{ "id": "drinking_water", "name": { "en": "Drinking water", "nl": "Drinkbaar water", "fr": "Eau potable", "gl": "Auga potábel", "de": "Trinkwasserstellen", "it": "Acqua potabile", "ru": "Питьевая вода", "id": "Air minum", "hu": "Ivóvíz", "ca": "Aigua potable", "es": "Agua potable", "cs": "Pitná voda" }, "description": { "en": "A layer showing drinking water fountains", "nl": "Deze laag toont drinkwaterpunten", "hu": "Ivóvizet adó kutakat megjelenítő réteg", "de": "Eine Ebene mit Trinkwasserbrunnen", "es": "Una capa que muestra fuentes de agua potable", "fr": "Une couche montrant les fontaines d'eau potable", "ca": "Una capa que mostra fonts d'aigua potable", "cs": "Vrstva zobrazující fontány s pitnou vodou" }, "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ { "or": [ "amenity=drinking_water", "drinking_water=yes", "disused:amenity=drinking_water" ] }, "man_made!=reservoir_covered", "access!=permissive", "access!=private" ] } }, "minzoom": 12, "calculatedTags": [ "_closest_other_drinking_water=closestn(feat)('drinking_water', 1, undefined, 5000).map(f => ({id: f.feat.id, distance: ''+f.distance}))[0]", "_closest_other_drinking_water_id=get(feat)('_closest_other_drinking_water')?.id", "_closest_other_drinking_water_distance=Math.floor(Number(get(feat)('_closest_other_drinking_water')?.distance))" ], "title": { "render": { "en": "Drinking water", "nl": "Drinkbaar water", "fr": "Eau potable", "gl": "Auga potábel", "de": "Trinkwasserstelle", "it": "Acqua potabile", "ru": "Питьевая вода", "id": "Air minum", "hu": "Ivóvíz", "ca": "Aigua potable", "es": "Agua potable", "cs": "Pitná voda" } }, "titleIcons": [ "icons.defaults", "auto:type", "auto:seasonal" ], "pointRendering": [ { "iconBadges": [ { "if": { "or": [ "operational_status=broken", "operational_status=closed", "disused:amenity=drinking_water" ] }, "then": "close:#c33" }, { "if": "tourism=artwork", "then": "circle:white;./assets/layers/artwork/artwork.svg" } ], "iconSize": "40,40", "location": [ "point", "centroid" ], "anchor": "bottom", "marker": [ { "icon": "pin", "color": "#6BC4F7" }, { "icon": "./assets/layers/drinking_water/drips.svg" } ] } ], "lineRendering": [], "presets": [ { "title": { "en": "a drinking water", "nl": "drinkbaar water", "fr": "une eau potable", "gl": "auga potábel", "de": "eine Trinkwasserstelle", "it": "una acqua potabile", "ru": "питьевая вода", "id": "air minum", "hu": "ivóvíz", "ca": "una font d'aigua potable", "cs": "pitná voda" }, "description": { "en": "Typically a drinking fountain, water tap, water well or natural spring", "de": "Typischerweise ein Trinkbrunnen, Wasserhahn, Brunnen oder eine natürliche Quelle" }, "tags": [ "amenity=drinking_water" ] } ], "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "question": { "en": "Is this drinking water spot still operational?", "nl": "Is deze drinkwaterkraan nog steeds werkende?", "it": "Questo punto di acqua potabile è sempre funzionante?", "fr": "Ce point d'eau potable est-il toujours opérationnel ?", "de": "Ist diese Trinkwasserstelle noch in Betrieb?", "hu": "Működik-e még ez az ivóvíznyerő hely?", "es": "¿Todavía esta operativo este punto de agua potable?", "ca": "Aquest punt d'aigua potable continua operatiu?", "cs": "Je toto místo na pitnou vodu stále funkční?" }, "render": { "en": "The operational status is {operational_status}", "nl": "Deze waterkraan-status is {operational_status}", "it": "Lo stato operativo è {operational_status}", "fr": "L'état opérationnel est {operational_status}", "de": "Der Betriebsstatus ist {operational_status}", "hu": "Működési állapota: {operational_status}", "es": "El estado operacional es {operational_status}", "ca": "L'estat operatiu és {operational_status}", "cs": "Provozní stav je {operational_status}" }, "freeform": { "key": "operational_status" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "operational_status=", "addExtraTags": [ "disused:amenity=", "amenity=drinking_water" ], "then": { "en": "This drinking water works", "nl": "Deze drinkwaterfontein werkt", "it": "La fontanella funziona", "fr": "Cette fontaine fonctionne", "de": "Diese Trinkwasserstelle ist in Betrieb", "hu": "Ez