import {OsmConnection} from "./Logic/OsmConnection"; import {Changes} from "./Logic/Changes"; import {UIEventSource} from "./UI/UIEventSource"; export class Helpers { static SetupAutoSave(changes: Changes, millisTillChangesAreSaved : UIEventSource, saveAfterXMillis : number) { // This little function triggers the actual upload: // Either when more then three answers are selected, or when no new answer has been added for the last 20s // @ts-ignore window.decreaseTime = function () { var time =; if (time <= 0) { if ( > 0) { changes.uploadAll(undefined); } } else { millisTillChangesAreSaved.setData(time - 1000); } window.setTimeout('decreaseTime()', 1000); }; changes.pendingChangesES.addCallback(function () { var c =; if (c > 10) { millisTillChangesAreSaved.setData(0); changes.uploadAll(undefined); return; } if (c > 0) { millisTillChangesAreSaved.setData(saveAfterXMillis); } }); // @ts-ignore window.decreaseTime(); // The timer keeps running... } /* * Registers an action that: * -> Upload everything to OSM * -> Asks the user not to close. The 'not to close' dialog should profide enough time to upload * -> WHen uploading is done, the window is closed anyway */ static LastEffortSave(changes : Changes){ window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) { // Quickly save everyting! if ( == 0) { return ""; } changes.uploadAll(function () { window.close() }); var confirmationMessage = "Nog even geduld - je laatset wijzigingen worden opgeslaan!"; (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; //Gecko + IE return confirmationMessage; //Webkit, Safari, Chrome }); } }