/** * The data layer shows all the given geojson elements with the appropriate icon etc */ import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; import * as L from "leaflet" import "leaflet.markercluster" import LayerConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayerConfig"; import State from "../State"; import LazyElement from "./Base/LazyElement"; import Hash from "../Logic/Web/Hash"; import {GeoOperations} from "../Logic/GeoOperations"; import FeatureInfoBox from "./Popup/FeatureInfoBox"; import LayoutConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig"; export default class ShowDataLayer { private readonly _layerDict; private readonly _leafletMap: UIEventSource; private readonly _onSelectedTrigger: any = {}; // osmId+geometry.type+matching_layer_id --> () => void constructor(features: UIEventSource<{ feature: any, freshness: Date }[]>, leafletMap: UIEventSource, layoutToUse: LayoutConfig) { this._leafletMap = leafletMap; const self = this; let oldGeoLayer: L.Layer = undefined; this._layerDict = {}; for (const layer of layoutToUse.layers) { this._layerDict[layer.id] = layer; } function update() { if (features.data === undefined) { return; } if (leafletMap.data === undefined) { return; } const mp = leafletMap.data; const feats = features.data.map(ff => ff.feature); let geoLayer = self.CreateGeojsonLayer(feats) if (layoutToUse.clustering.minNeededElements <= features.data.length) { const cl = window["L"]; // This is a dirty workaround, the clustering plugin binds to the L of the window, not of the namespace or something const cluster = cl.markerClusterGroup({ disableClusteringAtZoom: layoutToUse.clustering.maxZoom }); cluster.addLayer(geoLayer); geoLayer = cluster; } if (oldGeoLayer) { mp.removeLayer(oldGeoLayer); } mp.addLayer(geoLayer); oldGeoLayer = geoLayer; } features.addCallbackAndRun(() => update()); leafletMap.addCallback(() => update()); State.state.selectedElement.addCallback(feature => { if(feature === undefined){ return; } const id = feature.properties.id+feature.geometry.type+feature._matching_layer_id; const action = self._onSelectedTrigger[id]; if(action){ action(); } }); Hash.hash.addCallback(id => { // This is a bit of an edge case: if the hash becomes an id to search, we have to show the corresponding popup if(State.state.selectedElement !== undefined){ return; // Something is already selected, we don't have to apply this fix } const action = self._onSelectedTrigger[id]; if(action){ action(); } }) } private createStyleFor(feature) { const tagsSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature); // Every object is tied to exactly one layer const layer = this._layerDict[feature._matching_layer_id]; return layer.GenerateLeafletStyle(tagsSource, layer._showOnPopup !== undefined); } private pointToLayer(feature, latLng): L.Layer { // Leaflet cannot handle geojson points natively // We have to convert them to the appropriate icon // Click handling is done in the next step const tagSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature); const layer: LayerConfig = this._layerDict[feature._matching_layer_id]; const style = layer.GenerateLeafletStyle(tagSource, !(layer.title === undefined && (layer.tagRenderings ?? []).length === 0)); return L.marker(latLng, { icon: L.divIcon({ html: style.icon.html.Render(), className: style.icon.className, iconAnchor: style.icon.iconAnchor, iconUrl: style.icon.iconUrl, popupAnchor: style.icon.popupAnchor, iconSize: style.icon.iconSize }) }); } private postProcessFeature(feature, leafletLayer: L.Layer) { const layer: LayerConfig = this._layerDict[feature._matching_layer_id]; if (layer.title === undefined && (layer.tagRenderings ?? []).length === 0) { // No popup action defined -> Don't do anything return; } const popup = L.popup({ autoPan: true, closeOnEscapeKey: true, }, leafletLayer); const tags = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature); const uiElement: LazyElement = new LazyElement(() => new FeatureInfoBox(tags, layer), "
"); popup.setContent(uiElement.Render()); popup.on('remove', () => { State.state.selectedElement.setData(undefined); }); leafletLayer.bindPopup(popup); // We first render the UIelement (which'll still need an update later on...) // But at least it'll be visible already leafletLayer.on("click", (e) => { // We set the element as selected... uiElement.Activate(); State.state.selectedElement.setData(feature); }); const id = feature.properties.id+feature.geometry.type+feature._matching_layer_id; this._onSelectedTrigger[id] = () => { if(popup.isOpen()){ return; } leafletLayer.openPopup(); uiElement.Activate(); State.state.selectedElement.setData(feature); } this._onSelectedTrigger[feature.properties.id.replace("/","_")] = this._onSelectedTrigger[id]; if (feature.properties.id.replace(/\//g, "_") === Hash.hash.data) { // This element is in the URL, so this is a share link // We already open it uiElement.Activate(); popup.setContent(uiElement.Render()); const center = GeoOperations.centerpoint(feature).geometry.coordinates; popup.setLatLng({lat: center[1], lng: center[0]}); popup.openOn(State.state.leafletMap.data); State.state.selectedElement.setData(feature); uiElement.Update(); } } private CreateGeojsonLayer(features: any[]): L.Layer { const self = this; const data = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: features } return L.geoJSON(data, { style: feature => self.createStyleFor(feature), pointToLayer: (feature, latLng) => self.pointToLayer(feature, latLng), onEachFeature: (feature, leafletLayer) => self.postProcessFeature(feature, leafletLayer) }); } }