{ "id": "questions", "description": "Special library layer which does not need a '.questions'-prefix before being imported", "source": "special:library", "pointRendering": null, "lineRendering": null, "tagRenderings": [ { "id": "questions", "description": "Show the questions block at this location", "render": { "*": "{questions()}" } }, { "id": "images", "description": "This block shows the known images which are linked with the `image`-keys, but also via `mapillary` and `wikidata` and shows the button to upload new images", "render": { "*": "{image_carousel()}{image_upload()}" } }, { "id": "images_no_blur", "description": "Same as `images`, but uploaded request to disable blurring to the panoramax server", "render": { "*": "{image_carousel()}{image_upload(,,,true)}" } }, { "id": "mapillary", "description": "Shows a button to open Mapillary on this location", "render": { "*": "{mapillary_link()}" } }, { "id": "export_as_gpx", "description": "Shows a button to export this feature as GPX. Especially useful for route relations", "render": { "*": "{export_as_gpx()}" } }, { "id": "export_as_geojson", "description": "Shows a button to export this feature as geojson. Especially useful for debugging or using this in other programs", "render": { "*": "{export_as_geojson()}" } }, { "id": "wikipedia", "description": "Shows a wikipedia box with the corresponding wikipedia article; the wikidata-item link can be changed by a contributor", "render": { "*": "{wikipedia():max-height:25rem}" }, "question": { "en": "What is the corresponding Wikidata entity?", "nl": "Welk Wikidata-item komt overeen met dit object?", "de": "Wie lautet das zugehörige Wikidata Element?", "pt": "Qual é a entidade Wikidata correspondente?", "hu": "Mi a megfelelő Wikidata-elem?", "it": "Qual è l’elemento Wikidata corrispondente?", "nb_NO": "Hva er respektivt Wikipedia-element?", "fr": "Quelle est l'entité Wikidata correspondante ?", "ca": "Quina és la correspondent entitat a Wikidata?", "sv": "Vad är den motsvarande Wikidata-enheten?", "zh_Hant": "對應的維基資料項目是?", "pl": "Jaki jest powiązany obiekt Wikidata?", "ja": "対応するウィキデータのエンティティは何ですか?", "fil": "Ano ang nau-ukol na entidad sa Wikidata?", "es": "¿Cual es la entidad de Wikidata que se corresponde?", "zh_Hans": "在Wikidata上对应的实体是什么?", "da": "Hvad er den tilsvarende Wikidata-enhed?", "id": "Apa entitas Wikidata yang sesuai?", "cs": "Jaká je odpovídající entita Wikidata?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "wikipedia~*", "then": { "*": "{wikipedia():max-height:25rem}", "ca": "No hi ha cap enllaça a Viquipèdia encara", "da": "Der er endnu ikke linket til nogen Wikipedia-side", "de": "Es wurde noch keine Wikipedia-Seite verlinkt", "en": "No Wikipedia page has been linked yet", "es": "Todavía no se ha enlazado una página de wikipedia", "fil": "Wala pang kawing ng Wikipedia page", "fr": "Pas encore de lien vers une page Wikipedia", "hu": "Még nincs Wikipédia-oldal belinkelve", "it": "Nessuna pagina Wikipedia è ancora stata collegata", "ja": "ウィキペディアのページはまだリンクされていません", "nb_NO": "Ingen Wikipedia-side lenket enda", "nl": "Er werd nog geen Wikipedia-pagina gekoppeld", "pl": "Link do strony Wikipedii nie został jeszcze określony", "pt": "Ainda não foi vinculada nenhuma página da Wikipédia", "ru": "Никакой страницы на Википедии не было прикреплено", "sv": "Ingen Wikipedia-sida har länkats än", "zh_Hans": "尚未有连接到的维基百科页面", "zh_Hant": "還沒有連結到維基百科頁面", "id": "Belum ada halaman Wikipedia yang ditautkan", "cs": "Žádná stránka na Wikipedii zatím nebyla propojena" }, "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "wikidata=", "then": { "en": "No Wikipedia page has been linked yet", "nl": "Er werd nog geen Wikipedia-pagina gekoppeld", "de": "Es wurde noch keine Wikipedia-Seite verlinkt", "pt": "Ainda não foi vinculada nenhuma página da Wikipédia", "hu": "Még