import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; export interface OpeningHour { weekday: number, // 0 is monday, 1 is tuesday, ... startHour: number, startMinutes: number, endHour: number, endMinutes: number } /** * Various utilities manipulating opening hours */ export class OH { private static readonly days = ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"] private static readonly daysIndexed = { mo: 0, tu: 1, we: 2, th: 3, fr: 4, sa: 5, su: 6 } public static hhmm(h: number, m: number): string { if (h == 24) { return "00:00"; } return Utils.TwoDigits(h) + ":" + Utils.TwoDigits(m); } public static ToString(ohs: OpeningHour[]) { if (ohs.length == 0) { return ""; } const partsPerWeekday: string [][] = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]; for (const oh of ohs) { partsPerWeekday[oh.weekday].push(OH.hhmm(oh.startHour, oh.startMinutes) + "-" + OH.hhmm(oh.endHour, oh.endMinutes)); } const stringPerWeekday = => parts.sort().join(", ")); const rules = []; let rangeStart = 0; let rangeEnd = 0; function pushRule() { const rule = stringPerWeekday[rangeStart]; if (rule === "") { return; } if (rangeStart == (rangeEnd - 1)) { rules.push( `${OH.days[rangeStart]} ${rule}` ); } else { rules.push( `${OH.days[rangeStart]}-${OH.days[rangeEnd - 1]} ${rule}` ); } } for (; rangeEnd < 7; rangeEnd++) { if (stringPerWeekday[rangeStart] != stringPerWeekday[rangeEnd]) { pushRule(); rangeStart = rangeEnd } } pushRule(); const oh = rules.join("; ") if (oh === "Mo-Su 00:00-00:00") { return "24/7" } return oh; } /** * Merge duplicate opening-hour element in place. * Returns true if something changed * @param ohs * @constructor */ public static MergeTimes(ohs: OpeningHour[]): OpeningHour[] { const queue = => { if (oh.endHour === 0 && oh.endMinutes === 0) { const newOh = { ...oh } newOh.endHour = 24 return newOh } return oh; }); const newList = []; while (queue.length > 0) { let maybeAdd = queue.pop(); let doAddEntry = true; if (maybeAdd.weekday == undefined) { doAddEntry = false; } for (let i = newList.length - 1; i >= 0 && doAddEntry; i--) { let guard = newList[i]; if (maybeAdd.weekday != guard.weekday) { // Not the same day continue } if (OH.startTimeLiesInRange(maybeAdd, guard) && OH.endTimeLiesInRange(maybeAdd, guard)) { // Guard fully covers 'maybeAdd': we can safely ignore maybeAdd doAddEntry = false; break; } if (OH.startTimeLiesInRange(guard, maybeAdd) && OH.endTimeLiesInRange(guard, maybeAdd)) { // 'maybeAdd' fully covers Guard - the guard is killed newList.splice(i, 1); break; } if (OH.startTimeLiesInRange(maybeAdd, guard) || OH.endTimeLiesInRange(maybeAdd, guard) || OH.startTimeLiesInRange(guard, maybeAdd) || OH.endTimeLiesInRange(guard, maybeAdd)) { // At this point, the maybeAdd overlaps the guard: we should extend the guard and retest it newList.splice(i, 1); let startHour = guard.startHour; let startMinutes = guard.startMinutes; if (OH.startTime(maybeAdd) < OH.startTime(guard)) { startHour = maybeAdd.startHour; startMinutes = maybeAdd.startMinutes; } let endHour = guard.endHour; let endMinutes = guard.endMinutes; if (OH.endTime(maybeAdd) > OH.endTime(guard)) { endHour = maybeAdd.endHour; endMinutes = maybeAdd.endMinutes; } queue.push({ startHour: startHour, startMinutes: startMinutes, endHour: endHour, endMinutes: endMinutes, weekday: guard.weekday }); doAddEntry = false; break; } } if (doAddEntry) { newList.push(maybeAdd); } } // New list can only differ from the old list by merging entries // This means that the list is changed only if the lengths are different. // If the lengths are the same, we might just as well return the old list and be a bit more stable if (newList.length !