import {DropDown} from "./DropDown"; import * as EmailValidator from "email-validator"; import {parsePhoneNumberFromString} from "libphonenumber-js"; import InputElementMap from "./InputElementMap"; import {InputElement} from "./InputElement"; import {TextField} from "./TextField"; import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import CombinedInputElement from "./CombinedInputElement"; import SimpleDatePicker from "./SimpleDatePicker"; interface TextFieldDef { name: string, explanation: string, isValid: ((s: string, country?: string) => boolean), reformat?: ((s: string, country?: string) => string), inputHelper?: (value:UIEventSource) => InputElement } export default class ValidatedTextField { private static tp(name: string, explanation: string, isValid?: ((s: string, country?: string) => boolean), reformat?: ((s: string, country?: string) => string), inputHelper?: (value: UIEventSource) => InputElement): TextFieldDef { if (isValid === undefined) { isValid = () => true; } if (reformat === undefined) { reformat = (str, _) => str; } return { name: name, explanation: explanation, isValid: isValid, reformat: reformat, inputHelper: inputHelper } } public static tpList: TextFieldDef[] = [ "string", "A basic string"), "date", "A date", (str) => { const time = Date.parse(str); return !isNaN(time); }, (str) => { const d = new Date(str); let month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1); let day = '' + d.getDate(); const year = d.getFullYear(); if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month; if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day; return [year, month, day].join('-'); }, (value) => new SimpleDatePicker(value)), "wikidata", "A wikidata identifier, e.g. Q42"), "int", "A number", (str) => { str = "" + str; return str !== undefined && str.indexOf(".") < 0 && !isNaN(Number(str)) }), "nat", "A positive number or zero", (str) => { str = "" + str; return str !== undefined && str.indexOf(".") < 0 && !isNaN(Number(str)) && Number(str) >= 0 }), "pnat", "A strict positive number", (str) => { str = "" + str; return str !== undefined && str.indexOf(".") < 0 && !isNaN(Number(str)) && Number(str) > 0 }), "float", "A decimal", (str) => !isNaN(Number(str))), "pfloat", "A positive decimal (incl zero)", (str) => !isNaN(Number(str)) && Number(str) >= 0), "email", "An email adress", (str) => EmailValidator.validate(str)), "url", "A url", (str) => { try { new URL(str); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }, (str) => { try { const url = new URL(str); const blacklistedTrackingParams = [ "fbclid",// Oh god, how I hate the fbclid. Let it burn, burn in hell! "gclid", "cmpid", "agid", "utm", "utm_source","utm_medium"] for (const dontLike of blacklistedTrackingParams) { url.searchParams.delete(dontLike) } return url.toString(); } catch (e) { console.error(e) return undefined; } }), "phone", "A phone number", (str, country: any) => { if (str === undefined) { return false; } return parsePhoneNumberFromString(str, country?.toUpperCase())?.isValid() ?? false }, (str, country: any) => parsePhoneNumberFromString(str, country?.toUpperCase()).formatInternational() ) ] private static allTypesDict(){ const types = {}; for (const tp of ValidatedTextField.tpList) { types[] = tp; } return types; } public static TypeDropdown(): DropDown { const values: { value: string, shown: string }[] = []; const expl = ValidatedTextField.tpList; for (const key in expl) { values.push({value: key, shown: `${expl[key].name} - ${expl[key].explanation}`}) } return new DropDown("", values) } public static AllTypes = ValidatedTextField.allTypesDict(); public static InputForType(type: string, options?: { placeholder?: string | UIElement, value?: UIEventSource, textArea?: boolean, textAreaRows?: number, isValid?: ((s: string, country: string) => boolean), country?: string }): InputElement { options = options ?? {}; options.placeholder = options.placeholder ?? type; const tp: TextFieldDef = ValidatedTextField.AllTypes[type] const isValidTp = tp.isValid; let isValid; if (options.isValid) { const optValid = options.isValid; isValid = (str, country) => { if(str === undefined){ return false; } return isValidTp(str, country ?? && optValid(str, country ??; } }else{ isValid = isValidTp; } options.isValid = isValid; let input: InputElement = new TextField(options); if (tp.reformat) { input.GetValue().addCallbackAndRun(str => { if (!options.isValid(str, { return; } const formatted = tp.reformat(str,; input.GetValue().setData(formatted); }) } if (tp.inputHelper) { input = new CombinedInputElement(input, tp.inputHelper(input.GetValue())); } return input; } public static NumberInput(type: string = "int", extraValidation: (number: Number) => boolean = undefined): InputElement { const isValid = ValidatedTextField.AllTypes[type].isValid; extraValidation = extraValidation ?? (() => true) const fromString = str => { if (!isValid(str)) { return undefined; } const n = Number(str); if (!extraValidation(n)) { return undefined; } return n; }; const toString = num => { if (num === undefined) { return undefined; } return "" + num; }; const textField = ValidatedTextField.InputForType(type); return new InputElementMap(textField, (n0, n1) => n0 === n1, fromString, toString) } public static KeyInput(allowEmpty: boolean = false): InputElement { function fromString(str) { if (str?.match(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_-]*$/)) { return str; } if (str === "" && allowEmpty) { return ""; } return undefined } const toString = str => str function isSame(str0, str1) { return str0 === str1; } const textfield = new TextField({ placeholder: "key", isValid: str => fromString(str) !== undefined, value: new UIEventSource("") }); return new InputElementMap(textfield, isSame, fromString, toString); } static Mapped(fromString: (str) => T, toString: (T) => string, options?: { placeholder?: string | UIElement, type?: string, value?: UIEventSource, startValidated?: boolean, textArea?: boolean, textAreaRows?: number, isValid?: ((string: string) => boolean), country?: string }): InputElement { let textField: InputElement; if (options?.type) { textField = ValidatedTextField.InputForType(options.type, options); } else { textField = new TextField(options); } return new InputElementMap( textField, (a, b) => a === b, fromString, toString ); } }