import { TagRenderingConfigJson } from "./TagRenderingConfigJson" /** * The LineRenderingConfig gives all details onto how to render a single line of a feature. * * This can be used if: * * - The feature is a line * - The feature is an area */ export default interface LineRenderingConfigJson { /** * The color for way-elements and SVG-elements. * If the value starts with "--", the style of the body element will be queried for the corresponding variable instead */ color?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson /** * The stroke-width for way-elements */ width?: string | number | TagRenderingConfigJson /** * A dasharray, e.g. "5 6" * The dasharray defines 'pixels of line, pixels of gap, pixels of line, pixels of gap', * Default value: "" (empty string == full line) */ dashArray?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson /** * The form at the end of a line */ lineCap?: "round" | "square" | "butt" | string | TagRenderingConfigJson /** * The color to fill a polygon with. * If undefined, this will be slightly more opaque version of the stroke line. * Use '#00000000' to make the fill invisible */ fillColor?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson /** * The number of pixels this line should be moved. * Use a positive numbe to move to the right, a negative to move to the left (left/right as defined by the drawing direction of the line). * * IMPORTANT: MapComplete will already normalize 'key:both:property' and 'key:both' into the corresponding 'key:left' and 'key:right' tagging (same for 'sidewalk=left/right/both' which is rewritten to 'sidewalk:left' and 'sidewalk:right') * This simplifies programming. Refer to the for more details */ offset?: number | TagRenderingConfigJson }