import {Utils} from "./Utils"; import Loading from "./UI/Base/Loading"; import {UIEventSource} from "./Logic/UIEventSource"; import {VariableUiElement} from "./UI/Base/VariableUIElement"; import ChartJs from "./UI/Base/ChartJs"; import Combine from "./UI/Base/Combine"; const homeUrl = "" const stats_files = "file-overview.json" const index = UIEventSource.FromPromise(Utils.downloadJson(homeUrl + stats_files)) interface ChangeSetData { "id": number, "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [number, number][][] }, "properties": { "check_user": null, "reasons": [], "tags": [], "features": [], "user": string, "uid": string, "editor": string, "comment": string, "comments_count": number, "source": string, "imagery_used": string, "date": string, "reviewed_features": [], "create": number, "modify": number, "delete": number, "area": number, "is_suspect": boolean, "harmful": any, "checked": boolean, "check_date": any, "metadata": { "host": string, "theme": string, "imagery": string, "language": string } } } new VariableUiElement( => { if (paths === undefined) { return new Loading("Loading overview...") } const downloaded = new UIEventSource<{ features: ChangeSetData[] }[]>([]) for (const filepath of paths) { Utils.downloadJson(homeUrl + filepath).then(data => { }) } return new VariableUiElement( => { const themeBreakdown = new Map() for (const feats of downloaded) { console.log("Feats:", feats) for (const feat of feats.features) { const key = const count = themeBreakdown.get(key) ?? 0 themeBreakdown.set(key, count + 1) } } const keys = Array.from(themeBreakdown.keys()) const values = k => themeBreakdown.get(k)) console.log(keys, values) return new Combine([ "Got " + downloaded.length + " files out of " + paths.length, new ChartJs({ type: "pie", data: { datasets: [{data: values}], labels: keys } }).SetClass("w-1/3 h-full") ]).SetClass("block w-full h-full") })).SetClass("block w-full h-full") })).SetClass("block w-full h-full").AttachTo("maindiv")