import { Store, Stores, UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource" import Combine from "../Base/Combine" import { InputElement, ReadonlyInputElement } from "../Input/InputElement" import { FixedInputElement } from "../Input/FixedInputElement" import { RadioButton } from "../Input/RadioButton" import { Utils } from "../../Utils" import CheckBoxes from "../Input/Checkboxes" import InputElementMap from "../Input/InputElementMap" import { SaveButton } from "./SaveButton" import { VariableUiElement } from "../Base/VariableUIElement" import Translations from "../i18n/Translations" import { FixedUiElement } from "../Base/FixedUiElement" import { Translation } from "../i18n/Translation" import Constants from "../../Models/Constants" import { SubstitutedTranslation } from "../SubstitutedTranslation" import { TagsFilter } from "../../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter" import { Tag } from "../../Logic/Tags/Tag" import { And } from "../../Logic/Tags/And" import { TagUtils, UploadableTag } from "../../Logic/Tags/TagUtils" import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement" import { DropDown } from "../Input/DropDown" import InputElementWrapper from "../Input/InputElementWrapper" import ChangeTagAction from "../../Logic/Osm/Actions/ChangeTagAction" import TagRenderingConfig, { Mapping } from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig" import { Unit } from "../../Models/Unit" import VariableInputElement from "../Input/VariableInputElement" import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle" import Img from "../Base/Img" import FeaturePipelineState from "../../Logic/State/FeaturePipelineState" import Title from "../Base/Title" import { OsmConnection } from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection" import { GeoOperations } from "../../Logic/GeoOperations" import { SearchablePillsSelector } from "../Input/SearchableMappingsSelector" import { OsmTags } from "../../Models/OsmFeature" /** * Shows the question element. * Note that the value _migh_ already be known, e.g. when selected or when changing the value */ export default class TagRenderingQuestion extends Combine { constructor( tags: UIEventSource & { id: string }>, configuration: TagRenderingConfig, state?: FeaturePipelineState, options?: { units?: Unit[] afterSave?: () => void cancelButton?: BaseUIElement saveButtonConstr?: (src: Store) => BaseUIElement bottomText?: (src: Store) => BaseUIElement } ) { const applicableMappingsSrc = Stores.ListStabilized( => { const applicableMappings: Mapping[] = [] for (const mapping of configuration.mappings ?? []) { if (mapping.hideInAnswer === true) { continue } if (mapping.hideInAnswer === false || mapping.hideInAnswer === undefined) { applicableMappings.push(mapping) continue } const condition = mapping.hideInAnswer const isShown = !condition.matchesProperties(tags) if (isShown) { applicableMappings.push(mapping) } } return applicableMappings }) ) if (configuration === undefined) { throw "A question is needed for a question visualization" } options = options ?? {} const applicableUnit = (options.units ?? []).filter((unit) => unit.isApplicableToKey(configuration.freeform?.key) )[0] const question = new Title( new SubstitutedTranslation(configuration.question, tags, state).SetClass( "question-text" ), 3 ) let questionHint = undefined if (configuration.questionhint !== undefined) { questionHint = new SubstitutedTranslation( configuration.questionhint, tags, state ).SetClass("font-bold subtle") } const feedback = new UIEventSource(undefined) const inputElement: ReadonlyInputElement = new VariableInputElement( => { return TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateInputElement( state, configuration, applicableMappings, applicableUnit, tags, feedback ) }) ) if (options.saveButtonConstr === undefined) { const save = () => { const selection = TagUtils.FlattenMultiAnswer( TagUtils.FlattenAnd(inputElement.GetValue().data, ) if (selection) { ;(state?.changes) .applyAction( new ChangeTagAction(, selection,, { theme: state?.layoutToUse?.id ?? "unkown", changeType: "answer", }) ) .then((_) => { console.log("Tagchanges applied") }) if (options.afterSave) { options.afterSave() } } } options.saveButtonConstr = (v) => new SaveButton(v, state?.osmConnection).onClick(save) } const saveButton = new Combine([options.saveButtonConstr(inputElement.GetValue())]) let bottomTags: BaseUIElement if (options.bottomText !