import {Utils} from "../Utils"; export abstract class TagsFilter { abstract matches(tags: { k: string, v: string }[]): boolean abstract asOverpass(): string[] abstract substituteValues(tags: any) : TagsFilter; abstract isUsableAsAnswer(): boolean; abstract isEquivalent(other: TagsFilter): boolean; matchesProperties(properties: Map): boolean { return this.matches(TagUtils.proprtiesToKV(properties)); } abstract asHumanString(linkToWiki: boolean, shorten: boolean); } export class RegexTag extends TagsFilter { private readonly key: RegExp | string; private readonly value: RegExp | string; private readonly invert: boolean; constructor(key: string | RegExp, value: RegExp | string, invert: boolean = false) { super(); this.key = key; this.value = value; this.invert = invert; } asOverpass(): string[] { if (typeof this.key === "string") { return [`['${this.key}'${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~'${RegexTag.source(this.value)}']`]; } return [`[~'${this.key.source}'${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~'${RegexTag.source(this.value)}']`]; } private static doesMatch(fromTag: string, possibleRegex: string | RegExp): boolean { if(typeof possibleRegex === "string"){ return fromTag === possibleRegex; } return fromTag.match(possibleRegex) !== null; } private static source(r: string | RegExp) { if (typeof (r) === "string") { return r; } return r.source; } isUsableAsAnswer(): boolean { return false; } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tag of tags) { if (RegexTag.doesMatch(tag.k, this.key)){ return RegexTag.doesMatch(tag.v, this.value) != this.invert; } } // The matching key was not found return this.invert; } substituteValues(tags: any): TagsFilter { return this; } asHumanString() { if (typeof this.key === "string") { return `${this.key}${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~${RegexTag.source(this.value)}`; } return `${this.key.source}${this.invert ? "!" : ""}~~${RegexTag.source(this.value)}` } isEquivalent(other: TagsFilter): boolean { if (other instanceof RegexTag) { return other.asHumanString() == this.asHumanString(); } if(other instanceof Tag){ return RegexTag.doesMatch(other.key, this.key) && RegexTag.doesMatch(other.value, this.value); } return false; } } export class Tag extends TagsFilter { public key: string public value: string constructor(key: string, value: string) { super() this.key = key this.value = value if(key === undefined || key === ""){ throw "Invalid key"; } if(value === undefined){ throw "Invalid value"; } if(value === "*"){ console.warn(`Got suspicious tag ${key}=* ; did you mean ${key}~* ?`) } } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tag of tags) { if (this.key == tag.k) { return this.value === tag.v; } } // The tag was not found if(this.value === ""){ // and it shouldn't be found! return true; } return false; } asOverpass(): string[] { if (this.value === "") { // NOT having this key return ['[!"' + this.key + '"]']; } return [`["${this.key}"="${this.value}"]`]; } substituteValues(tags: any) { return new Tag(this.key, TagUtils.ApplyTemplate(this.value as string, tags)); } asHumanString(linkToWiki: boolean, shorten: boolean) { let v = this.value; if (shorten) { v = Utils.EllipsesAfter(v, 25); } if (linkToWiki) { return `${this.key}` + `=` + `${v}` } return this.key + "=" + v; } isUsableAsAnswer(): boolean { return true; } isEquivalent(other: TagsFilter): boolean { if(other instanceof Tag){ return this.key === other.key && this.value === other.value; } if(other instanceof RegexTag){ other.isEquivalent(this); } return false; } } export class Or extends TagsFilter { public or: TagsFilter[] constructor(or: TagsFilter[]) { super(); this.or = or; } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tagsFilter of this.or) { if (tagsFilter.matches(tags)) { return true; } } return false; } asOverpass(): string[] { const choices = []; for (const tagsFilter of this.or) { const subChoices = tagsFilter.asOverpass(); for(const subChoice of subChoices){ choices.push(subChoice) } } return choices; } substituteValues(tags: any): TagsFilter { const newChoices = []; for (const c of this.or) { newChoices.push(c.substituteValues(tags)); } return new Or(newChoices); } asHumanString(linkToWiki: boolean, shorten: boolean) { return => t.asHumanString(linkToWiki, shorten)).join("|"); } isUsableAsAnswer(): boolean { return false; } isEquivalent(other: TagsFilter): boolean { if(other instanceof Or){ for (const selfTag of this.or) { let matchFound = false; for (let i = 0; i < other.or.length && !matchFound; i++){ let otherTag = other.or[i]; matchFound = selfTag.isEquivalent(otherTag); } if(!matchFound){ return false; } } return true; } return false; } } export class And extends TagsFilter { public and: TagsFilter[] constructor(and: TagsFilter[]) { super(); this.and = and; } matches(tags: { k: string; v: string }[]): boolean { for (const tagsFilter of this.and) { if (!tagsFilter.matches(tags)) { return