// We HAVE to mark this while importing import {Utils} from "../Utils"; Utils.runningFromConsole = true; import LayoutConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig"; import {AllKnownLayouts} from "../Customizations/AllKnownLayouts"; import {existsSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync, writeFile, writeFileSync} from "fs"; import Locale from "../UI/i18n/Locale"; import Translations from "../UI/i18n/Translations"; import {Translation} from "../UI/i18n/Translation"; import Constants from "../Models/Constants"; const sharp = require('sharp'); function enc(str: string): string { return encodeURIComponent(str.toLowerCase()); } function validate(layout: LayoutConfig) { const translations: Translation[] = []; const queue: any[] = [layout] while (queue.length > 0) { const item = queue.pop(); for (const key in item) { const v = item[key]; if (v === undefined) { continue; } if (v instanceof Translation || v?.translations !== undefined) { translations.push(v); } else if ( ["string", "function", "boolean", "number"].indexOf(typeof (v)) < 0) { queue.push(v) } } } const missing = {} const present = {} for (const ln of layout.language) { missing[ln] = 0; present[ln] = 0; for (const translation of translations) { if (translation.translations["*"] !== undefined) { continue; } const txt = translation.translations[ln]; const isMissing = txt === undefined || txt === "" || txt.toLowerCase().indexOf("todo") >= 0; if (isMissing) { console.log(` ${layout.id}: No translation for`, ln, "in", translation.translations, "got:", txt) missing[ln]++ } else { present[ln]++; } } } let message = `Translation completeness for theme ${layout.id}` let isComplete = true; for (const ln of layout.language) { const amiss = missing[ln]; const ok = present[ln]; const total = amiss + ok; message += `\n${ln}: ${ok}/${total}` if (ok !== total) { isComplete = false; } } if (isComplete) { console.log(`${layout.id} is fully translated!`) } else { console.log(message) } } const alreadyWritten = [] async function createIcon(iconPath: string, size: number, layout: LayoutConfig) { let name = iconPath.split(".").slice(0, -1).join("."); if (name.startsWith("./")) { name = name.substr(2) } const newname = `${name}${size}.png` .replace(/\//g, "_") .replace("assets_", "assets/generated/"); if (alreadyWritten.indexOf(newname) >= 0) { return newname; } alreadyWritten.push(newname); try { readFileSync(newname); return newname; // File already exists - nothing to do } catch (e) { // Errors are normal here if this file exists } try { // We already read to file, in order to crash here if the file is not found readFileSync(iconPath); let img = await sharp(iconPath) let resized = await img.resize(size) await resized.toFile(newname) } catch (e) { console.error("Could not read icon", iconPath, "due to", e) } return newname; } async function createManifest(layout: LayoutConfig, relativePath: string) { const name = layout.id; Translation.forcedLanguage = "en" const icons = []; let icon = layout.icon; if (icon.endsWith(".svg") || icon.startsWith(""; } catch (e) { customCss = `` } } const og = ` ` let icon = layout.icon; if (icon.startsWith("`) } let themeSpecific = [ `${ogTitle}`, ``, og, customCss, ``, ``, ...apple_icons ].join("\n") let output = template .replace("Loading MapComplete, hang on...", `Loading MapComplete theme ${ogTitle}...`) .replace(/.*/s, themeSpecific); try { output = output .replace(/.*/s, ``) .replace(/.*/s, ``); } catch (e) { console.warn("Error while applying logo: ", e) } return output; } const generatedDir = "./assets/generated"; if (!existsSync(generatedDir)) { mkdirSync(generatedDir) } const blacklist = ["", "test", ".", "..", "manifest", "index", "land", "preferences", "account", "openstreetmap", "custom"] const all = AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts; for (const layoutName in all) { if (blacklist.indexOf(layoutName.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { console.log(`Skipping a layout with name${layoutName}, it is on the blacklist`); continue; } const err = err => { if (err !== null) { console.log("Could not write manifest for ", layoutName, " because ", err) } }; const layout = all[layoutName]; validate(layout) createManifest(layout, "").then(manifObj => { const manif = JSON.stringify(manifObj, undefined, 2); const manifestLocation = encodeURIComponent(layout.id.toLowerCase()) + ".webmanifest"; writeFile(manifestLocation, manif, err); // Create a landing page for the given theme createLandingPage(layout, manifObj).then(landing => { writeFile(enc(layout.id) + ".html", landing, err) }); }) } createManifest(new LayoutConfig({ icon: "./assets/svg/mapcomplete_logo.svg", id: "index", language: "en", layers: [], maintainer: "Pieter Vander Vennet", startLat: 0, startLon: 0, startZoom: 0, title: "MapComplete", version: Constants.vNumber, description: "MapComplete as a map viewer and editor which show thematic POI based on OpenStreetMap" }), "").then(manifObj => { const manif = JSON.stringify(manifObj, undefined, 2); writeFileSync("index.manifest", manif) }) console.log("Counting all translations") Translations.CountTranslations(); console.log("All done!");