import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "../Json/TagRenderingConfigJson"; import {LayerConfigJson} from "../Json/LayerConfigJson"; import {Utils} from "../../../Utils"; export interface DesugaringContext { tagRenderings: Map sharedLayers: Map } export abstract class Conversion { public readonly modifiedAttributes: string[]; protected readonly doc: string; constructor(doc: string, modifiedAttributes: string[] = []) { this.modifiedAttributes = modifiedAttributes; this.doc = doc + "\n\nModified attributes are\n" + modifiedAttributes.join(", "); } public static strict(fixed: { errors: string[], warnings: string[], result?: T }): T { if (fixed?.errors?.length > 0) { throw fixed.errors.join("\n"); } fixed.warnings?.forEach(w => console.warn(w)) return fixed.result; } public convertStrict(state: DesugaringContext, json: TIn, context: string): TOut { const fixed = this.convert(state, json, context) return DesugaringStep.strict(fixed) } abstract convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: TIn, context: string): { result: TOut, errors: string[], warnings: string[] } public convertAll(state: DesugaringContext, jsons: TIn[], context: string): { result: TOut[], errors: string[], warnings: string[] } { const result = [] const errors = [] const warnings = [] for (let i = 0; i < jsons.length; i++) { const json = jsons[i]; const r = this.convert(state, json, context + "[" + i + "]") result.push(r.result) errors.push(...r.errors) warnings.push(...r.warnings) } return { result, errors, warnings } } } export abstract class DesugaringStep extends Conversion { } export class OnEvery extends DesugaringStep { private readonly key: string; private readonly step: DesugaringStep; constructor(key: string, step: DesugaringStep) { super("Applies " + + " onto every object of the list `key`", [key]); this.step = step; this.key = key; } convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: T, context: string): { result: T; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { json = {...json} const step = this.step const key = this.key; const r = step.convertAll(state, (json[key]), context + "." + key) json[key] = r.result return { result: json, errors: r.errors, warnings: r.warnings }; } } export class OnEveryConcat extends DesugaringStep { private readonly key: string; private readonly step: Conversion; constructor(key: string, step: Conversion) { super(`Applies ${} onto every object of the list \`${key}\`. The results are concatenated and used as new list`, [key]); this.step = step; this.key = key; } convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: T, context: string): { result: T; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { json = {...json} const step = this.step const key = this.key; const values = json[key] if (values === undefined) { // Move on - nothing to see here! return { result: json, errors: [], warnings: [] } } const r = step.convertAll(state, (values), context + "." + key) const vals: X[][] = r.result json[key] = [].concat(...vals) return { result: json, errors: r.errors, warnings: r.warnings }; } } export class Fuse extends DesugaringStep { private readonly steps: DesugaringStep[]; constructor(doc: string, ...steps: DesugaringStep[]) { super((doc ?? "") + "This fused pipeline of the following steps: " + =>", "), Utils.Dedup([].concat( => step.modifiedAttributes))) ); this.steps = steps; } convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: T, context: string): { result: T; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { const errors = [] const warnings = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.steps.length; i++) { const step = this.steps[i]; let r = step.convert(state, json, context + "(fusion " + + "." + i + ")") errors.push(...r.errors) warnings.push(...r.warnings) json = r.result if (errors.length > 0) { break; } } return { result: json, errors, warnings }; } } export class SetDefault extends DesugaringStep { private readonly value: any; private readonly key: string; private readonly _overrideEmptyString: boolean; constructor(key: string, value: any, overrideEmptyString = false) { super("Sets " + key + " to a default value if undefined"); this.key = key; this.value = value; this._overrideEmptyString = overrideEmptyString; } convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: T, context: string): { result: T; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { if (json[this.key] === undefined || (json[this.key] === "" && this._overrideEmptyString)) { json = {...json} json[this.key] = this.value } return { errors: [], warnings: [], result: json }; } }