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", "de": "Auf dieser Karte können Sie alle Naturschutzgebiete von Natuurpunt finden ", "zh_Hant": "在這張地圖上您可以找到 Natuurpunt 提供的所有自然保護區 " }, "mustHaveLanguage": [ "nl" ], "maintainer": "", "icon": "./assets/themes/natuurpunt/natuurpunt.png", "version": "0", "startLat": 51.20875, "startLon": 3.22435, "startZoom": 15, "lockLocation": [ [ 2.1, 50.4 ], [ 6.4, 51.54 ] ], "widenFactor": 2, "socialImage": "", "defaultBackgroundId": "CartoDB.Positron", "enablePdfDownload": true, "enableDownload": false, "hideFromOverview": true, "clustering": { "maxZoom": 0, "#": "Disable clustering for this theme" }, "layers": [ { "#": "Nature reserve with geometry, z>=13", "builtin": "nature_reserve", "override": { "name": null, "source": { "osmTags": { "+and": [ "operator~.*[nN]atuurpunt.*" ] }, "geoJson": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete-data/main/natuurpunt_cache/natuurpunt_{layer}_{z}_{x}_{y}.geojson", "geoJsonZoomLevel": 12, "isOsmCache": true }, "minzoom": 13, "minzoomVisible": 0, 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