nincs Wikipédia-oldal belinkelve", "it": "Nessuna pagina Wikipedia è ancora stata collegata", "nb_NO": "Ingen Wikipedia-side lenket enda", "fr": "Pas encore de lien vers une page Wikipedia", "ca": "No hi ha cap enllaça a Viquipèdia encara", "sv": "Ingen Wikipedia-sida har länkats än", "zh_Hant": "還沒有連結到維基百科頁面", "ru": "Никакой страницы на Википедии не было прикреплено", "pl": "Link do strony Wikipedii nie został jeszcze określony", "ja": "ウィキペディアのページはまだリンクされていません", "fil": "Wala pang kawing ng Wikipedia page", "es": "Todavía no se ha enlazado una página de wikipedia", "zh_Hans": "尚未有连接到的维基百科页面", "da": "Der er endnu ikke linket til nogen Wikipedia-side", "id": "Belum ada halaman Wikipedia yang ditautkan", "cs": "Žádná stránka na Wikipedii zatím nebyla propojena" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ], "freeform": { "key": "wikidata", "type": "wikidata" } }, { "id": "reviews", "description": "Shows the reviews module (including the possibility to leave a review)", "render": { "*": "{create_review()}{list_reviews()}" } }, { "id": "minimap", "labels": [ "ignore_docs" ], "description": "Shows a small map with the feature. Added by default to every popup", "render": { "*": "{minimap(18, id): width:100%; height:8rem; border-radius:2rem; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none;}" } }, { "id": "phone", "labels": [ "contact" ], "question": { "en": "What is the phone number of {title()}?", "nl": "Wat is het telefoonnummer van {title()}?", "fr": "Quel est le numéro de téléphone de {title()} ?", "de": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer von {title()}?", "nb_NO": "Hva er telefonnummeret til {title()}?", "ru": "Какой номер телефона у {title()}?", "sv": "Vad är telefonnumret till {title()}?", "zh_Hant": "{title()} 的電話號碼是什麼?", "it": "Qual è il numero di telefono di {title()}?", "pt_BR": "Qual o número de telefone de {title()}?", "id": "Berapa nomor telepon dari {title()}?", "pl": "Jaki jest numer telefonu do {title()}?", "pt": "Qual é o número de telefone de {title()}?", "eo": "Kio estas la telefonnumero de {title()}?", "hu": "Mi a telefonszáma ennek: {title()}?", "ca": "Quin és el telèfon de {title()}?", "ja": "{title()}の電話番号は?", "sl": "Kakšno telefonsko številko ima {title()}?", "fil": "Ano ang telepono ng {title()}?", "es": "¿Cuál es el número de teléfono de {title()}?", "zh_Hans": "{title()} 的电话号码为何?", "da": "Hvad er telefonnummeret til {title()}?", "cs": "Jaké je telefonní číslo {title()}?" }, "render": { "special": { "type": "link", "href": "tel:{phone}", "text": "{phone}" } }, "icon": "./assets/layers/questions/phone.svg", "mappings": [ { "if": "contact:phone~*", "then": { "special": { "type": "link", "href": "tel:{contact:phone}", "text": "{contact:phone}" } }, "hideInAnswer": true, "icon": "./assets/layers/questions/phone.svg" } ], "freeform": { "key": "phone", "type": "phone", "addExtraTags": [ "contact:phone=" ] }, "editButtonAriaLabel": { "en": "Edit phone number", "nl": "Pas telefoonnummer aan", "de": "Telefonnummer bearbeiten" } }, { "id": "mastodon", "description": "Shows and asks for the mastodon handle", "question": { "en": "What is the Mastodon-handle of {title()}?", "de": "Wie lautet der Mastodon-Handle von {title()}?", "cs": "Co je Mastodon-handle {title()}?" }, "freeform": { "key": "contact:mastodon", "type": "fediverse" }, "render": { "*": "{fediverse_link(contact:mastodon)}" }, "icon": "./assets/svg/mastodon.svg" }, { "id": "facebook", "description": "Shows and asks for the facebook handle", "question": { "en": "What is the facebook page of of {title()}?", "de": "Was ist die Facebook-Seite von {title()}?" }, "freeform": { "key": "contact:facebook", "type": "url" }, "render": { "special": { "type": "link", "href": "{contact:facebook}", "text": { "en": "Facebook page", "de": "Facebook Seite" } }, "after": { "en": "