// @ts-ignore import osmAuth from "osm-auth"; import {UIEventSource} from "../UI/UIEventSource"; export class UserDetails { public loggedIn = false; public name = "Not logged in"; public csCount = 0; public img: string; public unreadMessages = 0; public totalMessages = 0; public osmConnection: OsmConnection; public dryRun: boolean; home: { lon: number; lat: number }; } export class OsmConnection { private auth = new osmAuth({ oauth_consumer_key: 'hivV7ec2o49Two8g9h8Is1VIiVOgxQ1iYexCbvem', oauth_secret: 'wDBRTCem0vxD7txrg1y6p5r8nvmz8tAhET7zDASI', auto: true // show a login form if the user is not authenticated and // you try to do a call }); public userDetails: UIEventSource; private _dryRun: boolean; constructor(dryRun: boolean) { this.userDetails = new UIEventSource(new UserDetails()); this.userDetails.data.osmConnection = this; this.userDetails.data.dryRun = dryRun; this._dryRun = dryRun; if (this.auth.authenticated()) { this.AttemptLogin(); // Also updates the user badge }else{ console.log("Not authenticated"); } if(dryRun){ console.log("DRYRUN ENABLED"); } } public LogOut() { this.auth.logout(); this.userDetails.data.loggedIn = false; this.userDetails.ping(); console.log("Logged out") } public AttemptLogin() { const self = this; this.auth.xhr({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/0.6/user/details' }, function (err, details) { if(err != null){ console.log(err); self.auth.logout(); self.userDetails.data.loggedIn = false; self.userDetails.ping(); } if (details == null) { return; } self.UpdatePreferences(); // details is an XML DOM of user details let userInfo = details.getElementsByTagName("user")[0]; // let moreDetails = new DOMParser().parseFromString(userInfo.innerHTML, "text/xml"); let data = self.userDetails.data; data.loggedIn = true; console.log("Login completed, userinfo is ", userInfo); data.name = userInfo.getAttribute('display_name'); data.csCount = userInfo.getElementsByTagName("changesets")[0].getAttribute("count"); data.img = undefined; const imgEl = userInfo.getElementsByTagName("img"); if (imgEl !== undefined && imgEl[0] !== undefined) { data.img = imgEl[0].getAttribute("href"); } data.img = data.img ?? "./assets/osm-logo.svg"; const homeEl = userInfo.getElementsByTagName("home"); if (homeEl !== undefined && homeEl[0] !== undefined) { const lat = parseFloat(homeEl[0].getAttribute("lat")); const lon = parseFloat(homeEl[0].getAttribute("lon")); data.home = {lat: lat, lon: lon}; } const messages = userInfo.getElementsByTagName("messages")[0].getElementsByTagName("received")[0]; data.unreadMessages = parseInt(messages.getAttribute("unread")); data.totalMessages = parseInt(messages.getAttribute("count")); self.userDetails.ping(); }); } /** * All elements with class 'activate-osm-authentication' are loaded and get an 'onclick' to authenticate */ registerActivateOsmAUthenticationClass() { const self = this; const authElements = document.getElementsByClassName("activate-osm-authentication"); for (let i = 0; i < authElements.length; i++) { let element = authElements.item(i); // @ts-ignore element.onclick = function () { self.AttemptLogin(); } } } public preferences = new UIEventSource({}); public preferenceSources : any = {} public GetPreference(key: string) : UIEventSource{ if(this.preferenceSources[key] !== undefined){ return this.preferenceSources[key]; } const pref = new UIEventSource(undefined); pref.addCallback((v) => { this.SetPreference(key, v); }); this.preferences.addCallback((prefs) => { if (prefs[key] !== undefined) { pref.setData(prefs[key]); } }); this.preferenceSources[key] = pref; return pref; } private UpdatePreferences() { const self = this; this.auth.xhr({ method: 'GET', path: '/api/0.6/user/preferences' }, function (error, value: XMLDocument) { if(error){ console.log("Could not load preferences", error); return; } const prefs = value.getElementsByTagName("preference"); for (let i = 0; i < prefs.length; i++) { const pref = prefs[i]; const k = pref.getAttribute("k"); const v = pref.getAttribute("v"); self.preferences.data[k] = v; } self.preferences.ping(); }); } private SetPreference(k:string, v:string) { if(!this.userDetails.data.loggedIn){ console.log("Not saving preference: user not logged in"); return; } if (this.preferences.data[k] === v) { return; } console.log("Updating preference", k, " to ", v); this.preferences.data[k] = v; this.preferences.ping(); this.auth.xhr({ method: 'PUT', path: '/api/0.6/user/preferences/' + k, options: {header: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}}, content: v }, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log("Could not set preference", error); return; } console.log("Preference written!", result); }); } private static parseUploadChangesetResponse(response: XMLDocument) { const nodes = response.getElementsByTagName("node"); const mapping = {}; // @ts-ignore for (const node of nodes) { const oldId = parseInt(node.attributes.old_id.value); const newId = parseInt(node.attributes.new_id.value); if (oldId !== undefined && newId !== undefined && !isNaN(oldId) && !isNaN(newId)) { mapping["node/"+oldId] = "node/"+newId; } } return mapping; } public UploadChangeset(comment: string, generateChangeXML: ((csid: string) => string), handleMapping: ((idMapping: any) => void), continuation: (() => void)) { if (this._dryRun) { console.log("NOT UPLOADING as dryrun is true"); var changesetXML = generateChangeXML("123456"); console.log(changesetXML); continuation(); return; } const self = this; this.OpenChangeset(comment, function (csId) { var changesetXML = generateChangeXML(csId); self.AddChange(csId, changesetXML, function (csId, mapping) { self.CloseChangeset(csId, continuation); handleMapping(mapping); } ); } ); this.userDetails.data.csCount++; this.userDetails.ping(); } private OpenChangeset(comment: string, continuation: ((changesetId: string) => void)) { this.auth.xhr({ method: 'PUT', path: '/api/0.6/changeset/create', options: { header: { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' } }, content: '' + '' + '' + '' }, function (err, response) { if (response === undefined) { console.log("err", err); return; } else { continuation(response); } }); } private AddChange(changesetId: string, changesetXML: string, continuation: ((changesetId: string, idMapping: any) => void)){ this.auth.xhr({ method: 'POST', options: { header: { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' } }, path: '/api/0.6/changeset/'+changesetId+'/upload', content: changesetXML }, function (err, response) { if (response == null) { console.log("err", err); return; } const mapping = OsmConnection.parseUploadChangesetResponse(response); console.log("Uplaoded changeset ", changesetId); continuation(changesetId, mapping); }); } private CloseChangeset(changesetId: string, continuation : (() => void)) { console.log("closing"); this.auth.xhr({ method: 'PUT', path: '/api/0.6/changeset/'+changesetId+'/close', }, function (err, response) { if (response == null) { console.log("err", err); } console.log("Closed changeset ", changesetId); if(continuation !== undefined){ continuation(); } }); } }