import {Tag} from "./Tag"; import {TagsFilter} from "./TagsFilter"; export class RegexTag extends TagsFilter { private readonly key: RegExp | string; private readonly value: RegExp | string; private readonly invert: boolean; private readonly matchesEmpty: boolean constructor(key: string | RegExp, value: RegExp | string, invert: boolean = false) { super(); this.key = key; this.value = value; this.invert = invert; this.matchesEmpty = RegexTag.doesMatch("", this.value); } private static doesMatch(fromTag: string, possibleRegex: string | RegExp): boolean { if (typeof possibleRegex === "string") { return fromTag === possibleRegex; } return fromTag.match(possibleRegex) !== null; } private static source(r: string | RegExp) { if (typeof (r) === "string") { return r; } return r.source; } asOverpass(): string[] { if (typeof this.key === "string") { return [`['${this.key}'${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~'${RegexTag.source(this.value)}']`]; } return [`[~'${this.key.source}'${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~'${RegexTag.source(this.value)}']`]; } isUsableAsAnswer(): boolean { return false; } matchesProperties(tags: any): boolean { for (const key in tags) { if (RegexTag.doesMatch(key, this.key)) { const value = tags[key] return RegexTag.doesMatch(value, this.value) != this.invert; } } if (this.matchesEmpty) { // The value is 'empty' return !this.invert; } // The matching key was not found return this.invert; } substituteValues(tags: any): TagsFilter { return this; } asHumanString() { if (typeof this.key === "string") { return `${this.key}${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~${RegexTag.source(this.value)}`; } return `${this.key.source}${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~~${RegexTag.source(this.value)}` } isEquivalent(other: TagsFilter): boolean { if (other instanceof RegexTag) { return other.asHumanString() == this.asHumanString(); } if (other instanceof Tag) { return RegexTag.doesMatch(other.key, this.key) && RegexTag.doesMatch(other.value, this.value); } return false; } usedKeys(): string[] { if (typeof this.key === "string") { return [this.key]; } throw "Key cannot be determined as it is a regex" } }