import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {InputElement} from "../Input/InputElement"; import SingleSetting from "./SingleSetting"; import SettingsTable from "./SettingsTable"; import {TextField} from "../Input/TextField"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import MultiLingualTextFields from "../Input/MultiLingualTextFields"; import AndOrTagInput from "../Input/AndOrTagInput"; import {MultiTagInput} from "../Input/MultiTagInput"; import {MultiInput} from "../Input/MultiInput"; import MappingInput from "./MappingInput"; import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagConfigJson"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagRenderingConfigJson"; import UserDetails from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import ValidatedTextField from "../Input/ValidatedTextField"; import SpecialVisualizations from "../SpecialVisualizations"; import TagRenderingConfig from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagRenderingConfig"; import Constants from "../../Models/Constants"; export default class TagRenderingPanel extends InputElement { public IsImage = false; public options: { title?: string; description?: string; disableQuestions?: boolean; isImage?: boolean; }; public readonly validText: UIElement; IsSelected: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); private intro: UIElement; private settingsTable: UIElement; private readonly _value: UIEventSource; constructor(languages: UIEventSource, currentlySelected: UIEventSource>, userDetails: UserDetails, options?: { title?: string, description?: string, disableQuestions?: boolean, isImage?: boolean, noLanguage?: boolean }) { super(); this.SetClass("bordered"); this.SetClass("min-height"); this.options = options ?? {}; const questionsNotUnlocked = userDetails.csCount < Constants.userJourney.themeGeneratorFullUnlock; this.options.disableQuestions = (this.options.disableQuestions ?? false) || questionsNotUnlocked; this.intro = new Combine(["

", options?.title ?? "TagRendering", "

", options?.description ?? "A tagrendering converts OSM-tags into a value on screen. Fill out the field 'render' with the text that should appear. Note that `{key}` will be replaced with the corresponding `value`, if present.
For specific known tags (e.g. if `foo=bar`, make a mapping). "]) this.IsImage = options?.isImage ?? false; const value = new UIEventSource({}); this._value = value; function setting(input: InputElement, id: string | string[], name: string, description: string | UIElement): SingleSetting { return new SingleSetting(value, input, id, name, description); } this._value.addCallback(value => { let doPing = false; if (value?.freeform?.key == "") { value.freeform = undefined; doPing = true; } if (value?.render == "") { value.render = undefined; doPing = true; } if (doPing) {; } }) const questionSettings = [ setting(options?.noLanguage ? new TextField({placeholder: "question"}) : new MultiLingualTextFields(languages) , "question", "Question", "If the key or mapping doesn't match, this question is asked"), "

Freeform key

", setting(ValidatedTextField.KeyInput(true), ["freeform", "key"], "Freeform key
", "If specified, the rendering will search if this key is present." + "If it is, the rendering above will be used to display the element.
" + "The rendering will go into question mode if
  • this key is not present
  • No single mapping matches
  • A question is given
  • "), setting(ValidatedTextField.TypeDropdown(), ["freeform", "type"], "Freeform type", "The type of this freeform text field, in order to validate"), setting(new MultiTagInput(), ["freeform", "addExtraTags"], "Extra tags on freeform", "When the freeform text field is used, the user might mean a predefined key. This field allows to add extra tags, e.g. fixme=User used a freeform field - to check"), ]; const settings: (string | SingleSetting)[] = [ setting( options?.noLanguage ? new TextField({placeholder: "Rendering"}) : new MultiLingualTextFields(languages), "render", "Value to show", "Renders this value. Note that {key}-parts are substituted by the corresponding values of the element. If neither 'textFieldQuestion' nor 'mappings' are defined, this text is simply shown as default value." + "

    " + "Furhtermore, some special functions are supported:" + SpecialVisualizations.HelpMessage.Render()), questionsNotUnlocked ? `You need at least ${Constants.userJourney.themeGeneratorFullUnlock} changesets to unlock the 'question'-field and to use your theme to edit OSM data` : "", ...(options?.disableQuestions ? [] : questionSettings), "


    ", setting(new MultiInput<{ if: AndOrTagConfigJson, then: (string | any), hideInAnswer?: boolean }>("Add a mapping", () => ({if: {and: []}, then: {}}), () => new MappingInput(languages, options?.disableQuestions ?? false), undefined, {allowMovement: true}), "mappings", "If a tag matches, then show the first respective text", ""), "


    ", setting(new AndOrTagInput(), "condition", "Only show this tagrendering if the following condition applies", "Only show this tag rendering if these tags matches. Optional field.
    Note that the Overpass-tags are already always included in this object"), ]; this.settingsTable = new SettingsTable(settings, currentlySelected); this.validText = new VariableUiElement( TagRenderingConfigJson) => { try { new TagRenderingConfig(json, undefined, options?.title ?? ""); return ""; } catch (e) { return "" + e + "" } })); } InnerRender(): string { return new Combine([ this.intro, this.settingsTable, this.validText]).Render(); } GetValue(): UIEventSource { return this._value; } IsValid(t: TagRenderingConfigJson): boolean { return false; } }