Ad-hoc "
"multiAnswer": true,
"render": {
"en": "This school has facilities for students with {school:for}",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten met {school:for}",
"de": "Diese Schule verfügt über Einrichtungen für Schüler mit {school:for}",
"fr": "Cet établissement scolaire a des installations pour étudiants ayant {school:for}"
"freeform": {
"key": "school:for",
"inline": true
"mappings": [
"if": "school:for=",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school where students study skills at their age-adequate level.
There are little or no special facilities to cater for students with special needs or facilities are ad-hoc
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten zonder extra zorgbehoefte.
Remark: isn't it contradictory to say there's no special facility + the facilities are ad-hoc?"
"hideInAnswer": true
"if": "school:for=mainstream",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school for students without special needs
This includes students who can follow the courses with small, ad hoc measurements
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten zonder extra zorgbehoefte
Dazu gehören auch Schüler, die den Kursen mit kleinen Ad-hoc-Maßnahmen folgen können
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement scolaire pour étudiants sans besoins partucliers.
Sont inclus les étudiants qui peuvent suivre les cours avec de petites adaptations.
"if": "school:for=adults",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school where adults are taught skills on the level as specified.",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op volwassenen",
"de": "Dies ist eine Schule, in der Erwachsene auf dem angegebenen Niveau unterrichtet werden.",
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement où des adultes sont formés au niveau mentionné."
"if": "school:for=autism",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school for students with autism",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten in het autisme-spectrum",
"de": "Dies ist eine Schule für Schüler mit Autismus",
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement scolaire pour les étudiants ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA)"
"if": "school:for=learning_disabilities",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school for students with learning disabilities",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op leerlingen met een leerprobleem",
"de": "Dies ist eine Schule für Schüler mit Lernschwierigkeiten",
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement scolaire pour les étudiants ayant des troubles dapprentissage"
"if": "school:for=blind",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school for blind students or students with sight impairments",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op blinde en slechtziende studenten",
"de": "Dies ist eine Schule für blinde oder sehbehinderte Schüler",
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement scolaire pour les étudiants aveugles ou malvoyants"
"if": "school:for=deaf",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school for deaf students or students with hearing impairments",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op dove en hardhorende studenten",
"de": "Dies ist eine Schule für gehörlose oder hörgeschädigte Schüler",
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement scolaire pour les étudiants sourds ou malentendants"
"if": "school:for=disabilities",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school for students with disabilities",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten met een beperking",
"de": "Dies ist eine Schule für Schüler mit Behinderungen",
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement scolaire pour les étudiants en situation de handicap"
"if": "school:for=special_needs",
"then": {
"en": "This is a school for students with special needs",
"nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten met extra zorgbehoeften",
"de": "Dies ist eine Schule für Schüler mit besonderen Bedürfnissen",
"fr": "Ceci est un établissement scolaire pour les étudiants ayant des besoins particuliers"
"id": "language",
"question": {
"en": "What is the main language of this school?
What language is spoken with the students in non-language related courses and with the administration?
"nl": "Wat is de voertaal van deze school?
Welke taal wordt met de studenten gesproken in niet-taal-gerelateerde vakken en met de administratie?
"de": "Was ist die Hauptsprache dieser Schule?
Welche Sprache wird mit den Schülern in den nicht sprachbezogenen Kursen und mit der Verwaltung gesprochen?
"fr": "Quelle est la langue principale de cette école ?
Quelle langue est parlée avec les élèves des cours non linguistiques et avec l'administration ?
"render": {
"en": "{school:language} is the main language of {title()}",
"nl": "{school:language} is de voertaal van {title()}",
"de": "{school:language} ist die Hauptsprache von {title()}",
"fr": "{school:language} est la langue principale de {title()}"
"freeform": {
"key": "school:language",
"inline": true,
"placeholder": {
"en": "Language in lowercase English",
"nl": "Taal in lowercase Engel"
"addExtraTags": [
"fixme=Freeform tag `school:language` used, to be doublechecked"
"mappings": [
"if": "school:language=english",
"then": {
"en": "The main language of this school is unknown",
"nl": "De voertaal van deze school is niet gekend",
"de": "Die Hauptsprache dieser Schule ist unbekannt",
"fr": "La langue principale de cette école est inconnue"
"if": "school:language=french",
"then": {
"en": "French is the main language of {name}",
"nl": "Frans is de voertaal van {name}"
"if": "school:language=dutch",
"then": {
"en": "Dutch is the main language of {name}",
"nl": "Nederlands is de voertaal van {name}"
"if": "school:language=german",
"then": {
"en": "German is the main language of {name}",
"nl": "Duits is de voertaal van {name}"
"if": "school:language=",
"then": {
"en": "The main language of this school is unknown",
"nl": "De voertaal van deze school is niet gekend",
"de": "Die Hauptsprache dieser Schule ist unbekannt",
"fr": "La langue principale de cette école est inconnue"
"hideInAnswer": true
"presets": [
"tags": [
"fixme=Added with MapComplete, the precise geometry should still be drawn"
"title": {
"en": "a primary or secondary school",
"nl": "een lagere of middelbare school",
"de": "eine Grundschule oder weiterführende Schule",
"fr": "une école primaire ou secondaire"
"source": {
"osmTags": "amenity=school"
"mapRendering": [
"icon": "circle:white;./assets/layers/school/school.svg",
"label": {
"mappings": [
"if": "name~*",
"then": "
"iconSize": {
"render": "40,40,center"
"location": [
"color": "#fcd862",
"width": 1