az ivóvízkút működik", "es": "Esta agua potable funciona", "ca": "La font d'aigua funciona", "cs": "Tato pitná voda funguje" } }, { "if": "operational_status=broken", "then": { "en": "This drinking water is broken", "nl": "Deze drinkwaterfontein is kapot", "it": "La fontanella è guasta", "fr": "Cette fontaine est cassée", "de": "Diese Trinkwasserstelle ist kaputt", "hu": "Ez az ivóvízkút elromlott", "es": "Esta agua potable está rota", "ca": "Aquesta font d'aigua potable està trencada", "cs": "Tato pitná voda je rozbitá" } }, { "if": "operational_status=closed", "then": { "en": "This drinking water is closed", "nl": "Deze drinkwaterfontein is afgesloten", "it": "La fontanella è chiusa", "fr": "Cette fontaine est fermée", "de": "Diese Trinkwasserstelle wurde geschlossen", "hu": "Ez az ivóvízkút el van zárva", "es": "Esta agua potable está cerrada", "ca": "Aquesta font d'aigua potable està tancada", "cs": "Tato pitná voda je uzavřena" } } ], "id": "Still in use?" }, { "id": "type", "question": { "en": "What type of drinking water point is this?", "nl": "Wat voor soort drinkwaterpunt is dit?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "fountain=bubbler", "icon": "./assets/layers/drinking_water/bubbler.svg", "then": { "en": "This is a bubbler fountain. A water jet to drink from is sent upwards, typically controlled by a push button." }, "addExtraTags": [ "man_made=" ] }, { "if": "fountain=bottle_refill", "icon": "./assets/layers/drinking_water/bottle.svg", "then": { "en": "This is a bottle refill point where the water is sent downwards, typically controlled by a push button or a motion sensor. Drinking directly from the stream might be very hard or impossible." }, "addExtraTags": [ "man_made=", "bottle=yes" ] }, { "if": "man_made=water_tap", "icon": "./assets/layers/drinking_water/tap.svg", "then": { "en": "This is a water tap. The water flows downward and the stream is controlled by a valve or push-button." }, "addExtraTags": [ "fountain=" ] } ] }, { "question": { "en": "How easy is it to fill water bottles?", "nl": "Hoe gemakkelijk is het om drinkbussen bij te vullen?", "de": "Wie einfach hier das Befüllen von Wasserflaschen?", "it": "Quanto è facile riempire d’acqua le bottiglie?", "fr": "Est-il facile de remplir des bouteilles d'eau ?", "hu": "Mennyire könnyű itt vizespalackot tölteni?", "es": "¿Cómo de fácil es rellenar botellas de agua?", "ca": "Com de fàcil és reomplir botelles d'aigua?", "ru": "Поместится ли здесь бутылка для воды?", "cs": "Jak snadné je plnit láhve s vodou?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "bottle=yes", "then": { "en": "It is easy to refill water bottles", "nl": "Een drinkbus bijvullen gaat makkelijk", "de": "Wasserflaschen können hier problemlos gefüllt werden", "it": "È facile riempire d’acqua le bottiglie", "fr": "Il est facile de remplir les bouteilles d'eau", "hu": "Könnyen lehet vizespalackot tölteni", "es": "Es fácil rellenar botellas de agua", "ca": "És fàcil reomplir botelles d'aigua", "ru": "Здесь легко поместится бутылка для воды", "cs": "Je snadné doplnit láhve s vodou" } }, { "if": "bottle=no", "then": { "en": "Water bottles may not fit", "nl": "Een drinkbus past moeilijk", "de": "Wasserflaschen können hier nicht oder nur sehr aufwändig gefüllt werden", "it": "Le bottiglie d’acqua potrebbero non entrare", "fr": "Les bouteilles d'eau peuvent ne pas passer", "hu": "Lehet, hogy nem fér alá egy vizespalack", "es": "Las botellas de agua pueden no caber", "ca": "Les botelles d'aigua podrien no cabre", "ru": "Бутылка для воды может не поместиться", "cs": "Láhve s vodou nemusí pasovat" } } ], "condition": "fountain!=bottle_refill", "id": "Bottle refill" }, { "id": "fee", "question": { "en": "Is this drinking water point free to use?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "fee=no", "then": { "en": "Free to use" } }, { "if": "fee=yes", "then": { "en": "One needs to pay to use this drinking water point" } } ] }, { "id": "seasonal", "question": { "en": "Is this drinking water point available all year round?