen from "./UI/Base/ScrollableFullScreen"; import Translations from "./UI/i18n/Translations"; export class InitUiElements { static InitAll(layoutToUse: LayoutConfig, layoutFromBase64: string, testing: UIEventSource, layoutName: string, layoutDefinition: string = "") { if (layoutToUse === undefined) { console.log("Incorrect layout") new FixedUiElement(`Error: incorrect layout ${layoutName}
Go back`).AttachTo("centermessage").onClick(() => { }); throw "Incorrect layout" } console.log("Using layout: ",, "LayoutFromBase64 is ", layoutFromBase64); State.state = new State(layoutToUse); // This 'leaks' the global state via the window object, useful for debugging // @ts-ignore window.mapcomplete_state = State.state; if (layoutToUse.hideFromOverview) { State.state.osmConnection.GetPreference("hidden-theme-" + + "-enabled").setData("true"); } if (layoutFromBase64 !== "false") { State.state.layoutDefinition = layoutDefinition; console.log("Layout definition:", Utils.EllipsesAfter(State.state.layoutDefinition, 100)) if ( !== "true") { State.state.osmConnection.OnLoggedIn(() => { State.state.osmConnection.GetLongPreference("installed-theme-" +; }) } else { console.warn("NOT saving custom layout to OSM as we are tesing -> probably in an iFrame") } } function updateFavs() { // This is purely for the personal theme to load the layers there const favs = ?? []; layoutToUse.layers.splice(0, layoutToUse.layers.length); for (const fav of favs) { const layer = AllKnownLayouts.allLayers[fav]; if (!!layer) { layoutToUse.layers.push(layer); } for (const layouts of { for (const layer of layouts.layout.layers) { if (typeof layer === "string") { continue; } if ( === fav) { layoutToUse.layers.push(layer); } } } }; State.state.layerUpdater?.ForceRefresh(); } if (layoutToUse.customCss !== undefined) { Utils.LoadCustomCss(layoutToUse.customCss); } InitUiElements.InitBaseMap(); InitUiElements.OnlyIf(State.state.featureSwitchUserbadge, () => { new UserBadge().AttachTo('userbadge'); }); InitUiElements.OnlyIf((State.state.featureSwitchSearch), () => { new SearchAndGo().AttachTo("searchbox"); }); InitUiElements.OnlyIf(State.state.featureSwitchWelcomeMessage, () => { InitUiElements.InitWelcomeMessage() }); if ((window != && ! || { const currentLocation = State.state.locationControl; const url = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}?z=${}&lat=${}&lon=${}`; const content = new Link(Svg.pop_out_ui().SetClass("iframe-escape"), url, true); new FixedUiElement(content.Render()).AttachTo("help-button-mobile") content.AttachTo("messagesbox"); } UserDetails) => userDetails?.home) .addCallbackAndRun(home => { if (home === undefined) { return; } const color = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--subtle-detail-color") const icon = L.icon({ iconUrl: Img.AsData(Svg.home_white_bg.replace(/#ffffff/g, color)), iconSize: [30, 30], iconAnchor: [15, 15] }); const marker = L.marker([, home.lon], {icon: icon}) marker.addTo( }); new FeatureSwitched( new GeoLocationHandler( State.state.currentGPSLocation, State.state.leafletMap ) .SetStyle(`position:relative;display:block;border: solid 2px #0005;cursor: pointer; z-index: 999; /*Just below leaflets zoom*/background-color: white;border-radius: 5px;width: 43px;height: 43px;`) , State.state.featureSwitchGeolocation) .AttachTo("geolocate-button"); updateFavs(); InitUiElements.setupAllLayerElements(); if ( === { State.state.favouriteLayers.addCallback(updateFavs); State.state.installedThemes.addCallback(updateFavs); }else{; } // Reset the loading message once things are loaded new CenterMessageBox().AttachTo("centermessage"); } static LoadLayoutFromHash(userLayoutParam: UIEventSource) { try { let hash = location.hash.substr(1); const layoutFromBase64 =; // layoutFromBase64 contains the name of the theme. This is partly to do tracking with goat counter const dedicatedHashFromLocalStorage = LocalStorageSource.Get("user-layout-" + layoutFromBase64.replace(" ", "_")); if ( < 10) { dedicatedHashFromLocalStorage.setData(undefined); } const hashFromLocalStorage = LocalStorageSource.Get("last-loaded-user-layout"); if (hash.length < 10) { hash = ??; } else { console.log("Saving hash to local storage") hashFromLocalStorage.setData(hash); dedicatedHashFromLocalStorage.setData(hash); } const layoutToUse = new LayoutConfig(JSON.parse(atob(hash))); userLayoutParam.setData(; return layoutToUse; } catch (e) { new FixedUiElement("Error: could not parse the custom layout:
