import {State} from "../../State"; import {OsmConnection, UserDetails} from "./OsmConnection"; import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource"; export class ChangesetHandler { private _dryRun: boolean; private userDetails: UIEventSource; private auth: any; public currentChangeset: UIEventSource; constructor(dryRun: boolean, osmConnection: OsmConnection, auth) { this._dryRun = dryRun; this.userDetails = osmConnection.userDetails; this.auth = auth; this.currentChangeset = osmConnection.GetPreference("current-open-changeset"); if (dryRun) { console.log("DRYRUN ENABLED"); } } public UploadChangeset(generateChangeXML: (csid: string) => string, continuation: () => void) { if (this._dryRun) { console.log("NOT UPLOADING as dryrun is true"); var changesetXML = generateChangeXML("123456"); console.log(changesetXML); continuation(); return; } const self = this; if ( === undefined || === "") { // We have to open a new changeset this.OpenChangeset((csId) => { this.currentChangeset.setData(csId); self.AddChange(csId, generateChangeXML(csId), () => { }, (e) => { console.error("UPLOADING FAILED!", e) } ) }) } else { // There still exists an open changeset (or at least we hope so) const csId =; self.AddChange( csId, generateChangeXML(csId), () => { }, (e) => { console.warn("Could not upload, changeset is probably closed: ", e); // Mark the CS as closed... this.currentChangeset.setData(""); // ... and try again. As the cs is closed, no recursive loop can exist self.UploadChangeset(generateChangeXML, continuation); } ) } /* this.OpenChangeset( function (csId) { var changesetXML = generateChangeXML(csId); self.AddChange(csId, changesetXML, function (csId, mapping) { self.CloseChangeset(csId, continuation); handleMapping(mapping); } ); } );*/;; } private OpenChangeset(continuation: (changesetId: string) => void) { const layout =; const commentExtra = layout.changesetMessage !== undefined? " - "+layout.changesetMessage : ""; this.auth.xhr({ method: 'PUT', path: '/api/0.6/changeset/create', options: {header: {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}}, content: [``, ``, ``, ``, layout.maintainer !== undefined ? `` : "", ``].join("") }, function (err, response) { if (response === undefined) { console.log("err", err); alert("Could not upload change (opening failed). Please file a bug report") return; } else { continuation(response); } }); } private AddChange(changesetId: string, changesetXML: string, continuation: ((changesetId: string, idMapping: any) => void), onFail: ((changesetId: string) => void) = undefined) { this.auth.xhr({ method: 'POST', options: {header: {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}}, path: '/api/0.6/changeset/' + changesetId + '/upload', content: changesetXML }, function (err, response) { if (response == null) { console.log("err", err); if (onFail) { onFail(changesetId); } return; } const mapping = ChangesetHandler.parseUploadChangesetResponse(response); console.log("Uploaded changeset ", changesetId); continuation(changesetId, mapping); }); } public CloseChangeset(changesetId: string = undefined, continuation: (() => void) = () => { }) { if (changesetId === undefined) { changesetId =; } if (changesetId === undefined) { return; } console.log("closing changeset", changesetId); this.currentChangeset.setData(""); this.auth.xhr({ method: 'PUT', path: '/api/0.6/changeset/' + changesetId + '/close', }, function (err, response) { if (response == null) { console.log("err", err); } console.log("Closed changeset ", changesetId) if (continuation !== undefined) { continuation(); } }); } public static parseUploadChangesetResponse(response: XMLDocument) { const nodes = response.getElementsByTagName("node"); // @ts-ignore for (const node of nodes) { const oldId = parseInt(node.attributes.old_id.value); const newId = parseInt(node.attributes.new_id.value); if (oldId !== undefined && newId !== undefined && !isNaN(oldId) && !isNaN(newId)) { if(oldId == newId){ continue; } console.log("Rewriting id: ", oldId, "-->", newId); const element = State.state.allElements.getElement("node/" + oldId); = "node/" + newId; State.state.allElements.addElementById("node/" + newId, element);; } } } }