import {appendFileSync, existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs"; import {GeoOperations} from "../../Logic/GeoOperations"; import ScriptUtils from "../ScriptUtils"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; async function main(args: string[]) { const pointCandidates = JSON.parse(readFileSync(args[0], "utf8")) const postcodes = JSON.parse(readFileSync(args[1], "utf8")) const output = args[2] ?? "centralCoordinates.csv" const perPostCode = new Map() const alreadyLoaded = new Set() if(existsSync(output)){ const lines = readFileSync(output, "UTF8").split("\n") lines.shift() lines.forEach(line => { const postalCode = Number( line.split(",")[0]) alreadyLoaded.add(postalCode) }) }else{ writeFileSync(output,"postal_code,lon,lat\n","UTF-8") } for (const boundary of postcodes.features) { const postcode = if(alreadyLoaded.has(Number(postcode))){ console.log("Skipping ", postcode, "as already loaded") continue } if (perPostCode.has(postcode)) { perPostCode.get(postcode).push(boundary) } else { perPostCode.set(postcode, [boundary]) } } for (const postcode of Array.from(perPostCode.keys())) { const boundaries = perPostCode.get(postcode) const candidates = [] for (const boundary of boundaries) { for (const candidate of pointCandidates.features) { if (!GeoOperations.inside(candidate, boundary)) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(candidate)) continue } candidates.push(candidate.geometry.coordinates) } } if (candidates.length === 0) { console.log("Postcode ", postcode, "has", candidates.length, "candidates, using centerpoint instead") candidates.push( => GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(boundary))) } const url = "" const depPoints :[number,number][] = Utils.NoNull( await Promise.all( candidate => { try{ const result = await ScriptUtils.DownloadJSON(url + "&loc=" + candidate.join("%2C") + "&loc=3.22000%2C51.21577&profile=car.short") const depPoint = result.features.filter(f => f.geometry.type === "LineString")[0].geometry.coordinates[0] return <[number,number]>[depPoint[0], depPoint[1]] // Drop elevation }catch(e){ console.error("No result or could not calculate a route") } }))) const centers = => GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(b)) const center = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates({ type:"Feature", geometry:{ type:"LineString", coordinates: centers } }) depPoints.sort((c0, c1) => GeoOperations.distanceBetween(c0, center) - GeoOperations.distanceBetween(c1, center)) console.log("Sorted departure point candidates for ",postcode," are ", JSON.stringify(depPoints)) appendFileSync(output,[postcode, ...depPoints[0]].join(", ")+"\n","UTF-8") } } let args = [...process.argv] args.splice(0, 2) main(args).then(_ => console.log("Done!"))