{ "id": "fire_hydrants", "name": { "nl": "Hydranten", "en": "Hydrants" }, "minzoom": 14, "source": { "osmTags": { "or": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "disused:emergency=fire_hydrant", "abandoned:emergency=fire_hydrant", {"and": [ "removed:emergency=fire_hydrant", "has_marker=yes" ]} ] } }, "title": { "render": { "nl": "Hydrant", "en": "Hydrant" }, "mappings": [ {"if": {"or": [ "disused:emergency=fire_hydrant", "abandoned:emergency=fire_hydrant" ]}, "then": { "nl": "Onbruikbare hydrant", "en": "Unusable hydrant" }}, {"if": {"and": ["removed:emergency=fire_hydrant", "has_marker=yes"]}, "then": { "nl": "Bordje bij verwijderde hydrant", "en": "Marker for removed hydrant" }}, {"if": "removed:emergency=fire_hydrant", "then": { "nl": "Verwijderde hydrant", "en": "Removed hydrant" }}, {"if": "has_marker=no", "then": { "nl": "Hydrant zonder bordje", "en": "Hydrant without marker" }}, {"if": "ref~*", "then": { "nl": "Hydrant {ref}", "en": "Hydrant {ref}" }} ] }, "tagRenderings": [ { "question": { "nl": "Welk soort hydrant is het?", "en": "What type of hydrant is it?" }, "condition": {"or": [ "removed:emergency!=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type~*" ]}, "mappings": [ {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:type=underground"]}, "then": { "nl": "Ondergrondse hydrant", "en": "Underground hydrant" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:type=pillar"]}, "then": { "nl": "Bovengrondse pilaarachtige hydrant", "en": "Overground pillar hydrant" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:type=pipe"]}, "then": { "nl": "Bovengrondse pijphydrant", "en": "Overground pipe hydrant" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:type=wall"]}, "then": { "nl": "Hydrant aan muur", "en": "Wall-attached hydrant" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:type~*"]}, "then": { "nl": "Ander soort hydrant", "en": "Other type of hydrant" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Wat is de meest opvallende kleur van de hydrant?", "en": "What is the most prominent colour of the hydrant?" }, "render": { "nl": "Kleur (in het Engels): {colour}", "en": "Colour: {colour}" }, "condition": { "and": [ "removed:emergency!=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type!=underground", "fire_hydrant:type!=pipe" ] }, "freeform": { "key": "colour" }, "mappings": [ {"if": {"and": ["colour=red"]}, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant is rood", "en": "The hydrant is red" }}, {"if": {"and": ["colour=yellow"]}, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant is geel", "en": "The hydrant is yellow" }}, {"if": {"and": ["colour=grey"]}, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant is grijs", "en": "The hydrant is grey" }} ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Wat is de nominale diameter van de aanvoerleiding in millimeter?", "en": "What is the nominal diameter of the supply in millimeters?" }, "render": { "nl": "Nominale diameter van aanvoerleiding: {fire_hydrant:diameter}", "en": "Nominal diameter of supply: {fire_hydrant:diameter}" }, "freeform": { "key": "fire_hydrant:diameter", "type": "pnat" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "fire_hydrant:diameter~^[0-9.]+$" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Nominale diameter van aanvoerleiding: {fire_hydrant:diameter} mm", "en": "Nominal diameter of supply: {fire_hydrant:diameter} mm" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ], "condition": {"or": [ "removed:emergency!=fire_hydrant", "has_marker=yes", "fire_hydrant:diameter~*" ]} }, { "render": { "nl": "Referentiecode: {ref}", "en": "Reference code: {ref}" }, "question": { "nl": "Heeft de hydrant een referentiecode?", "en": "Does the hydrant have a reference code?" }, "freeform": { "key": "ref", "addExtraTags": [ "noref=" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "ref=", "noref=yes" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant heeft geen referentiecode.", "en": "The hydrant does not have a reference code." } } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Hoeveel aansluitingen zijn er?", "en": "How many couplings are there?" }, "render": { "nl": "Aantal aansluitingen: {couplings}", "en": "Amount of couplings: {couplings}" }, "freeform": { "key": "couplings", "type": "pnat" }, "condition": {"or": [ {"and": [ {"or": ["fire_hydrant:type=pillar", "fire_hydrant:type=wall"]}, "removed:emergency!=fire_hydrant" ]}, "couplings~^[0-9]+$" ]} }, { "question": { "nl": "Update de status van de hydrant.", "en": "Update the status of the hydrant." }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "disused:emergency=", "abandoned:emergency=", "removed:emergency=" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant lijkt (volledig of gedeeltelijk) functioneel.", "en": "The hydrant looks like it's (fully or partially) working." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "disused:emergency=fire_hydrant", "abandoned:emergency=", "emergency=", "removed:emergency=" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant is onbruikbaar.", "en": "The hydrant is unavailable for use." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "abandoned:emergency=fire_hydrant", "disused:emergency=", "emergency=", "removed:emergency=" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant is onbruikbaar.", "en": "The hydrant is unavailable for use." }, "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": { "and": [ "removed:emergency=fire_hydrant", "disused:emergency=", "abandoned:emergency=", "emergency=" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De hydrant is verwijderd.", "en": "The hydrant has been removed." } } ] }, { "#": "Marker for working hydrant", "question": { "nl": "Is er een bordje aanwezig?", "en": "Is there a marker for the hydrant?" }, "condition": {"and": ["emergency=fire_hydrant"]}, "mappings": [ {"if": {"and": ["has_marker=no"]}, "then": { "nl": "Een bordje ontbreekt!", "en": "A marker is missing!" }}, {"if": {"and": ["has_marker="]}, "then": { "nl": "Er is een bordje voor de hydrant.", "en": "A marker is present." }}, {"if": {"and": ["has_marker=yes"]}, "then": { "nl": "Er is een bordje voor de hydrant.", "en": "A marker is present." }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] }, { "#": "Marker for disused hydrant", "question": { "nl": "Is er een bordje aanwezig?", "en": "Is there a marker for the hydrant?" }, "condition": {"or": ["disused:emergency=fire_hydrant", "abandoned:emergency=fire_hydrant"]}, "mappings": [ {"if": {"and": ["has_marker=no"]}, "then": { "nl": "Een bordje ontbreekt.", "en": "A marker is missing." }}, {"if": {"and": ["has_marker="]}, "then": { "nl": "Er is een bordje voor de hydrant.", "en": "A marker is present." }} ] }, { "#": "Marker for removed hydrant", "question": { "nl": "Is er nog (ten onrechte) een bordje voor de verwijderde hydrant?", "en": "Is there a (now incorrect) marker left for the removed hydrant?" }, "condition": {"and": ["removed:emergency=fire_hydrant"]}, "mappings": [ {"if": {"and": ["has_marker=yes"]}, "then": { "nl": "Er is ten onrechte een bordje!", "en": "There's a marker here, but no hydrant!" }}, {"if": {"and": ["has_marker=no"]}, "then": { "nl": "Het bordje is weggehaald.", "en": "The marker is removed too." }} ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Waar bevindt de hydrant zich?", "en": "Where is the hydrant?" }, "render": { "nl": "Omgeving: {fire_hydrant:position}", "en": "Position: {fire_hydrant:position}" }, "freeform": {"key": "fire_hydrant:position:description"}, "condition": {"and": ["removed:emergency!=fire_hydrant"]}, "mappings": [ {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:position=lane"]}, "then": { "nl": "In of naast de rijbaan", "en": "In or along the road" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:position=parking_lot"]}, "then": { "nl": "In een parking", "en": "In a parking lot" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:position=sidewalk"]}, "then": { "nl": "Op het trottoir", "en": "On a sidewalk" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:position=green"]}, "then": { "nl": "In het gras", "en": "In a grassy area" }}, {"if": {"and": ["fire_hydrant:position="]}, "then": { "nl": "Anders / Onbekend", "en": "Other / Unknown" }} ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Heb je opmerkingen die niet pasten in de andere vragen?", "en": "Any other remarks that don't fit in the other questions?" }, "render": { "nl": "Extra info: {description:0}", "en": "Extra info: {description:0}" }, "freeform": {"key": "description:0"} } ], "hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage": 0, "icon": { "render": "./assets/layers/fire_hydrants/hydrant_unknown.svg", "mappings": [ { "if": { "or": [ "disused:emergency=fire_hydrant", "abandoned:emergency=fire_hydrant" ] }, "then": "./assets/layers/fire_hydrants/hydrant_disused.svg" }, { "if": { "and": [ "removed:emergency=fire_hydrant", "has_marker=yes" ] }, "then": "./assets/layers/fire_hydrants/hydrant_marker_only.svg" }, { "if": { "and": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "has_marker=no" ] }, "then": "./assets/layers/fire_hydrants/hydrant_attention.svg" }, { "if": { "and": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type=underground" ] }, "then": "./assets/layers/fire_hydrants/hydrant_underground.svg" }, { "if": { "and": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type=pillar" ] }, "then": "./assets/layers/fire_hydrants/hydrant_pillar_without_h.svg" } ] }, "wayHandling": 1, "width": { "render": "8" }, "iconSize": { "render": "18,18,center" }, "color": { "render": "#00f" }, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type=underground" ], "title": { "nl": "Ondergrondse hydrant", "en": "Underground hydrant" } }, { "tags": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type=pillar" ], "title": { "nl": "Bovengrondse pilaarachtige hydrant", "en": "Overground pillar hydrant" }, "description": { "nl": "Een hydrant met bovengrondse aansluitingen, zoals de stereotype brandkraan uit de film.", "en": "A hydrant with overground couplings, like the stereotypical hydrant from the movie." } }, { "tags": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type=pipe" ], "title": { "nl": "Bovengrondse pijphydrant", "en": "Overground pipe hydrant" }, "description": { "nl": "Een hydrant die niet veel meer is dan een pijpleiding die boven de grond eindigt. Vooral bij blusmeren, waarbij de leiding niet onder druk staat en de brandweerwagen water moet oppompen.", "en": "A hydrant that is little more than a tube, ending overground. Especially with \"dry hydrants\", where the fire engine pumps water from a reservoir." } }, { "tags": [ "emergency=fire_hydrant", "fire_hydrant:type=wall" ], "title": { "nl": "Hydrant aan muur", "en": "Wall-attached hydrant" }, "description": { "nl": "Een hydrant aan de muur, vooral in tunnels. Niet verwarren met een brandslang: een hydrant is een aansluiting voor de brandweer, een brandslang kan door iedereen gebruikt worden.", "en": "A hydrant on the wall, especially in tunnels. Do not confuse with a fire hose: a hydrant is a connection point for fire fighters, a hose can be used by anyone." } } ] }