import {InputElement} from "../InputElement"; import {OpeningHour} from "../../../Logic/OpeningHours"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {Utils} from "../../../Utils"; import {UIElement} from "../../UIElement"; import Translations from "../../i18n/Translations"; /** * This is the base-table which is selectable by hovering over it. * It will genarate the currently selected opening hour. */ export default class OpeningHoursPickerTable extends InputElement { public readonly IsSelected: UIEventSource; private readonly weekdays: UIEventSource; public static readonly days: UIElement[] = [ Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.monday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.tuesday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.wednesday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.thursday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.friday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.saturday, Translations.t.general.weekdays.abbreviations.sunday ] private readonly source: UIEventSource; constructor(weekdays: UIEventSource, source?: UIEventSource) { super(weekdays); this.weekdays = weekdays; this.source = source ?? new UIEventSource([]); this.IsSelected = new UIEventSource(false); this.SetStyle("width:100%;height:100%;display:block;"); } InnerRender(): string { let rows = ""; const self = this; for (let h = 0; h < 24; h++) { let hs = "" + h; if (hs.length == 1) { hs = "0" + hs; } rows += `${hs}:00` + Utils.Times(weekday => ``, 7) + '' + Utils.Times(id => ``, 7) + ''; } let days =, i) => { const innerContent =[i]?.Render() ?? ""; return day.Render() + ""+innerContent+""; }).join(""); return `${rows}
`; } protected InnerUpdate() { const self = this; const table = (document.getElementById(`oh-table-${}`) as HTMLTableElement); if (table === undefined || table === null) { return; } for (const uielement of { uielement.Update(); } let mouseIsDown = false; let selectionStart: [number, number] = undefined; let selectionEnd: [number, number] = undefined; function h(timeSegment: number) { return Math.floor(timeSegment / 2); } function m(timeSegment: number) { return (timeSegment % 2) * 30; } function startSelection(i: number, j: number) { mouseIsDown = true; selectionStart = [i, j]; selectionEnd = [i, j]; } function endSelection() { if (selectionStart === undefined) { return; } if (!mouseIsDown) { return; } mouseIsDown = false const dStart = Math.min(selectionStart[1], selectionEnd[1]); const dEnd = Math.max(selectionStart[1], selectionEnd[1]); const timeStart = Math.min(selectionStart[0], selectionEnd[0]) - 1; const timeEnd = Math.max(selectionStart[0], selectionEnd[0]) - 1; for (let weekday = dStart; weekday <= dEnd; weekday++) { const oh: OpeningHour = { weekday: weekday, startHour: h(timeStart), startMinutes: m(timeStart), endHour: h(timeEnd + 1), endMinutes: m(timeEnd + 1) } if(oh.endHour > 23){ oh.endHour = 24; oh.endMinutes = 0; }; }; // Clear the highlighting for (let i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) { let row = table.rows[i] for (let j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { let cell = row.cells[j] cell?.classList?.remove("oh-timecell-selected"); row.classList?.remove("oh-timerow-selected"); } } } table.onmouseup = () => { endSelection(); }; table.onmouseleave = () => { endSelection(); }; function selectAllBetween(iEnd, jEnd) { let iStart = selectionStart[0]; let jStart = selectionStart[1]; if (iStart > iEnd) { const h = iStart; iStart = iEnd; iEnd = h; } if (jStart > jEnd) { const h = jStart; jStart = jEnd; jEnd = h; } for (let i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) { let row = table.rows[i] for (let j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { let cell = row.cells[j] if (cell === undefined) { continue; } let offset = 0; if (i % 2 == 1) { if (j == 0) { continue; } offset = -1; } row.classList?.add("oh-timerow-selected"); if (iStart <= i && i <= iEnd && jStart <= j + offset && j + offset <= jEnd) { cell?.classList?.add("oh-timecell-selected") } else { cell?.classList?.remove("oh-timecell-selected") row.classList?.remove("oh-timerow-selected") } } } } for (let i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) { let row = table.rows[i] for (let j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { let cell = row.cells[j] let offset = 0; if (i % 2 == 1) { if (j == 0) { continue; } offset = -1; } cell.onmousedown = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); startSelection(i, j + offset) selectAllBetween(i, j + offset); } cell.ontouchstart = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); startSelection(i, j + offset); selectAllBetween(i, j + offset); } cell.onmouseenter = () => { if (mouseIsDown) { selectionEnd = [i, j + offset]; selectAllBetween(i, j + offset) } } cell.ontouchmove = (ev: TouchEvent) => { ev.preventDefault(); for (const k in ev.targetTouches) { const touch = ev.targetTouches[k]; if(touch.clientX === undefined || touch.clientY === undefined){ continue; } const elUnderTouch = document.elementFromPoint( touch.clientX, touch.clientY ); // @ts-ignore const f = elUnderTouch.onmouseenter; if (f) { f(); } } } cell.ontouchend = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); endSelection(); } } } } IsValid(t: OpeningHour[]): boolean { return true; } GetValue(): UIEventSource { return this.source; } }