import Translations from "../../UI/i18n/Translations"; import TagRenderingConfig from "./TagRenderingConfig"; import {Tag, TagsFilter} from "../../Logic/Tags"; import {LayerConfigJson} from "./LayerConfigJson"; import {FromJSON} from "./FromJSON"; import SharedTagRenderings from "../SharedTagRenderings"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "./TagRenderingConfigJson"; import {Translation} from "../../UI/i18n/Translation"; import {Img} from "../../UI/Img"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import {SubstitutedTranslation} from "../../UI/SpecialVisualizations"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import Combine from "../../UI/Base/Combine"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../../UI/Base/VariableUIElement"; export default class LayerConfig { id: string; name: Translation description: Translation; overpassTags: TagsFilter; doNotDownload: boolean; passAllFeatures: boolean; minzoom: number; title?: TagRenderingConfig; titleIcons: TagRenderingConfig[]; icon: TagRenderingConfig; iconSize: TagRenderingConfig; rotation: TagRenderingConfig; color: TagRenderingConfig; width: TagRenderingConfig; dashArray: TagRenderingConfig; wayHandling: number; static WAYHANDLING_DEFAULT = 0; static WAYHANDLING_CENTER_ONLY = 1; static WAYHANDLING_CENTER_AND_WAY = 2; hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage?: number; presets: { title: Translation, tags: Tag[], description?: Translation, }[]; tagRenderings: TagRenderingConfig []; constructor(json: LayerConfigJson, roamingRenderings: TagRenderingConfig[], context?: string) { context = context + "." +; =; = Translations.T(; this.description = Translations.T(; this.overpassTags = FromJSON.Tag(json.overpassTags, context + ".overpasstags"); this.doNotDownload = json.doNotDownload ?? false, this.passAllFeatures = json.passAllFeatures ?? false; this.minzoom = json.minzoom; this.wayHandling = json.wayHandling ?? 0; this.hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage = json.hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage ?? 0; this.presets = (json.presets ?? []).map(pr => ({ title: Translations.T(pr.title), tags: => FromJSON.SimpleTag(t)), description: Translations.T(pr.description) })) /** * Converts a list of tagRenderingCOnfigJSON in to TagRenderingConfig * A string is interpreted as a name to call * @param tagRenderings */ function trs(tagRenderings?: (string | TagRenderingConfigJson)[]) { if (tagRenderings === undefined) { return []; } return (renderingJson, i) => { if (typeof renderingJson === "string") { const shared = SharedTagRenderings.SharedTagRendering[renderingJson]; if (shared !== undefined) { return shared; } throw `Predefined tagRendering ${renderingJson} not found in ${context}`; } return new TagRenderingConfig(renderingJson, `${context}.tagrendering[${i}]`); }); } this.tagRenderings = trs(json.tagRenderings).concat(roamingRenderings); this.titleIcons = trs(json.titleIcons ?? ["phonelink","wikipedialink","osmlink"]); function tr(key, deflt) { const v = json[key]; if (v === undefined || v === null) { if (deflt === undefined) { return undefined; } return new TagRenderingConfig(deflt); } if (typeof v === "string") { const shared = SharedTagRenderings.SharedTagRendering[v]; if (shared) { console.log("Got shared TR:", v, "-->", shared) return shared; } } return new TagRenderingConfig(v, context + "." + key); } this.title = tr("title", undefined); this.icon = tr("icon", Img.AsData(Svg.bug)); const iconPath = this.icon.GetRenderValue({id: "node/-1"}).txt; if (iconPath.startsWith(Utils.assets_path)) { const iconKey = iconPath.substr(Utils.assets_path.length); if (Svg.All[iconKey] === undefined) { throw "Builtin SVG asset not found: " + iconPath } } this.iconSize = tr("iconSize", "40,40,center"); this.color = tr("color", "#0000ff"); this.width = tr("width", "7"); this.rotation = tr("rotation", "0"); this.dashArray = tr("dashArray", ""); } public GenerateLeafletStyle(tags: any, clickable: boolean): { color: string; icon: { iconUrl: string, popupAnchor: [number, number]; iconAnchor: [number, number]; iconSize: [number, number]; html: string; rotation: string; className?: string; }; weight: number; dashArray: number[] } { function num(str, deflt = 40) { const n = Number(str); if (isNaN(n)) { return deflt; } return n; } function rendernum(tr: TagRenderingConfig, deflt: number) { const str = Number(render(tr, "" + deflt)); const n = Number(str); if (isNaN(n)) { return deflt; } return n; } function render(tr: TagRenderingConfig, deflt?: string) { const str = (tr?.GetRenderValue(tags)?.txt ?? deflt); return SubstitutedTranslation.SubstituteKeys(str, tags); } const iconUrl = render(this.icon); const iconSize = render(this.iconSize, "40,40,center").split(","); const dashArray = render(this.dashArray).split(" ").map(Number); let color = render(this.color, "#00f"); if (color.startsWith("--")) { color = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--catch-detail-color") } const weight = rendernum(this.width, 5); const rotation = render(this.rotation, "0deg"); const iconW = num(iconSize[0]); const iconH = num(iconSize[1]); const mode = iconSize[2] ?? "center" let anchorW = iconW / 2; let anchorH = iconH / 2; if (mode === "left") { anchorW = 0; } if (mode === "right") { anchorW = iconW; } if (mode === "top") { anchorH = 0; } if (mode === "bottom") { anchorH = iconH; } let html = ``; if (iconUrl.startsWith(Utils.assets_path)) { const key = iconUrl.substr(Utils.assets_path.length); html = new Combine([ (Svg.All[key] as string).replace(/stop-color:#000000/g, 'stop-color:' + color) ]).SetStyle(`width:100%;height:100%;rotate:${rotation};display:block;`).Render(); } return { icon: { html: html, iconSize: [iconW, iconH], iconAnchor: [anchorW, anchorH], popupAnchor: [0, 3 - anchorH], rotation: rotation, iconUrl: iconUrl, className: clickable ? "leaflet-div-icon" : "leaflet-div-icon unclickable" }, color: color, weight: weight, dashArray: dashArray }; } }