import Script from "../Script" import fs from "fs" import { Overpass } from "../../src/Logic/Osm/Overpass" import { RegexTag } from "../../src/Logic/Tags/RegexTag" import Constants from "../../src/Models/Constants" import { ImmutableStore } from "../../src/Logic/UIEventSource" import { BBox } from "../../src/Logic/BBox" import LinkedDataLoader from "../../src/Logic/Web/LinkedDataLoader" class VeloParkToGeojson extends Script { constructor() { super( "Downloads the latest Velopark data and converts it to a geojson, which will be saved at the current directory", ) } exportTo(filename: string, features) { features = features.slice(0,25) // TODO REMOVE const file = filename + "_" + /*new Date().toISOString() + */".geojson" fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify( { type: "FeatureCollection", "#":"Only 25 features are shown!", // TODO REMOVE features, }, null, " ", ), ) console.log("Written",file) } async main(args: string[]): Promise { console.log("Downloading velopark data") // Download data for NIS-code 1000. 1000 means: all of belgium const url = "" const allVelopark = await LinkedDataLoader.fetchJsonLd(url, { country: "be" }) this.exportTo("velopark_all", allVelopark) const bboxBelgium = new BBox([ [2.51357303225, 49.5294835476], [6.15665815596, 51.4750237087], ]) const alreadyLinkedQuery = new Overpass( new RegexTag("ref:velopark", /.+/), [], Constants.defaultOverpassUrls[0], new ImmutableStore(60 * 5), false, ) const alreadyLinkedFeatures = await alreadyLinkedQuery.queryGeoJson(bboxBelgium) const seenIds = new Set( alreadyLinkedFeatures[0] =>["ref:velopark"]), ) console.log("OpenStreetMap contains", seenIds.size, "bicycle parkings with a velopark ref") const features = allVelopark.filter((f) => !seenIds.has(["ref:velopark"])) const allProperties = new Set() for (const feature of features) { Object.keys( => allProperties.add(k)) } this.exportTo("velopark_noncynced", features) allProperties.delete("ref:velopark") for (const feature of features) { allProperties.forEach((k) => { delete[k] }) } this.exportTo("velopark_nonsynced_id_only", features) } } new VeloParkToGeojson().run()