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "seasonal=no", "then": { "en": "This drinking water point is available all around the year" } }, { "if": "seasonal=summer", "then": { "en": "This drinking water point is only available in summer" } }, { "if": "seasonal=spring;summer;autumn", "icon": "./assets/layers/drinking_water/no_winter.svg", "then": { "en": "This drinking water point is closed during the winter" } } ] }, { "builtin": "opening_hours_24_7", "override": { "questionHint": { "en": "These are the opening hours if the drinking water fountain is operational." }, "+mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "seasonal!=no", "seasonal~*", { "or": [ { "and": [ "seasonal!~.*winter.*", "_now:date~....-(12|01|02)-.." ] }, { "and": [ "seasonal!~.*spring.*", "_now:date~....-(03|04|05)-.." ] }, { "and": [ "seasonal!~.*summer.*", "_now:date~....-(06|07|08)-.." ] }, { "and": [ "seasonal!~.*autumn.*", "_now:date~....-(09|10|11)-.." ] } ] } ] }, "then": { "en": "This drinking water fountain is closed this season. As such, the opening hours are not shown." }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] } }, { "id": "bench-artwork", "question": { "en": "Does this drinking water fountain have an artistic element?", "nl": "Heeft dit drinkwaterpunt een geintegreerd kunstwerk?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "tourism=artwork", "addExtraTags": [ "not:tourism:artwork=" ], "then": { "en": "This drinking water point has an integrated artwork", "nl": "Dit drinkwaterpunt heeft een geintegreerd kunstwerk" } }, { "if": "not:tourism:artwork=yes", "then": { "en": "This drinking water point does not have an integrated artwork", "nl": "Dit drinkwaterpunt heeft geen geïntegreerd kunstwerk" }, "addExtraTags": [ "tourism=" ] }, { "if": "tourism=", "then": { "en": "This drinking water point probably doesn't have an integrated artwork", "nl": "Dit drinkwaterpunt heeft waarschijnlijk geen geïntegreerd kunstwerk" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ], "questionHint": { "en": "E.g. it has an integrated statue or other non-trivial, creative work", "nl": "Bijvoorbeeld een standbeeld of ander, niet-triviaal kunstwerk" } }, { "builtin": "artwork.*artwork-question", "override": { "condition": "tourism=artwork" } }, { "id": "render-closest-drinking-water", "render": { "en": "There is another drinking water fountain at {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} meters", "nl": "Er bevindt zich een ander drinkwaterpunt op {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} meter", "it": "C’è un’altra fontanella a {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metri", "de": "Eine weitere Trinkwasserstelle befindet sich in {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} Meter", "fr": "Une autre source d’eau potable est à {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} mètres", "hu": "Van egy másik ivóvízkút {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} méter távolságra", "es": "Hay otra fuente de agua potable a {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metros", "ca": "Hi ha una altra font d'aigua potable a {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metres", "cs": "Do {_closest_other_drinking_water_distance} metrů je další fontána s pitnou vodou" }, "condition": "_closest_other_drinking_water_id~*" } ], "deletion": { "softDeletionTags": { "and": [ "disused:amenity:={amenity}", "amenity=" ] }, "nonDeleteMappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "drinking_water=no", "amenity=fountain" ] }, "then": { "en": "This is a decorative fountain of which the water is not drinkable by humans", "nl": "Dit is een decoratieve fontein waarvan het water niet geschikt is om te drinken door mensen", "de": "Dies ist ein Zierbrunnen, dessen Wasser für den Menschen nicht trinkbar ist", "es": "Esta es una fuente decorativa con agua no potable", "ca": "Es tracta d'una font decorativa amb aigua no potable", "cs": "Jedná se o dekorativní fontánu, jejíž voda není pro lidi pitná" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "drinking_water=no", "amenity=", "man_made=water_tap" ] }, "then": { "en": "This is a water tap or water pump with non-drinkable water.