import {LayoutConfigJson} from "../Json/LayoutConfigJson"; import LayerConfig from "../LayerConfig"; import {Translation} from "../../../UI/i18n/Translation"; import LayoutConfig from "../LayoutConfig"; import {Utils} from "../../../Utils"; import LineRenderingConfigJson from "../Json/LineRenderingConfigJson"; import {LayerConfigJson} from "../Json/LayerConfigJson"; import Constants from "../../Constants"; import {DesugaringContext, DesugaringStep, Fuse, OnEvery} from "./Conversion"; export class UpdateLegacyLayer extends DesugaringStep { constructor() { super("Updates various attributes from the old data format to the new to provide backwards compatibility with the formats", ["overpassTags", "source.osmtags", "tagRenderings[*].id", "mapRendering"]); } convert(state: {}, json: LayerConfigJson, context: string): { result: LayerConfigJson; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { const warnings = [] if (typeof json === "string" || json["builtin"] !== undefined) { // Reuse of an already existing layer; return as-is return {result: json, errors: [], warnings: []} } let config: any = {...json}; if (config["overpassTags"]) { config.source = config.source ?? {} config.source.osmTags = config["overpassTags"] delete config["overpassTags"] } if (config.tagRenderings !== undefined) { let i = 0; for (const tagRendering of config.tagRenderings) { i++; if (typeof tagRendering === "string" || tagRendering["builtin"] !== undefined || tagRendering["rewrite"] !== undefined) { continue } if (tagRendering["id"] === undefined) { if (tagRendering["#"] !== undefined) { tagRendering["id"] = tagRendering["#"] delete tagRendering["#"] } else if (tagRendering["freeform"]?.key !== undefined) { tagRendering["id"] = + "-" + tagRendering["freeform"]["key"] } else { tagRendering["id"] = "tr-" + i } } } } if (config.mapRendering === undefined) { config.mapRendering = [] // This is a legacy format, lets create a pointRendering let location: ("point" | "centroid")[] = ["point"] let wayHandling: number = config["wayHandling"] ?? 0 if (wayHandling !== 0) { location = ["point", "centroid"] } if (config["icon"] ?? config["label"] !== undefined) { const pointConfig = { icon: config["icon"], iconBadges: config["iconOverlays"], label: config["label"], iconSize: config["iconSize"], location, rotation: config["rotation"] } config.mapRendering.push(pointConfig) } if (wayHandling !== 1) { const lineRenderConfig = { color: config["color"], width: config["width"], dashArray: config["dashArray"] } if (Object.keys(lineRenderConfig).length > 0) { config.mapRendering.push(lineRenderConfig) } } if (config.mapRendering.length === 0) { throw "Could not convert the legacy theme into a new theme: no renderings defined for layer " + } } delete config["color"] delete config["width"] delete config["dashArray"] delete config["icon"] delete config["iconOverlays"] delete config["label"] delete config["iconSize"] delete config["rotation"] delete config["wayHandling"] delete config["hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage"] for (const mapRenderingElement of config.mapRendering) { if (mapRenderingElement["iconOverlays"] !== undefined) { mapRenderingElement["iconBadges"] = mapRenderingElement["iconOverlays"] } for (const overlay of mapRenderingElement["iconBadges"] ?? []) { if (overlay["badge"] !== true) { warnings.push("Warning: non-overlay element for ", } delete overlay["badge"] } } return { result: config, errors: [], warnings }; } } class UpdateLegacyTheme extends DesugaringStep { constructor() { super("Small fixes in the theme config", ["roamingRenderings"]); } convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: LayoutConfigJson, context: string): { result: LayoutConfigJson; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { const oldThemeConfig = {...json} if (oldThemeConfig["roamingRenderings"] !== undefined) { if (oldThemeConfig["roamingRenderings"].length == 0) { delete oldThemeConfig["roamingRenderings"] } else { return { result: null, errors: [context + ": The theme contains roamingRenderings. These are not supported anymore"], warnings: [] } } } oldThemeConfig.layers = Utils.NoNull(oldThemeConfig.layers) delete oldThemeConfig["language"] return { errors: [], warnings: [], result: oldThemeConfig } } } export class FixLegacyTheme extends Fuse { constructor() { super( "Fixes a legacy theme to the modern JSON format geared to humans. Syntactic sugars are kept (i.e. no tagRenderings are expandend, no dependencies are automatically gathered)", new UpdateLegacyTheme(), new OnEvery("layers", new UpdateLegacyLayer()) ); } } export class ValidateLayer extends DesugaringStep { /** * The paths where this layer is originally saved. Triggers some extra checks * @private */ private readonly _path?: string; private readonly knownImagePaths?: Set; private readonly _isBuiltin: boolean; constructor(knownImagePaths: Set, path: string, isBuiltin: boolean) { super("Doesn't change anything, but emits warnings and errors", []); this.knownImagePaths = knownImagePaths; this._path = path; this._isBuiltin = isBuiltin; } convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: LayerConfigJson, context: string): { result: LayerConfigJson; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { const errors = [] const warnings = [] if (typeof json === "string") { errors.push(context + ": This layer hasn't been expanded: " + json) return { result: null, warnings: [], errors } } if (json["builtin"] !== undefined) { errors.push(context + ": This layer hasn't been expanded: " + json) return { result: null, warnings: [], errors } } try { { // Some checks for legacy elements if (json["overpassTags"] !