import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import TagRenderingConfig from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagRenderingConfig"; import {InputElement} from "../Input/InputElement"; import {And, Tag, TagsFilter, TagUtils} from "../../Logic/Tags"; import ValidatedTextField from "../Input/ValidatedTextField"; import {FixedInputElement} from "../Input/FixedInputElement"; import {SubstitutedTranslation} from "../SpecialVisualizations"; import {RadioButton} from "../Input/RadioButton"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import CheckBoxes from "../Input/Checkboxes"; import InputElementMap from "../Input/InputElementMap"; import {SaveButton} from "./SaveButton"; import State from "../../State"; import {Changes} from "../../Logic/Osm/Changes"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import {FixedUiElement} from "../Base/FixedUiElement"; import {Translation} from "../i18n/Translation"; /** * Shows the question element. * Note that the value _migh_ already be known, e.g. when selected or when changing the value */ export default class TagRenderingQuestion extends UIElement { private _tags: UIEventSource; private _configuration: TagRenderingConfig; private _saveButton: UIElement; private _inputElement: InputElement; private _cancelButton: UIElement; private _appliedTags: UIElement; private _question: UIElement; constructor(tags: UIEventSource, configuration: TagRenderingConfig, afterSave?: () => void, cancelButton?: UIElement) { super(tags); this._tags = tags; this._configuration = configuration; this._cancelButton = cancelButton; this._question = new SubstitutedTranslation(this._configuration.question, tags) .SetClass("question-text"); if (configuration === undefined) { throw "A question is needed for a question visualization" } this._inputElement = this.GenerateInputElement() const self = this; const save = () => { const selection = self._inputElement.GetValue().data; if (selection) { (State.state?.changes ?? new Changes()) .addTag(, selection, tags); } if (afterSave) { afterSave(); } } this._saveButton = new SaveButton(this._inputElement.GetValue()) .onClick(save) this._appliedTags = new VariableUiElement( self._inputElement.GetValue().map( (tags: TagsFilter) => { const csCount = State.state?.osmConnection?.userDetails?.data?.csCount ?? 1000; if (csCount < State.userJourney.tagsVisibleAt) { return ""; } if (tags === undefined) { return Translations.t.general.noTagsSelected.SetClass("subtle").Render(); } if (csCount < State.userJourney.tagsVisibleAndWikiLinked) { const tagsStr = tags.asHumanString(false, true); return new FixedUiElement(tagsStr).SetClass("subtle").Render(); } return tags.asHumanString(true, true); } ) ) } private GenerateInputElement(): InputElement { const ff = this.GenerateFreeform(); const self = this; let mappings = (this._configuration.mappings ?? []).map(mapping => self.GenerateMappingElement(mapping)); mappings = Utils.NoNull(mappings); if (mappings.length == 0) { return ff; } mappings = Utils.NoNull([...mappings, ff]); mappings.forEach(el => el.SetClass("question-option-with-border")) if (this._configuration.multiAnswer) { return this.GenerateMultiAnswer(mappings, ff) } else { return new RadioButton(mappings, false) } } private GenerateMultiAnswer(elements: InputElement[], freeformField: InputElement): InputElement { const possibleTags = => el.GetValue().data); const checkBoxes = new CheckBoxes(elements); const inputEl = new InputElementMap( checkBoxes, (t0, t1) => { return t0?.isEquivalent(t1) ?? false }, (indices) => { if (indices.length === 0) { return undefined; } const tags: TagsFilter[] = => elements[i].GetValue().data); const multi = TagUtils.FlattenMultiAnswer(tags); return multi; }, (tags: TagsFilter) => { // {key --> values[]} const presentTags = TagUtils.SplitKeys([tags]); const indices: number[] = [] // We also collect the values that have to be added to the freeform field let freeformExtras: string[] = [] if (this._configuration.freeform?.key) { freeformExtras = [...(presentTags[this._configuration.freeform.key] ?? [])] } for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { const inputElement = elements[j]; if (inputElement === freeformField) { continue; } const val = inputElement.GetValue(); const neededTags = TagUtils.SplitKeys([]); // if every 'neededKeys'-value is present in presentKeys, we have a match and enable the index if (TagUtils.AllKeysAreContained(presentTags, neededTags)) { indices.push(j); if (freeformExtras.length > 0) { const freeformsToRemove: string[] = (neededTags[this._configuration.freeform.key] ?? []); for (const toRm of freeformsToRemove) { const i = freeformExtras.indexOf(toRm); if (i >= 0) { freeformExtras.splice(i, 1); } } } } } if (freeformField) { if (freeformExtras.length > 0) { freeformField.GetValue().setData(new Tag(this._configuration.freeform.key, freeformExtras.join(";"))); indices.push(elements.indexOf(freeformField)) } else { freeformField.GetValue().setData(undefined); } } return indices; }, => el.GetValue()) ); freeformField?.GetValue()?.addCallbackAndRun(value => { const es = checkBoxes.GetValue(); const i = elements.length - 1; const index =; if (value === undefined) { if (index >= 0) {, 1);; } } else if (index < 0) {;; } }); return inputEl; } private GenerateMappingElement(mapping: { if: TagsFilter, then: Translation, hideInAnswer: boolean }): InputElement { if (mapping.hideInAnswer) { return undefined; } return new FixedInputElement( new SubstitutedTranslation(mapping.then, this._tags), mapping.if, (t0, t1) => t1.isEquivalent(t0)); } private GenerateFreeform(): InputElement { const freeform = this._configuration.freeform; if (freeform === undefined) { return undefined; } const pickString = (string: any) => { if (string === "" || string === undefined) { return undefined; } const tag = new Tag(freeform.key, string); if (freeform.addExtraTags === undefined) { return tag; } return new And([ tag, ...freeform.addExtraTags ] ); }; const toString = (tag) => { if (tag instanceof And) { for (const subtag of tag.and) { if (subtag instanceof Tag && subtag.key === freeform.key) { return subtag.value; } } return undefined; } else if (tag instanceof Tag) { return tag.value } return undefined; } const textField = ValidatedTextField.InputForType(this._configuration.freeform.type, { isValid: (str) => (str.length <= 255), country: () =>, location: [,] }); textField.GetValue().setData([this._configuration.freeform.key]); return new InputElementMap( textField, (a, b) => a === b || (a?.isEquivalent(b) ?? false), pickString, toString ); } InnerRender(): string { return new Combine([ this._question, this._inputElement, "
", this._cancelButton, this._saveButton, "
", this._appliedTags]) .SetClass("question") .Render() } }