export class Regex implements TagsFilter { private _k: string; private _r: string; constructor(k: string, r: string) { this._k = k; this._r = r; } asOverpass(): string[] { return ["['" + this._k + "'~'" + this._r + "']"]; } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tag of tags) { if (tag.k === this._k) { if (tag.v === "") { // This tag has been removed return false; } if (this._r === "*") { // Any is allowed return true; } return tag.v.match(this._r).length > 0; } } return false; } } export class Tag implements TagsFilter { public key: string; public value: string; constructor(key: string, value: string) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tag of tags) { if (tag.k === this.key) { if (tag.v === "") { // This tag has been removed return false; } if (this.value === "*") { // Any is allowed return true; } return this.value === tag.v; } } return false; } asOverpass(): string[] { if (this.value === "*") { return ['["' + this.key + '"]']; } if (this.value === "") { // NOT having this key return ['[!"' + this.key + '"]']; } return ['["' + this.key + '"="' + this.value + '"]']; } } export class Or implements TagsFilter { public or: TagsFilter[] constructor(or: TagsFilter[]) { this.or = or; } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tagsFilter of this.or) { if (tagsFilter.matches(tags)) { return true; } } return false; } asOverpass(): string[] { const choices = []; for (const tagsFilter of this.or) { const subChoices = tagsFilter.asOverpass(); for(const subChoice of subChoices){ choices.push(subChoice) } } return choices; } } export class And implements TagsFilter { public and: TagsFilter[] constructor(and: TagsFilter[]) { this.and = and; } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tagsFilter of this.and) { if (!tagsFilter.matches(tags)) { return false; } } return true; } private combine(filter: string, choices: string[]): string[] { var values = [] for (const or of choices) { values.push(filter + or); } return values; } asOverpass(): string[] { var allChoices = null; for (const andElement of this.and) { var andElementFilter = andElement.asOverpass(); if (allChoices === null) { allChoices = andElementFilter; continue; } var newChoices = [] for (var choice of allChoices) { newChoices.push( this.combine(choice, andElementFilter) ) } allChoices = newChoices; } return allChoices; } } export interface TagsFilter { matches(tags: { k: string, v: string }[]): boolean asOverpass(): string[] } export class TagUtils { static proprtiesToKV(properties: any): { k: string, v: string }[] { const result = []; for (const k in properties) { result.push({k: k, v: properties[k]}) } return result; } }