== ohs.length) { return newList; } else { return ohs; } } /** * Gives the number of hours since the start of day. * E.g. * startTime({startHour: 9, startMinuts: 15}) == 9.25 * @param oh */ public static startTime(oh: OpeningHour): number { return oh.startHour + oh.startMinutes / 60; } public static endTime(oh: OpeningHour): number { return oh.endHour + oh.endMinutes / 60; } public static startTimeLiesInRange(checked: OpeningHour, mightLieIn: OpeningHour) { return OH.startTime(mightLieIn) <= OH.startTime(checked) && OH.startTime(checked) <= OH.endTime(mightLieIn) } public static endTimeLiesInRange(checked: OpeningHour, mightLieIn: OpeningHour) { return OH.startTime(mightLieIn) <= OH.endTime(checked) && OH.endTime(checked) <= OH.endTime(mightLieIn) } public static parseHHMMRange(hhmmhhmm: string): { startHour: number, startMinutes: number, endHour: number, endMinutes: number } { if (hhmmhhmm == "off") { return null; } const timings = hhmmhhmm.split("-"); const start = OH.parseHHMM(timings[0]) const end = OH.parseHHMM(timings[1]); return { startHour: start.hours, startMinutes: start.minutes, endHour: end.hours, endMinutes: end.minutes } } public static ParseRule(rule: string): OpeningHour[] { try { if (rule.trim() == "24/7") { return OH.multiply([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [{ startHour: 0, startMinutes: 0, endHour: 24, endMinutes: 0 }]); } const split = rule.trim().replace(/, */g, ",").split(" "); if (split.length == 1) { // First, try to parse this rule as a rule without weekdays let timeranges = OH.ParseHhmmRanges(rule); let weekdays = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; return OH.multiply(weekdays, timeranges); } if (split.length == 2) { const weekdays = OH.ParseWeekdayRanges(split[0]); const timeranges = OH.ParseHhmmRanges(split[1]); return OH.multiply(weekdays, timeranges); } return null; } catch (e) { console.log("Could not parse weekday rule ", rule); return null; } } public static ParsePHRule(str: string): { mode: string, start?: string, end?: string } { if(str === undefined){ return null } str = str.trim(); if (!str.startsWith("PH")) { return null; } str = str.trim(); if (str === "PH off") { return { mode: "off" } } if (str === "PH open") { return { mode: "open" } } if (!str.startsWith("PH ")) { return null; } try { const timerange = OH.parseHHMMRange(str.substring(2)); if (timerange === null) { return null; } return { mode: " ", start: OH.hhmm(timerange.startHour, timerange.startMinutes), end: OH.hhmm(timerange.endHour, timerange.endMinutes), } } catch (e) { return null; } } static Parse(rules: string) { if (rules === undefined || rules === "") { return [] } const ohs = [] const split = rules.split(";"); for (const rule of split) { if (rule === "") { continue; } try { const parsed = OH.ParseRule(rule) if (parsed !== null) { ohs.push(...parsed); } } catch (e) { console.error("Could not parse ", rule, ": ", e) } } return ohs; } /* This function converts a number of ranges (generated by OpeningHours.js) into all the hours of day that a change occurs. E.g. Monday, some business is opended from 9:00 till 17:00 Tuesday from 9:30 till 18:00 Wednesday from 9:30 till 12:30 This function will extract all those moments of change and will return 9:00, 9:30, 12:30, 17:00 and 18:00 This list will be sorted */ public static allChangeMoments(ranges: { isOpen: boolean, isSpecial: boolean, comment: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date }[][]): [number[], string[]] { const changeHours: number[] = [] const changeHourText: string[] = []; const extrachangeHours: number[] = [] const extrachangeHourText: string[] = []; for (const weekday of ranges) { for (const range of weekday) { if (!range.isOpen && !range.isSpecial) { continue; } const startOfDay: Date = new Date(range.startDate); startOfDay.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // The number of seconds since the start of the day // @ts-ignore const changeMoment: number = (range.startDate - startOfDay) / 1000; if (changeHours.indexOf(changeMoment) < 0) { changeHours.push(changeMoment); changeHourText.push(OH.hhmm(range.startDate.getHours(), range.startDate.getMinutes())) } // The number of seconds till between the start of the day and closing // @ts-ignore let changeMomentEnd: number = (range.endDate - startOfDay) / 1000; if (changeMomentEnd >= 24 * 60 * 60) { if (extrachangeHours.indexOf(changeMomentEnd) < 0) { extrachangeHours.push(changeMomentEnd); extrachangeHourText.push(OH.hhmm(range.endDate.getHours(), range.endDate.getMinutes())) } } else if (changeHours.indexOf(changeMomentEnd) < 0) { changeHours.push(changeMomentEnd); changeHourText.push(OH.hhmm(range.endDate.getHours(), range.endDate.getMinutes())) } } } // Note that 'changeHours' and 'changeHourText' will be more or less in sync - one is in numbers, the other in 'HH:MM' format. // But both can be sorted without problem; they'll stay in sync changeHourText.sort(); changeHours.sort(); extrachangeHourText.sort(); extrachangeHours.sort(); changeHourText.push(...extrachangeHourText); changeHours.push(...extrachangeHours); return [changeHours, changeHourText] } /* Calculates when the business is opened (or on holiday) between two dates. Returns a matrix of ranges, where [0] is a list of ranges when it is opened on monday, [1] is a list of ranges for tuesday, ... */ public static GetRanges(oh: any, from: Date, to: Date): ({ isOpen: boolean, isSpecial: boolean, comment: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date }[])[] { const values = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]; const start = new Date(from); // We go one day more into the past, in order to force rendering of holidays in the start of the period start.setDate(from.getDate() - 1); const iterator = oh.getIterator(start); let prevValue = undefined; while (iterator.advance(to)) { if (prevValue) { prevValue.endDate = iterator.getDate() as Date } const endDate = new Date(iterator.getDate()) as Date; endDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 1); const value = { isSpecial: iterator.getUnknown(), isOpen: iterator.getState(), comment: iterator.getComment(), startDate: iterator.getDate() as Date, endDate: endDate // Should be overwritten by the next iteration } prevValue = value; if (value.comment === undefined && !value.isOpen && !value.isSpecial) { // simply closed, nothing special here continue; } if (value.startDate < from) { continue; } // Get day: sunday is 0, monday is 1. We move everything so that monday == 0 values[(value.startDate.getDay() + 6) % 7].push(value); } return values; } private static parseHHMM(hhmm: string): { hours: number, minutes: number } { if (hhmm === undefined || hhmm == null) { return null; } const spl = hhmm.trim().split(":"); if (spl.length != 2) { return null; } const hm = {hours: Number(spl[0].trim()), minutes: Number(spl[1].trim())}; if (isNaN(hm.hours) || isNaN(hm.minutes)) { return null; } return hm; } private static ParseHhmmRanges(hhmms: string): { startHour: number, startMinutes: number, endHour: number, endMinutes: number }[] { if (hhmms === "off") { return []; } return hhmms.split(",") .map(s => s.trim()) .filter(str => str !== "") .map(OH.parseHHMMRange) .filter(v => v != null) } private static ParseWeekday(weekday: string): number { return OH.daysIndexed[weekday.trim().toLowerCase()]; } private static ParseWeekdayRange(weekdays: string): number[] { const split = weekdays.split("-"); if (split.length == 1) { const parsed = OH.ParseWeekday(weekdays); if (parsed == null) { return null; } return [parsed]; } else if (split.length == 2) { let start = OH.ParseWeekday(split[0]); let end = OH.ParseWeekday(split[1]); if ((start ?? null) === null || (end ?? null) === null) { return null; } let range = []; for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) { range.push(i); } return range; } else { return null; } } private static ParseWeekdayRanges(weekdays: string): number[] { let ranges = []; let split = weekdays.split(","); for (const weekday of split) { const parsed = OH.ParseWeekdayRange(weekday) if (parsed === undefined || parsed === null) { return null; } ranges.push(...parsed); } return ranges; } private static multiply(weekdays: number[], timeranges: { startHour: number, startMinutes: number, endHour: number, endMinutes: number }[]) { if ((weekdays ?? null) == null || (timeranges ?? null) == null) { return null; } const ohs: OpeningHour[] = [] for (const timerange of timeranges) { for (const weekday of weekdays) { ohs.push({ weekday: weekday, startHour: timerange.startHour, startMinutes: timerange.startMinutes, endHour: timerange.endHour, endMinutes: timerange.endMinutes, }); } } return ohs; } }