" + e).AttachTo("centermessage"); throw e; } } private static OnlyIf(featureSwitch: UIEventSource, callback: () => void) { featureSwitch.addCallbackAndRun(() => { if ( { callback(); } }); } private static InitWelcomeMessage() { const isOpened = new UIEventSource(true); const fullOptions = new FullWelcomePaneWithTabs(() => { isOpened.setData(false); }); // ?-Button on Desktop, opens panel with close-X. const help = Svg.help_svg().SetClass("open-welcome-button block"); const checkbox = new CheckBox( fullOptions .SetClass("welcomeMessage") .onClick(() => {/*Catch the click*/ }), help , isOpened ).AttachTo("messagesbox"); const openedTime = new Date().getTime(); State.state.locationControl.addCallback(() => { if (new Date().getTime() - openedTime < 15 * 1000) { // Don't autoclose the first 15 secs when the map is moving return; } checkbox.isEnabled.setData(false); }) State.state.selectedElement.addCallbackAndRun(selected => { if (selected !== undefined) { checkbox.isEnabled.setData(false); } }) } private static InitLayerSelection() { InitUiElements.OnlyIf(State.state.featureSwitchLayers, () => { const layerControlPanel = new LayerControlPanel( () => State.state.layerControlIsOpened.setData(false)) .SetClass("block p-1 rounded-full"); const checkbox = new CheckBox( layerControlPanel, Svg.layers_svg().SetClass("layer-selection-toggle"), State.state.layerControlIsOpened ).AttachTo("layer-selection"); State.state.locationControl .addCallback(() => { // Close the layer selection when the map is moved checkbox.isEnabled.setData(false); }); State.state.selectedElement.addCallbackAndRun(feature => { if (feature !== undefined) { checkbox.isEnabled.setData(false); } }) }); } private static InitBaseMap() { State.state.availableBackgroundLayers = new AvailableBaseLayers(State.state.locationControl).availableEditorLayers; State.state.backgroundLayer = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("background", ??, "The id of the background layer to start with") .map((selectedId: string) => { const available =; for (const layer of available) { if ( === selectedId) { return layer; } } return AvailableBaseLayers.osmCarto; }, [], layer =>; new LayerResetter( State.state.backgroundLayer, State.state.locationControl, State.state.availableBackgroundLayers, LayoutConfig) => layout.defaultBackgroundId)); const attr = new Attribution(State.state.locationControl, State.state.osmConnection.userDetails, State.state.layoutToUse, State.state.leafletMap); const bm = new Basemap("leafletDiv", State.state.locationControl, State.state.backgroundLayer, State.state.LastClickLocation, attr ); State.state.leafletMap.setData(; } private static InitLayers() { const state = State.state; state.filteredLayers = => { const flayers = []; for (const layer of layoutToUse.layers) { const isDisplayed = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("layer-" +, "true", "Wether or not layer " + + " is shown") .map((str) => str !== "false", [], (b) => b.toString()); const flayer = { isDisplayed: isDisplayed, layerDef: layer } flayers.push(flayer); } return flayers; }); const updater = new LoadFromOverpass(state.locationControl, state.layoutToUse, state.leafletMap); State.state.layerUpdater = updater; const source = new FeaturePipeline(state.filteredLayers, updater, state.layoutToUse, state.changes, state.locationControl); source.features.addCallbackAndRun((featuresFreshness: { feature: any, freshness: Date }[]) => { if (featuresFreshness === undefined) { return; } let features = => ff.feature); features.forEach(feature => { State.state.allElements.addOrGetElement(feature); if ( ==="/", "_")) { State.state.selectedElement.setData(feature); } }) MetaTagging.addMetatags(features); }) new ShowDataLayer(source.features, State.state.leafletMap, State.state.layoutToUse); new SelectedFeatureHandler(Hash.hash, State.state.selectedElement, source); } private static setupAllLayerElements() { // ------------- Setup the layers ------------------------------- InitUiElements.InitLayers(); InitUiElements.InitLayerSelection(); // ------------------ Setup various other UI elements ------------ InitUiElements.OnlyIf(State.state.featureSwitchAddNew, () => { let presetCount = 0; for (const layer of { for (const preset of layer.layerDef.presets) { presetCount++; } } if (presetCount == 0) { return; } new StrayClickHandler( State.state.LastClickLocation, State.state.selectedElement, State.state.filteredLayers, State.state.leafletMap, () => new ScrollableFullScreen( Translations.t.general.add.title, new SimpleAddUI(), () => State.state.LastClickLocation.setData(undefined)) ); }); } }