== undefined) { bottomTags = options.bottomText(inputElement.GetValue()) } else { bottomTags = TagRenderingQuestion.CreateTagExplanation( inputElement.GetValue(), tags, state ) } super([ question, questionHint, inputElement, new VariableUiElement( (t) => t ?.SetStyle("padding-left: 0.75rem; padding-right: 0.75rem") ?.SetClass("alert flex") ?? bottomTags ) ), new Combine([options.cancelButton, saveButton]).SetClass( "flex justify-end flex-wrap-reverse" ), new Toggle( Translations.t.general.testing.SetClass("block alert"), undefined, state?.featureSwitchIsTesting ), ]) this.SetClass("question disable-links") } private static GenerateInputElement( state: FeaturePipelineState, configuration: TagRenderingConfig, applicableMappings: Mapping[], applicableUnit: Unit, tagsSource: UIEventSource, feedback: UIEventSource ): ReadonlyInputElement { const hasImages = applicableMappings.findIndex((mapping) => mapping.icon !== undefined) >= 0 let inputEls: InputElement[] const ifNotsPresent = applicableMappings.some((mapping) => mapping.ifnot !== undefined) if ( applicableMappings.length > 8 && (configuration.freeform?.type === undefined || configuration.freeform?.type === "string") && (!configuration.multiAnswer || configuration.freeform === undefined) ) { return TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateSearchableSelector( state, configuration, applicableMappings, tagsSource ) } // FreeForm input will be undefined if not present; will already contain a special input element if applicable const ff = TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateFreeform( state, configuration, applicableUnit, tagsSource, feedback ) function allIfNotsExcept(excludeIndex: number): UploadableTag[] { if (configuration.mappings === undefined || configuration.mappings.length === 0) { return undefined } if (!ifNotsPresent) { return [] } if (configuration.multiAnswer) { // The multianswer will do the ifnot configuration themself return [] } const negativeMappings = [] for (let i = 0; i < applicableMappings.length; i++) { const mapping = applicableMappings[i] if (i === excludeIndex || mapping.ifnot === undefined) { continue } negativeMappings.push(mapping.ifnot) } return Utils.NoNull(negativeMappings) } if ( applicableMappings.length < 8 || configuration.multiAnswer || (hasImages && applicableMappings.length < 16) || ifNotsPresent ) { inputEls = (applicableMappings ?? []).map((mapping, i) => TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateMappingElement( state, tagsSource, mapping, allIfNotsExcept(i) ) ) inputEls = Utils.NoNull(inputEls) } else { const dropdown: InputElement = new DropDown( "",, i) => { return { value: new And([mapping.if, ...allIfNotsExcept(i)]), shown: mapping.then.Subs(, } }) ) if (ff == undefined) { return dropdown } else { inputEls = [dropdown] } } if (inputEls.length == 0) { if (ff === undefined) { throw "Error: could not generate a question: freeform and all mappings are undefined" } return ff } if (ff) { inputEls.push(ff) } if (configuration.multiAnswer) { return TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateMultiAnswer( configuration, inputEls, ff, => mp.ifnot) ) } else { return new RadioButton(inputEls, { selectFirstAsDefault: false }) } } private static MappingToPillValue( applicableMappings: Mapping[], tagsSource: UIEventSource, state: FeaturePipelineState ): { show: BaseUIElement value: number mainTerm: Record searchTerms?: Record original: Mapping hasPriority?: Store }[] { const values: { show: BaseUIElement value: number mainTerm: Record searchTerms?: Record original: Mapping hasPriority?: Store }[] = [] const addIcons = applicableMappings.some((m) => m.icon !== undefined) for (let i = 0; i < applicableMappings.length; i++) { const mapping = applicableMappings[i] const tr = mapping.then.Subs( const patchedMapping = { ...mapping, iconClass: mapping.iconClass ?? `small-height`, icon: mapping.icon ?? (addIcons ? "./assets/svg/none.svg" : undefined), } const fancy = TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateMappingContent( patchedMapping, tagsSource, state ).SetClass("normal-background") values.push({ show: fancy, value: i, mainTerm: tr.translations, searchTerms: mapping.searchTerms, original: mapping, hasPriority: => mapping.priorityIf?.matchesProperties(tags)), }) } return values } /** * * // Should return the search as freeform value * const source = new UIEventSource({id: "1234"}) * const tr = new TagRenderingConfig({ * id:"test", * render:"The value is {key}", * freeform: { * key:"key" * }, * mappings: [ * { * if:"x=y", * then:"z", * searchTerms: { * "en" : ["z"] * } * } * ] * }, "test"); * const selector = TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateSearchableSelector( * undefined, * tr, * tr.mappings, * source, * { * search: new UIEventSource("value") * } * ); * selector.GetValue().data // => new And([new Tag("key","value")]) * * // Should return the search as freeform value, even if a previous search matched * const source = new UIEventSource({id: "1234"}) * const search = new UIEventSource("") * const tr = new TagRenderingConfig({ * id:"test", * render:"The value is {key}", * freeform: { * key:"key" * }, * mappings: [ * { * if:"x=y", * then:"z", * searchTerms: { * "en" : ["z"] * } * } * ] * }, "test"); * const selector = TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateSearchableSelector( * undefined, * tr, * tr.mappings, * source, * { * search * } * ); * search.setData("z") * search.setData("zx") * selector.GetValue().data // => new And([new Tag("key","zx")]) */ private static GenerateSearchableSelector( state: FeaturePipelineState, configuration: TagRenderingConfig, applicableMappings: Mapping[], tagsSource: UIEventSource, options?: { search: UIEventSource } ): InputElement { const values = TagRenderingQuestion.MappingToPillValue( applicableMappings, tagsSource, state ) const searchValue: UIEventSource = options?.search ?? new UIEventSource(undefined) const ff = configuration.freeform let onEmpty: BaseUIElement = undefined if (ff !== undefined) { onEmpty = new VariableUiElement( => configuration.render.Subs({ [ff.key]: search })) ) } const mode = configuration.multiAnswer ? "select-many" : "select-one" const classes = "h-64 overflow-scroll" const presetSearch = new SearchablePillsSelector(values, { mode, searchValue, onNoMatches: onEmpty?.SetClass(classes).SetClass("flex justify-center items-center"), searchAreaClass: classes, }) const fallbackTag = => { if (s === undefined || ff?.key === undefined) { return undefined } return new Tag(ff.key, s) }) return new InputElementMap( presetSearch, (x0, x1) => { if (x0 == x1) { return true } if (x0 === undefined || x1 === undefined) { return false } if (x0.and.length !== x1.and.length) { return false } for (let i = 0; i < x0.and.length; i++) { if (x1.and[i] != x0.and[i]) { return false } } return true }, (selected) => { if ( ff !== undefined && > 0 && ! ) { const t = if (ff.addExtraTags) { return new And([t, ...ff.addExtraTags]) } return new And([t]) } if (selected === undefined || selected.length == 0) { return undefined } const tfs = Utils.NoNull(, i) => { if (selected.indexOf(i) >= 0) { return mapping.if } else { return mapping.ifnot } }) ) return new And(tfs) }, (tf) => { if (tf === undefined) { return [] } const selected: number[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < applicableMappings.length; i++) { const mapping = applicableMappings[i] if (tf.and.some((t) => mapping.if == t)) { selected.push(i) } } return selected }, [searchValue, presetSearch.someMatchFound] ) } private static GenerateMultiAnswer( configuration: TagRenderingConfig, elements: InputElement[], freeformField: InputElement, ifNotSelected: UploadableTag[] ): InputElement { const checkBoxes = new CheckBoxes(elements) const inputEl = new InputElementMap( checkBoxes, (t0, t1) => { return t0?.shadows(t1) ?? false }, (indices) => { if (indices.length === 0) { return undefined } const tags: UploadableTag[] = => elements[i].GetValue().data) const oppositeTags: UploadableTag[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < ifNotSelected.length; i++) { if (indices.indexOf(i) >= 0) { continue } const notSelected = ifNotSelected[i] if (notSelected === undefined) { continue } oppositeTags.push(notSelected) } tags.push(TagUtils.FlattenMultiAnswer(oppositeTags)) return TagUtils.FlattenMultiAnswer(tags) }, (tags: UploadableTag) => { // {key --> values[]} const presentTags = TagUtils.SplitKeys([tags]) const indices: number[] = [] // We also collect the values that have to be added to the freeform field let freeformExtras: string[] = [] if (configuration.freeform?.key) { freeformExtras = [...(presentTags[configuration.freeform.key] ?? [])] } for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { const inputElement = elements[j] if (inputElement === freeformField) { continue } const val = inputElement.GetValue() const neededTags = TagUtils.SplitKeys([]) // if every 'neededKeys'-value is present in presentKeys, we have a match and enable the index if (TagUtils.AllKeysAreContained(presentTags, neededTags)) { indices.push(j) if (freeformExtras.length > 0) { const freeformsToRemove: string[] = neededTags[configuration.freeform.key] ?? [] for (const toRm of freeformsToRemove) { const i = freeformExtras.indexOf(toRm) if (i >= 0) { freeformExtras.splice(i, 1) } } } } } if (freeformField) { if (freeformExtras.length > 0) { freeformField .GetValue() .setData(new Tag(configuration.freeform.key, freeformExtras.join(";"))) indices.push(elements.indexOf(freeformField)) } else { freeformField.GetValue().setData(undefined) } } return indices }, => el.GetValue()) ) freeformField?.GetValue()?.addCallbackAndRun((value) => { // The list of indices of the selected elements const es = checkBoxes.GetValue() const i = elements.length - 1 // The actual index of the freeform-element const index = if (value === undefined) { // No data is set in the freeform text field; so we delete the checkmark if it is selected if (index >= 0) {, 1) } } else if (index < 0) { // There is data defined in the checkmark, but the checkmark isn't checked, so we check it // This is of course because the data changed } }) return inputEl } /** * Generates a (Fixed) input element for this mapping. * Note that the mapping might hide itself if the condition is not met anymore. * * Returns: [the element itself, the value to select if not selected. The contents of this UIEventSource might swap to undefined if the conditions to show the answer are unmet] */ private static GenerateMappingElement( state, tagsSource: UIEventSource, mapping: Mapping, ifNot?: UploadableTag[] ): InputElement { let tagging: UploadableTag = mapping.if if (ifNot !== undefined) { tagging = new And([mapping.if, ...ifNot]) } if (mapping.addExtraTags) { tagging = new And([tagging, ...mapping.addExtraTags]) } return new FixedInputElement( TagRenderingQuestion.GenerateMappingContent(mapping, tagsSource, state), tagging, (t0, t1) => t1.shadows(t0) ) } private static GenerateMappingContent( mapping: Mapping, tagsSource: UIEventSource, state: FeaturePipelineState ): BaseUIElement { const text = new SubstitutedTranslation(mapping.then, tagsSource, state) if (mapping.icon === undefined) { return text } return new Combine([ new Img(mapping.icon).SetClass("mr-1 mapping-icon-" + (mapping.iconClass ?? "small")), text, ]).SetClass("flex items-center") } private static GenerateFreeform( state: FeaturePipelineState, configuration: TagRenderingConfig, applicableUnit: Unit, tags: UIEventSource, feedback: UIEventSource ): InputElement { const freeform = configuration.freeform if (freeform === undefined) { return undefined } const pickString = (string: any) => { if (string === "" || string === undefined) { return undefined } if (string.length >= 255) { return undefined } const tag = new Tag(freeform.key, string) if (freeform.addExtraTags === undefined) { return tag } return new And([tag, ...freeform.addExtraTags]) } const toString = (tag) => { if (tag instanceof And) { for (const subtag of tag.and) { if (subtag instanceof Tag && subtag.key === freeform.key) { return subtag.value } } return undefined } else if (tag instanceof Tag) { return tag.value } return undefined } const tagsData = const feature = state?.allElements?.ContainingFeatures?.get( const center = feature != undefined ? GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(feature) : [0, 0] const input: InputElement = ValidatedTextField.ForType( configuration.freeform.type )?.ConstructInputElement({ country: () => tagsData._country, location: [center[1], center[0]], mapBackgroundLayer: state?.backgroundLayer, unit: applicableUnit, args: configuration.freeform.helperArgs, feature, placeholder: configuration.freeform.placeholder, feedback, }) // Init with correct value input?.GetValue().setData(tagsData[freeform.key] ?? freeform.default) // Add a length check input?.GetValue().addCallbackD((v: string | undefined) => { if (v?.length >= 255) { feedback.setData(Translations.t.validation.tooLong.Subs({ count: v.length })) } }) let inputTagsFilter: InputElement = new InputElementMap( input, (a, b) => a === b || (a?.shadows(b) ?? false), pickString, toString ) if (freeform.inline) { inputTagsFilter.SetClass("w-48-imp") inputTagsFilter = new InputElementWrapper( inputTagsFilter, configuration.render, freeform.key, tags, state ) inputTagsFilter.SetClass("block") } return inputTagsFilter } public static CreateTagExplanation( selectedValue: Store, tags: Store, state?: { osmConnection?: OsmConnection } ) { return new VariableUiElement( (tagsFilter: TagsFilter) => { const csCount = state?.osmConnection?.userDetails?.data?.csCount ?? Constants.userJourney.tagsVisibleAndWikiLinked + 1 if (csCount < Constants.userJourney.tagsVisibleAt) { return "" } if (tagsFilter === undefined) { return Translations.t.general.noTagsSelected.SetClass("subtle") } if (csCount < Constants.userJourney.tagsVisibleAndWikiLinked) { const tagsStr = tagsFilter.asHumanString(false, true, return new FixedUiElement(tagsStr).SetClass("subtle") } return tagsFilter.asHumanString(true, true, }, [state?.osmConnection?.userDetails] ) ).SetClass("block break-all") } }