{ "id": "bike_parking", "name": { "en": "Bike parking", "nl": "Fietsparking", "fr": "Parking à vélo", "gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas" }, "minzoom": 17, "overpassTags": { "and": [ "amenity=bicycle_parking" ] }, "icon": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/parking.svg", "size": { "render": "50,50,bottom" }, "color": "#00f", "stroke": "4", "wayHandling": 1, "presets": [ { "title": { "en": "Bike parking", "nl": "Fietsparking", "fr": "Parking à vélo", "gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas" }, "tags": [ "amenity=bicycle_parking" ] } ], "title": { "render": { "en": "Bike parking", "nl": "Fietsparking", "fr": "Parking à vélo", "gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas" } }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "question": { "en": "What is the type of this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Van welk type is deze fietsparking?", "fr": "Quelle type de parking s'agit il?", "gl": "Que tipo de aparcadoiro de bicicletas é?" }, "render": { "en": "This is a bicycle parking of the type: {bicycle_parking}", "nl": "Dit is een fietsparking van het type: {bicycle_parking}", "fr": "Ceci est un parking à vélo de type {bicycle_parking}", "gl": "Este é un aparcadoiro de bicicletas do tipo: {bicycle_parking}" }, "freeform": { "key": "bicycle_parking", "extraTags": [ "fixme=Freeform used on 'bicycle_parking'-tag: possibly a wrong value" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": "bicycle_parking=stands", "then": { "en": "Staple racks ", "nl": "Nietjes ", "fr": "Arceaux ", "gl": "De roda (Stands) " } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=wall_loops", "then": { "en": "Wheel rack/loops ", "nl": "Wielrek/lussen ", "fr": "Pinces-roues ", "gl": "Aros " } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=handlebar_holder", "then": { "en": "Handlebar holder ", "nl": "Stuurhouder ", "fr": "Support guidon ", "gl": "Cadeado para guiador " } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=rack", "then": { "en": "Rack ", "nl": "Rek ", "fr": "Râtelier ", "gl": "Cremalleira " } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=two_tier", "then": { "en": "Two-tiered ", "nl": "Dubbel (twee verdiepingen) ", "fr": "Superposé ", "gl": "Dobre cremalleira " } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=shed", "then": { "en": "Shed ", "nl": "Schuur ", "fr": "Abri ", "gl": "Abeiro " } } ] }, { "question": { "en": "Is this parking covered? Also select \"covered\" for indoor parkings.", "nl": "Is deze parking overdekt? Selecteer ook \"overdekt\" voor fietsparkings binnen een gebouw.", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto? Tamén escolle \"cuberto\" para aparcadoiros interiores." }, "condition": "bicycle_parking!=shed", "mappings": [ { "if": "covered=yes", "then": { "en": "This parking is covered (it has a roof)", "nl": "Deze parking is overdekt (er is een afdak)", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto (ten un teito)" } }, { "if": "covered=no", "then": { "en": "This parking is not covered", "nl": "Deze parking is niet overdekt", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro non está cuberto" } } ] }, { "question": { "en": "How many bicycles fit in this bicycle parking (including possible cargo bicycles)?", "fr": "Combien de vélos entrent dans ce parking à vélos (y compris les éventuels vélos de transport) ?", "nl": "Hoeveel fietsen kunnen in deze fietsparking (inclusief potentiëel bakfietsen)?", "gl": "Cantas bicicletas caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas (incluídas as posíbeis bicicletas de carga)?" }, "render": { "en": "Place for {capacity} bikes", "fr": "Place pour {capacity} vélos", "nl": "Plaats voor {capacity} fietsen", "gl": "Lugar para {capacity} bicicletas" }, "freeform": { "key": "capacity", "type": "nat" } }, { "question": { "en": "Does this bicycle parking have spots for cargo bikes?", "nl": "Heeft deze fietsparking plaats voor bakfietsen?", "fr": "TODO: fr", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro de bicicletas ten espazo para bicicletas de carga?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "cargo_bike=yes", "then": { "en": "This parking has room for cargo bikes", "nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor bakfietsen", "fr": "TODO: fr", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazo para bicicletas de carga." } }, { "if": "cargo_bike=designated", "then": { "en": "This parking has designated (official) spots for cargo bikes.", "nl": "Er zijn speciale plaatsen voorzien voor bakfietsen", "fr": "TODO: fr", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazos designados (oficiais) para bicicletas de carga." } }, { "if": "cargo_bike=no", "then": { "en": "You're not allowed to park cargo bikes", "nl": "Je mag hier geen bakfietsen parkeren", "fr": "TODO: fr", "gl": "Non está permitido aparcar bicicletas de carga" } } ] }, { "question": { "en": "How many cargo bicycles fit in this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Voor hoeveel bakfietsen heeft deze fietsparking plaats?", "fr": "Combien de vélos de transport entrent dans ce parking à vélos ?", "gl": "Cantas bicicletas de carga caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas?" }, "render": { "en": "This parking fits {capacity:cargo_bike} cargo bikes", "nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor {capacity:cargo_bike} fietsen", "fr": "Ce parking a de la place pour {capacity:cargo_bike} vélos de transport.", "gl": "Neste aparcadoiro caben {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletas de carga" }, "condition": "cargo_bike~designated|yes", "freeform": { "key": "capacity:cargo_bike", "type": "nat" } } ] }