import csv from datetime import datetime from matplotlib import pyplot def clean(s): return s.strip().strip("\"") def counts(lst): counts = {} for v in lst: if not v in counts: counts[v] = 0 counts[v] += 1 return counts class Hist: def __init__(self, firstcolumn): self.key = "\"" + firstcolumn + "\"" self.dictionary = {} self.key = "" def add(self, key, value): if not key in self.dictionary: self.dictionary[key] = [] self.dictionary[key].append(value) def values(self): allV = [] for v in self.dictionary.values(): allV += list(set(v)) return list(set(allV)) def keys(self): return self.dictionary.keys() def get(self, key): if key in self.dictionary: return self.dictionary[key] return None # Returns (keys, To be used with e.g. pyplot.plot def map(self, f): vals = [] keys = self.keys() for key in keys: vals.append(f(self.get(key))) return vals def mapcumul(self, f, add, zero): vals = [] running_value = zero keys = self.keys() for key in keys: v = f(self.get(key)) running_value = add(running_value, v) vals.append(running_value) return vals def csv(self): csv = self.key + "," + ",".join(self.values()) header = self.values() for k in self.dictionary.keys(): csv += k values = counts(self.dictionary[k]) for head in header: if head in values: csv += "," + str(values[head]) else: csv += ",0" csv += "\n" return csv def build_hist(stats, keyIndex, valueIndex, condition=None): hist = Hist("date") c = 0 for row in stats: if condition is not None and not condition(row): continue c += 1 row = list(map(clean, row)) hist.add(row[keyIndex], row[valueIndex]) return hist def cumulative_users(stats, year=""): users_hist = build_hist(stats, 0, 1, lambda row: row[0].startswith(year)) all_users_per_day = users_hist.mapcumul( lambda users: set(users), lambda a, b: a.union(b), set([]) ) cumul_uniq = list(map(len, all_users_per_day)) unique_per_day = users: len(set(users))) new_users = [0] for i in range(len(cumul_uniq) - 1): new_users.append(cumul_uniq[i + 1] - cumul_uniq[i]) dates = map(lambda dt: datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d"), users_hist.keys()) return list(dates), cumul_uniq, list(unique_per_day), list(new_users) def pyplot_init(): pyplot.figure(figsize=(14, 8), dpi=200) pyplot.xticks(rotation='vertical') pyplot.tight_layout() def create_usercount_graphs(stats, year="", show=False): print("Creating usercount graphs "+year) dates, cumul_uniq, unique_per_day, new_users = cumulative_users(stats, year) total = cumul_uniq[-1] if year != "": year = " in " + year pyplot_init() pyplot.fill_between(dates, unique_per_day, label='Unique contributors') pyplot.fill_between(dates, new_users, label='First time contributor via MapComplete') pyplot.legend() pyplot.title("Unique contributors" + year + ' with MapComplete (' + str(total) + ' contributors)') pyplot.ylabel("Number of unique contributors") pyplot.xlabel("Date") if show: else: pyplot.savefig("Contributors" + year + ".png", dpi=400, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight') pyplot_init() pyplot.plot(dates, cumul_uniq, label='Cumulative unique contributors') pyplot.legend() pyplot.title("Cumulative unique contributors" + year + " with MapComplete - " + str(total) + " contributors") pyplot.ylabel("Number of unique contributors") pyplot.xlabel("Date") if show: else: pyplot.savefig("CumulativeContributors" + year + ".png", dpi=400, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight') def create_yearly_usercount_graphs(contents): create_usercount_graphs(contents) currentYear = for year in range(2020, currentYear + 1): create_usercount_graphs(contents, str(year)) theme_remappings = { "null": "buurtnatuur", "metamap": "maps", "wiki:mapcomplete/fritures": "fritures", "lits": "lit", "wiki:user:joost_schouppe/campersite": "campersite", "wiki-user-joost_schouppe-geveltuintjes": "geveltuintjes", "wiki-user-joost_schouppe-campersite":"campersites", "": "geveltuintjes" } def create_theme_breakdown(stats, year="", user=None, columnIndex=3): print("Creating theme breakdown "+year) themeCounts = {} for row in stats: if not row[0].startswith(year): continue if user is not None and clean(row[1]) != user: continue theme = clean(row[columnIndex]).lower() if theme in theme_remappings: theme = theme_remappings[theme] if theme in themeCounts: themeCounts[theme] += 1 else: themeCounts[theme] = 1 themes = list(themeCounts.items()) if len(themes) == 0: print("No entries found for user "+user+" in "+year) return themes.sort(key=lambda kv : kv[1], reverse=True) cutoff = 5 if user is not None: cutoff = 0 other_count = sum([theme[1] for theme in themes if theme[1] < cutoff]) themes_filtered = [theme for theme in themes if theme[1] >= cutoff] keys = list(map(lambda kv : kv[0] + " (" + str(kv[1])+")", themes_filtered)) values = list(map(lambda kv : kv[1], themes_filtered)) total =sum(map(lambda kv:kv[1], themes)) first_pct = themes[0][1] / total; if year != "": year = " in " + year if other_count > 0: keys.append("other") values.append(other_count) pyplot_init() pyplot.pie(values, labels=keys, startangle=(90 - 360 * first_pct/2)) if user is None: user = "" else: user = " by contributor "+user pyplot.title("MapComplete changes per theme"+year+user+ " - "+str(total)+" total changes") pyplot.savefig("Theme distribution" + user+year + ".png", dpi=400, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight') return themes def gen_theme_breakdown_graphs(contents, user=None): create_theme_breakdown(contents, "", user) currentYear = for year in range(2020, currentYear + 1): create_theme_breakdown(contents, str(year), user) def changes_per_theme_daily(contents): hist = {} for row in contents: def main(): print("Creating graphs...") with open('stats.csv', newline='') as csvfile: stats = list(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')) print("Found "+str(len(stats))+" changesets") create_yearly_usercount_graphs(stats) gen_theme_breakdown_graphs(stats) print("All done!") # pyplot.fill_between(range(0,5), [1,2,3,3,2],) # main()