false; } } return true; } private static combine(filter: string, choices: string[]): string[] { const values = []; for (const or of choices) { values.push(filter + or); } return values; } asOverpass(): string[] { let allChoices: string[] = null; for (const andElement of this.and) { const andElementFilter = andElement.asOverpass(); if (allChoices === null) { allChoices = andElementFilter; continue; } const newChoices: string[] = []; for (const choice of allChoices) { newChoices.push( ...And.combine(choice, andElementFilter) ) } allChoices = newChoices; } return allChoices; } substituteValues(tags: any): TagsFilter { const newChoices = []; for (const c of this.and) { newChoices.push(c.substituteValues(tags)); } return new And(newChoices); } asHumanString(linkToWiki: boolean, shorten: boolean) { return => t.asHumanString(linkToWiki, shorten)).join("&"); } isUsableAsAnswer(): boolean { for (const t of this.and) { if(!t.isUsableAsAnswer()){ return false; } } return true; } isEquivalent(other: TagsFilter): boolean { if(other instanceof And){ for (const selfTag of this.and) { let matchFound = false; for (let i = 0; i < other.and.length && !matchFound; i++){ let otherTag = other.and[i]; matchFound = selfTag.isEquivalent(otherTag); } if(!matchFound){ return false; } } return true; } return false; } } export class TagUtils { static proprtiesToKV(properties: any): { k: string, v: string }[] { const result = []; for (const k in properties) { result.push({k: k, v: properties[k]}) } return result; } static ApplyTemplate(template: string, tags: any): string { for (const k in tags) { while (template.indexOf("{" + k + "}") >= 0) { const escaped = tags[k].replace(//g, '>'); template = template.replace("{" + k + "}", escaped); } } return template; } static KVtoProperties(tags: Tag[]): any { const properties = {}; for (const tag of tags) { properties[tag.key] = tag.value } return properties; } /** * Given multiple tagsfilters which can be used as answer, will take the tags with the same keys together as set. * E.g: * * FlattenMultiAnswer([and: [ "x=a", "y=0;1"], and: ["x=b", "y=2"], and: ["x=", "y=3"]]) * will result in * ["x=a;b", "y=0;1;2;3"] * * @param tagsFilters * @constructor */ static FlattenMultiAnswer(tagsFilters: TagsFilter[]): And { if (tagsFilters === undefined) { return new And([]); } const keyValues = {} // Map string -> string[] tagsFilters = [...tagsFilters] while (tagsFilters.length > 0) { const tagsFilter = tagsFilters.pop(); if (tagsFilter === undefined) { continue; } if (tagsFilter instanceof And) { tagsFilters.push(...tagsFilter.and); continue; } if (tagsFilter instanceof Tag) { if (keyValues[tagsFilter.key] === undefined) { keyValues[tagsFilter.key] = []; } keyValues[tagsFilter.key].push(...tagsFilter.value.split(";")); continue; } console.error("Invalid type to flatten the multiAnswer", tagsFilter); throw "Invalid type to FlattenMultiAnswer" } const and: TagsFilter[] = [] for (const key in keyValues) { and.push(new Tag(key, Utils.Dedup(keyValues[key]).join(";"))); } return new And(and); } /** * Splits the actualTags onto a list of which the values are the same as the tagsFilters. * Leftovers are returned in the list too if there is an 'undefined' value */ static SplitMultiAnswer(actualTags: TagsFilter, possibleTags: TagsFilter[], freeformKey: string, freeformExtraTags: TagsFilter): TagsFilter[] { const queue: TagsFilter[] = [actualTags] const keyValues = {} // key ==> value[] while (queue.length > 0) { const tf = queue.pop(); if (tf instanceof And) { queue.push(; continue; } if (tf instanceof Tag) { if (keyValues[tf.key] === undefined) { keyValues[tf.key] = [] } keyValues[tf.key].push(";")); continue; } if (tf === undefined) { continue; } throw "Invalid tagfilter: " + JSON.stringify(tf) } const foundValues = []; for (const possibleTag of possibleTags) { if (possibleTag === undefined) { continue; } if (possibleTag instanceof Tag) { const key = possibleTag.key; const actualValues: string[] = keyValues[key] ?? []; const possibleValues = possibleTag.value.split(";"); let allPossibleValuesFound = true; for (const possibleValue of possibleValues) { if (actualValues.indexOf(possibleValue) < 0) { allPossibleValuesFound = false; } } if (!allPossibleValuesFound) { continue; } // At this point, we know that 'possibleTag' is completely present in the tagset // we add the possibleTag to the found values foundValues.push(possibleTag); for (const possibleValue of possibleValues) { actualValues.splice(actualValues.indexOf(possibleValue), 1); } continue; } throw "Unsupported possibletag: " + JSON.stringify(possibleTag); } let leftoverTag = undefined; if (keyValues[freeformKey] !== undefined && keyValues[freeformKey].length !== 0) { leftoverTag = new Tag(freeformKey, keyValues[freeformKey].join(";")); if (freeformExtraTags !== undefined) { leftoverTag = new And([ leftoverTag, freeformExtraTags ]) } foundValues.push(leftoverTag); } return foundValues; } }