/** * Adds a theme to the pdf * * To add new layout: (first check ExportPDF.ts) * - in AddLayout() -> add new name for your layout * AddLayout(layout: "natuurpunt" ...) => AddLayout(layout: "natuurpunt" | "newlayout" ...) * - add if statement that checks which layout you want * - add new function to change the pdf layout */ import jsPDF from "jspdf"; export class PDFLayout { public AddLayout(layout: "natuurpunt", doc: jsPDF, image: Blob){ if(layout === "natuurpunt") this.AddNatuurpuntLayout(doc, image); } public AddNatuurpuntLayout(doc: jsPDF, image: Blob){ // Add Natuurpunt layout const screenRatio = screen.width/screen.height; let img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = './assets/themes/natuurpunt/natuurpunt.png'; doc.addImage(img, 'PNG', 15, 5, 20, 20); doc.addImage(image, 'PNG', 15, 30, 150*screenRatio, 150); return doc; } }