import {GeoOperations} from "./GeoOperations";
import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement";
import Combine from "../UI/Base/Combine";
import {Relation} from "./Osm/ExtractRelations";
export class ExtraFunction {
static readonly intro = `
Calculating tags with Javascript
In some cases, it is useful to have some tags calculated based on other properties. Some useful tags are available by default (e.g. lat, lon, _country), as detailed above.
It is also possible to calculate your own tags - but this requires some javascript knowledge.
Before proceeding, some warnings:
- Only do this if all other techniques fail. This should not be done to create a rendering effect, only to calculate a specific value
- THIS MIGHT BE DISABLED WITHOUT ANY NOTICE ON UNOFFICIAL THEMES. As unofficial themes might be loaded from the internet, this is the equivalent of injecting arbitrary code into the client. It'll be disabled if abuse occurs.
In the layer object, add a field calculatedTags, e.g.:
"calculatedTags": [
" ?? ??",
"_distanceCloserThen3Km=feat.distanceTo( some_lon, some_lat) < 3 ? 'yes' : 'no'"
The above code will be executed for every feature in the layer. The feature is accessible as feat and is an amended geojson object:
- area contains the surface area (in square meters) of the object
- lat and lon contain the latitude and longitude
Some advanced functions are available on feat as well:
private static readonly OverlapFunc = new ExtraFunction(
"Gives a list of features from the specified layer which this feature overlaps with, the amount of overlap in m². The returned value is { feat: GeoJSONFeature, overlap: number}",
["...layerIds - one or more layer ids of the layer from which every feature is checked for overlap)"],
(params, feat) => {
return (...layerIds: string[]) => {
const result = []
for (const layerId of layerIds) {
const otherLayer = params.featuresPerLayer.get(layerId);
if (otherLayer === undefined) {
if (otherLayer.length === 0) {
result.push(...GeoOperations.calculateOverlap(feat, otherLayer));
return result;
private static readonly DistanceToFunc = new ExtraFunction(
"Calculates the distance between the feature and a specified point",
["longitude", "latitude"],
(featuresPerLayer, feature) => {
return (arg0, lat) => {
if (typeof arg0 === "number") {
// Feature._lon and ._lat is conveniently place by one of the other metatags
return GeoOperations.distanceBetween([arg0, lat], [feature._lon, feature._lat]);
} else {
// arg0 is probably a feature
return GeoOperations.distanceBetween(GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(arg0), [feature._lon, feature._lat])
private static readonly ClosestObjectFunc = new ExtraFunction(
"Given either a list of geojson features or a single layer name, gives the single object which is nearest to the feature. In the case of ways/polygons, only the centerpoint is considered.",
["list of features"],
(params, feature) => {
return (features) => {
if (typeof features === "string") {
features = params.featuresPerLayer.get(features)
let closestFeature = undefined;
let closestDistance = undefined;
for (const otherFeature of features) {
if (otherFeature == feature) {
continue; // We ignore self
let distance = undefined;
if (otherFeature._lon !== undefined && otherFeature._lat !== undefined) {
distance = GeoOperations.distanceBetween([otherFeature._lon, otherFeature._lat], [feature._lon, feature._lat]);
} else {
distance = GeoOperations.distanceBetween(
[feature._lon, feature._lat]
if (distance === undefined) {
throw "Undefined distance!"
if (closestFeature === undefined || distance < closestDistance) {
closestFeature = otherFeature
closestDistance = distance;
return closestFeature;
private static readonly Memberships = new ExtraFunction(
"Gives a list of {role: string, relation: Relation}
-objects, containing all the relations that this feature is part of. " +
"\n\n" +
"For example: _part_of_walking_routes=feat.memberships().map(r =>';')
(params, _) => {
return () => params.relations ?? [];
private static readonly allFuncs: ExtraFunction[] = [ExtraFunction.DistanceToFunc, ExtraFunction.OverlapFunc, ExtraFunction.ClosestObjectFunc, ExtraFunction.Memberships];
private readonly _name: string;
private readonly _args: string[];
private readonly _doc: string;
private readonly _f: (params: {featuresPerLayer: Map, relations: {role: string, relation: Relation}[]}, feat: any) => any;
constructor(name: string, doc: string, args: string[], f: ((params: {featuresPerLayer: Map, relations: {role: string, relation: Relation}[]}, feat: any) => any)) {
this._name = name;
this._doc = doc;
this._args = args;
this._f = f;
public static FullPatchFeature(featuresPerLayer: Map,relations: {role: string, relation: Relation}[], feature) {
for (const func of ExtraFunction.allFuncs) {
func.PatchFeature(featuresPerLayer, relations, feature);
public static HelpText(): UIElement {
return new Combine([
"", =>
new Combine([
"- ", func._name, "
", =>
new Combine([
"" + func._name + "
"", => "- " + arg + "
public PatchFeature(featuresPerLayer: Map, relations: {role: string, relation: Relation}[], feature: any) {
feature[this._name] = this._f({featuresPerLayer: featuresPerLayer, relations: relations}, feature);