import * as $ from "jquery" export class Utils { /** * In the 'deploy'-step, some code needs to be run by ts-node. * However, ts-node crashes when it sees 'document'. When running from console, we flag this and disable all code where document is needed. * This is a workaround and yet another hack */ public static runningFromConsole = false; public static readonly assets_path = "./assets/svg/"; static EncodeXmlValue(str) { return str.replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, ''') } /** * Gives a clean float, or undefined if parsing fails * @param str */ static asFloat(str): number { if (str) { const i = parseFloat(str); if (isNaN(i)) { return undefined; } return i; } return undefined; } public static Upper(str: string) { return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1); } public static TwoDigits(i: number) { if (i < 10) { return "0" + i; } return "" + i; } public static Round(i: number) { if(i < 0){ return "-" + Utils.Round(-i); } const j = "" + Math.floor(i * 10); if (j.length == 1) { return "0." + j; } return j.substr(0, j.length - 1) + "." + j.substr(j.length - 1, j.length); } public static Times(f: ((i: number) => string), count: number): string { let res = ""; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { res += f(i); } return res; } static DoEvery(millis: number, f: (() => void)) { if (Utils.runningFromConsole) { return; } window.setTimeout( function () { f(); Utils.DoEvery(millis, f); } , millis) } public static NoNull(array: T[]): T[] { const ls: T[] = []; for (const t of array) { if (t === undefined || t === null) { continue; } ls.push(t); } return ls; } public static NoEmpty(array: string[]): string[]{ const ls: string[] = []; for (const t of array) { if (t === "") { continue; } ls.push(t); } return ls; } public static EllipsesAfter(str : string, l : number = 100){ if(str === undefined){ return undefined; } if(str.length <= l){ return str; } return str.substr(0, l - 3)+"..."; } public static Dedup(arr: string[]):string[]{ if(arr === undefined){ return undefined; } const newArr = []; for (const string of arr) { if (newArr.indexOf(string) < 0) { newArr.push(string); } } return newArr; } public static MergeTags(a: any, b: any) { const t = {}; for (const k in a) { t[k] = a[k]; } for (const k in b) { t[k] = b[k]; } return t; } public static SplitFirst(a: string, sep: string): string[] { const index = a.indexOf(sep); if (index < 0) { return [a]; } return [a.substr(0, index), a.substr(index + sep.length)]; } // Date will be undefined on failure public static changesetDate(id: number, action: ((isFound: Date) => void)): void { $.getJSON("" + id, function (data) { console.log(data) action(new Date(data.elements[0].created_at)); }) .fail(() => { action(undefined); }); } public static LoadCustomCss(location: string){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); = "customCss"; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = location; = 'all'; head.appendChild(link); console.log("Added custom layout ",location) } static MatchKeys(object: any, prototype: any, context?: string){ for (const objectKey in object) { if(prototype[objectKey] === undefined){ console.error("Key ", objectKey, "might be not supported (in context",context,")") } } } static Merge(source: any, target: any){ target = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(target)); source = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source)); for (const key in source) { const sourceV = source[key]; const targetV = target[key] if(typeof sourceV === "object"){ if(targetV === undefined){ target[key] = sourceV; }else{ Utils.Merge(sourceV, targetV); } }else{ target[key] = sourceV; } } return target; } static ToMuchTags(source: any, toCheck: any, context: string){ for (const key in toCheck) { const toCheckV = toCheck[key]; const sourceV = source[key]; if(sourceV === undefined){ console.error("Probably a wrong tag in ", context, ": ", key, "might be wrong") } if(typeof toCheckV === "object"){ if(typeof sourceV !== "object"){ console.error("Probably a wrong value in ", context, ": ", key, "is a fixed value in the source") }else{ Utils.ToMuchTags(sourceV, toCheckV, context+"."+key); } } } } }