import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle"; import {RadioButton} from "../Input/RadioButton"; import {FixedInputElement} from "../Input/FixedInputElement"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import {TextField} from "../Input/TextField"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Title from "../Base/Title"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import {OsmConnection} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"; import {Translation} from "../i18n/Translation"; export default class UploadTraceToOsmUI extends Toggle { private static createDefault(s: string, defaultValue: string){ if(defaultValue.length < 1){ throw "Default value should have some characters" } if(s === undefined || s === null || s === ""){ return defaultValue } return s } constructor( trace: (title: string) => string, state: { layoutToUse: LayoutConfig; osmConnection: OsmConnection }, options?: { whenUploaded?: () => void | Promise }) { const t = Translations.t.general.uploadGpx const uploadFinished = new UIEventSource(false) const traceVisibilities: { key: "private" | "public", name: Translation, docs: Translation }[] = [ { key: "private", ...t.modes.private }, { key: "public", ...t.modes.public } ] const dropdown = new RadioButton<"private" | "public">( => new FixedInputElement<"private" | "public">( new Combine([Translations.W( ).SetClass("font-bold"),]).SetClass("flex flex-col") , tv.key)), { value: state?.osmConnection?.GetPreference("gps.trace.visibility") } ) const description = new TextField({ placeholder: t.meta.descriptionPlaceHolder }) const title = new TextField({ placeholder: t.meta.titlePlaceholder }) const clicked = new UIEventSource(false) const confirmPanel = new Combine([ new Title(t.title), t.intro0, t.intro1, t.choosePermission, dropdown, new Title(t.meta.title, 4), t.meta.intro, title, t.meta.descriptionIntro, description, new Combine([ new SubtleButton(Svg.close_svg(), Translations.t.general.cancel).onClick(() => { clicked.setData(false) }).SetClass(""), new SubtleButton(Svg.upload_svg(), t.confirm).OnClickWithLoading(t.uploading, async () => { const titleStr = UploadTraceToOsmUI.createDefault(title.GetValue().data, "Track with mapcomplete") const descriptionStr = UploadTraceToOsmUI.createDefault(description.GetValue().data, "Track created with MapComplete with theme "+state?.layoutToUse?.id) await state?.osmConnection?.uploadGpxTrack(trace(title.GetValue().data), { visibility: dropdown.GetValue().data, description: descriptionStr, filename: titleStr +".gpx", labels: ["MapComplete", state?.layoutToUse?.id] }) if (options?.whenUploaded !== undefined) { await options.whenUploaded() } uploadFinished.setData(true) }) ]).SetClass("flex flex-wrap flex-wrap-reverse justify-between items-stretch") ]).SetClass("flex flex-col p-4 rounded border-2 m-2 border-subtle") super( new Combine([Svg.confirm_svg().SetClass("w-12 h-12 mr-2"), t.uploadFinished]) .SetClass("flex p-2 rounded-xl border-2 subtle-border items-center"), new Toggle( confirmPanel, new SubtleButton(Svg.upload_svg(), t.title) .onClick(() => clicked.setData(true)), clicked ), uploadFinished) } }