import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import LayoutConfig from "../../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig"; import {AllKnownLayouts} from "../../Customizations/AllKnownLayouts"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import State from "../../State"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import * as personal from "../../assets/themes/personalLayout/personalLayout.json" import Constants from "../../Models/Constants"; import LanguagePicker from "../LanguagePicker"; import IndexText from "./IndexText"; export default class MoreScreen extends UIElement { private readonly _onMainScreen: boolean; private _component: UIElement; constructor(onMainScreen: boolean = false) { super(State.state.locationControl); this._onMainScreen = onMainScreen; this.ListenTo(State.state.osmConnection.userDetails); this.ListenTo(State.state.installedThemes); } InnerRender(): string { const tr = Translations.t.general.morescreen; const els: UIElement[] = [] const themeButtons: UIElement[] = [] for (const layout of AllKnownLayouts.layoutsList) { if ( === { if ( < Constants.userJourney.personalLayoutUnlock) { continue; } } themeButtons.push(this.createLinkButton(layout)); } els.push(new VariableUiElement( => { if (userDetails.csCount < Constants.userJourney.themeGeneratorReadOnlyUnlock) { return new SubtleButton(null, tr.requestATheme, {url:"", newTab: true}).Render(); } return new SubtleButton(Svg.pencil_ui(), tr.createYourOwnTheme, { url: "./customGenerator.html", newTab: false }).Render(); }) )); els.push(new Combine(themeButtons)) const customThemesNames = ?? []; if (customThemesNames.length > 0) { els.push(Translations.t.general.customThemeIntro) for (const installed of { els.push(this.createLinkButton(installed.layout, installed.definition)); } } let intro: UIElement = tr.intro; const themeButtonsElement = new Combine(els) if (this._onMainScreen) { intro = new Combine([ LanguagePicker.CreateLanguagePicker(Translations.t.index.title.SupportedLanguages()) .SetClass("absolute top-2 right-3"), new IndexText() ]) => e?.SetClass("h-32 min-h-32 max-h-32 overflow-ellipsis overflow-hidden")) themeButtonsElement.SetClass("md:grid md:grid-flow-row md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-g4 gap-4") } this._component = new Combine([ intro, themeButtonsElement, tr.streetcomplete.SetClass("block text-base mx-10 my-3 mb-10") ]); return this._component.Render(); } private createLinkButton(layout: LayoutConfig, customThemeDefinition: string = undefined) { if (layout === undefined) { return undefined; } if ( === undefined) { console.error("ID is undefined for layout", layout); return undefined; } if (layout.hideFromOverview) { const pref = State.state.osmConnection.GetPreference("hidden-theme-" + + "-enabled"); this.ListenTo(pref); if ( !== "true") { return undefined; } } if ( === { return undefined; } const currentLocation =; let path = window.location.pathname; // Path starts with a '/' and contains everything, e.g. '/dir/dir/page.html' path = path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")); // Path will now contain '/dir/dir', or empty string in case of nothing if (path === "") { path = "." } const params = `z=${currentLocation.zoom ?? 1}&lat=${ ?? 0}&lon=${currentLocation.lon ?? 0}` let linkText = `${path}/${}.html?${params}` if (location.hostname === "localhost" || location.hostname === "") { linkText = `${path}/index.html?layout=${}&${params}` } if (customThemeDefinition) { linkText = `${path}/index.html?userlayout=${}&${params}#${customThemeDefinition}` } let description = Translations.W(layout.shortDescription); return new SubtleButton(layout.icon, new Combine([ `