# Available types for text fields The listed types here trigger a special input element. Use them in `tagrendering.freeform.type` of your tagrendering to activate them ## string A basic string ## text A string, but allows input of longer strings more comfortably (a text area) ## date A date ## direction A geographical direction, in degrees. 0° is north, 90° is east, ... Will return a value between 0 (incl) and 360 (excl) ## length A geographical length in meters (rounded at two points). Will give an extra minimap with a measurement tool. Arguments: [ zoomlevel, preferredBackgroundMapType (comma seperated) ], e.g. `["21", "map,photo"] ## wikidata A wikidata identifier, e.g. Q42 ## int A number ## nat A positive number or zero ## pnat A strict positive number ## float A decimal ## pfloat A positive decimal (incl zero) ## email An email adress ## url A url ## phone A phone number ## opening_hours Has extra elements to easily input when a POI is opened ## color Shows a color picker Generated from ValidatedTextField.ts