== undefined) { errors.push("Layer " + + "still uses the old 'overpassTags'-format. Please use \"source\": {\"osmTags\": }' instead of \"overpassTags\": (note: this isn't your fault, the custom theme generator still spits out the old format)") } const forbiddenTopLevel = ["icon", "wayHandling", "roamingRenderings", "roamingRendering", "label", "width", "color", "colour", "iconOverlays"] for (const forbiddenKey of forbiddenTopLevel) { if (json[forbiddenKey] !== undefined) errors.push(context + ": layer " + + " still has a forbidden key " + forbiddenKey) } if (json["hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage"] !== undefined) { errors.push(context + ": layer " + + " contains an old 'hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage'") } } { const layer = new LayerConfig(json, "test", true) const images = Array.from(layer.ExtractImages()) const remoteImages = images.filter(img => img.indexOf("http") == 0) for (const remoteImage of remoteImages) { errors.push("Found a remote image: " + remoteImage + " in layer " + + ", please download it. You can use the fixTheme script to automate this") } for (const image of images) { if (image.indexOf("{") >= 0) { warnings.push("Ignoring image with { in the path: ", image) continue } if (this.knownImagePaths !== undefined && !this.knownImagePaths.has(image)) { const ctx = context === undefined ? "" : ` in a layer defined in the theme ${context}` errors.push(`Image with path ${image} not found or not attributed; it is used in ${}${ctx}`) } } } { // CHeck location const expected: string = `assets/layers/${}/${}.json` if (this._path != undefined && this._path.indexOf(expected) < 0) { errors.push("Layer is in an incorrect place. The path is " + this._path + ", but expected " + expected) } } if (this._isBuiltin) { if (json.tagRenderings?.some(tr => tr["id"] === "")) { const emptyIndexes: number[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < json.tagRenderings.length; i++) { const tagRendering = json.tagRenderings[i]; if (tagRendering["id"] === "") { emptyIndexes.push(i) } } errors.push(`Some tagrendering-ids are empty or have an emtpy string; this is not allowed (at ${context}.tagRenderings.[${emptyIndexes.join(",")}])`) } const duplicateIds = Utils.Dupiclates((json.tagRenderings ?? [])?.map(f => f["id"]).filter(id => id !== "questions")) if (duplicateIds.length > 0 && !Utils.runningFromConsole) { errors.push(`Some tagRenderings have a duplicate id: ${duplicateIds} (at ${context}.tagRenderings)`) } if (json.description === undefined) { if (Constants.priviliged_layers.indexOf( >= 0) { errors.push( context + ": A priviliged layer must have a description" ) } else { warnings.push( context + ": A builtin layer should have a description" ) } } } } catch (e) { errors.push(e) } return { result: undefined, errors, warnings }; } } class ValidateLanguageCompleteness extends DesugaringStep { private readonly _languages: string[]; constructor(...languages: string[]) { super("Checks that the given object is fully translated in the specified languages", []); this._languages = languages; } convert(state: DesugaringContext, obj: any, context: string): { result: LayerConfig; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { const errors = [] const translations = Translation.ExtractAllTranslationsFrom( obj ) for (const neededLanguage of this._languages) { translations .filter(t =>[neededLanguage] === undefined &&["*"] === undefined) .forEach(missing => { errors.push(context + "A theme should be translation-complete for " + neededLanguage + ", but it lacks a translation for " + missing.context + ".\n\tThe english translation is " +'en')) }) } return { result: obj, warnings: [], errors }; } } class ValidateTheme extends DesugaringStep { /** * The paths where this layer is originally saved. Triggers some extra checks * @private */ private readonly _path?: string; private readonly knownImagePaths: Set; private readonly _isBuiltin: boolean; constructor(knownImagePaths: Set, path: string, isBuiltin: boolean) { super("Doesn't change anything, but emits warnings and errors", []); this.knownImagePaths = knownImagePaths; this._path = path; this._isBuiltin = isBuiltin; } convert(state: DesugaringContext, json: LayoutConfigJson, context: string): { result: LayoutConfigJson; errors: string[]; warnings: string[] } { const errors = [] const warnings = [] { // Legacy format checks if (this._isBuiltin) { if (json["units"] !== undefined) { errors.push("The theme " + + " has units defined - these should be defined on the layer instead. (Hint: use overrideAll: { '+units': ... }) ") } if (json["roamingRenderings"] !== undefined) { errors.push("Theme " + + " contains an old 'roamingRenderings'. Use an 'overrideAll' instead") } } } try { const theme = new LayoutConfig(json, true, "test") if ( !== { errors.push("Theme ids should be in lowercase, but it is " + } const filename = this._path.substring(this._path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, this._path.length - 5) if ( !== filename) { errors.push("Theme ids should be the same as the name.json, but we got id: " + + " and filename " + filename + " (" + this._path + ")") } if (!this.knownImagePaths.has(theme.icon)) { errors.push("The theme image " + theme.icon + " is not attributed or not saved locally") } const dups = Utils.Dupiclates( => layer["id"])) if (dups.length > 0) { errors.push(`The theme ${} defines multiple layers with id ${dups.join(", ")}`) } if (json["mustHaveLanguage"] !== undefined) { const checked = new ValidateLanguageCompleteness(...json["mustHaveLanguage"]) .convert(state, theme, errors.push(...checked.errors) warnings.push(...checked.warnings) } } catch (e) { errors.push(e) } return { result: json, errors, warnings }; } } export class ValidateThemeAndLayers extends Fuse { constructor(knownImagePaths: Set, path: string, isBuiltin: boolean) { super("Validates a theme and the contained layers", new ValidateTheme(knownImagePaths, path, isBuiltin), new OnEvery("layers", new ValidateLayer(knownImagePaths, undefined, false)) ); } }