{ "id": "sport_pitch", "name": { "nl": "Sportterrein", "en": "Sport pitches" }, "wayHandling": 2, "minzoom": 12, "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ "leisure=pitch" ] } }, "title": { "render": { "nl": "Sportterrein", "en": "Sport pitch" } }, "description": { "nl": "Een sportterrein", "en": "A sport pitch" }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "render": { "nl": "Hier kan men {sport} beoefenen", "en": "{sport} is played here" }, "freeform": { "key": "sport" }, "question": { "nl": "Welke sporten kan men hier beoefenen?", "en": "Which sport can be played here?" }, "multiAnswer": true, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "sport=basketball" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Hier kan men basketbal spelen", "en": "Basketball is played here" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "sport=soccer" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Hier kan men voetbal spelen", "en": "Soccer is played here" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "sport=table_tennis" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Dit is een pingpongtafel", "en": "This is a pingpong table" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "sport=tennis" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Hier kan men tennis spelen", "en": "Tennis is played here" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "sport=korfball" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Hier kan men korfbal spelen", "en": "Korfball is played here" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "sport=basket" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Hier kan men basketbal beoefenen", "en": "Basketball is played here" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Wat is de ondergrond van dit sportveld?", "en": "Which is the surface of this sport pitch?" }, "render": { "nl": "De ondergrond is {surface}", "en": "The surface is {surface}" }, "freeform": { "key": "surface" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "surface=grass", "then": { "nl": "De ondergrond is gras", "en": "The surface is grass" } }, { "if": "surface=sand", "then": { "nl": "De ondergrond is zand", "en": "The surface is sand" } }, { "if": "surface=paving_stones", "then": { "nl": "De ondergrond bestaat uit stoeptegels", "en": "The surface is paving stones" } }, { "if": "surface=asphalt", "then": { "nl": "De ondergrond is asfalt", "en": "The surface is asphalt" } }, { "if": "surface=concrete", "then": { "nl": "De ondergrond is beton", "en": "The surface is concrete" } } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Is dit sportterrein publiek toegankelijk?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "access=public", "then": "Publiek toegankelijk" }, { "if": "access=limited", "then": "Beperkt toegankelijk (enkel na reservatie, tijdens bepaalde uren, ...)" }, { "if": "access=members", "then": "Enkel toegankelijk voor leden van de bijhorende sportclub" }, { "if": "access=private", "then": "Privaat en niet toegankelijk" } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Moet men reserveren om gebruik te maken van dit sportveld?", "en": "Does one have to make an appointment to use this sport pitch?" }, "condition": { "and": [ "access!=public", "access!=private", "access!=members" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": "reservation=required", "then": { "nl": "Reserveren is verplicht om gebruik te maken van dit sportterrein", "en": "Making an appointment is obligatory to use this sport pitch" } }, { "if": "reservation=recommended", "then": { "nl": "Reserveren is sterk aangeraden om gebruik te maken van dit sportterrein", "en": "Making an appointment is recommended when using this sport pitch" } }, { "if": "reservation=yes", "then": { "nl":"Reserveren is mogelijk, maar geen voorwaarde", "en": "Making an appointment is possible, but not necessary to use this sport pitch" } }, { "if": "reservation=no", "then": { "nl": "Reserveren is niet mogelijk", "en": "Making an appointment is not possible" } } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Wat is het telefoonnummer van de bevoegde dienst of uitbater?", "en": "What is the phone number of the operator?" }, "freeform": { "key": "phone", "type": "phone" }, "render": "{phone}" }, { "question": { "nl": "Wat is het email-adres van de bevoegde dienst of uitbater?", "en": "What is the email address of the operator?" }, "freeform": { "key": "email", "type": "email" }, "render": "{email}" }, { "question": { "nl": "Wanneer is dit sportveld toegankelijk?", "en": "When is this pitch accessible?" }, "render": "{opening_hours()}", "freeform": { "key": "opening_hours", "type": "opening_hours" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "opening_hours=", "then": "24/7 toegankelijk", "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "opening_hours=24/7", "then": { "nl": "24/7 toegankelijk", "en": "Always accessible" } } ], "condition": "access~*" }, "questions", { "render": "{reviews(name, sportpitch)}" } ], "hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage": 0, "icon": { "render": "circle:white;./assets/layers/sport_pitch/tabletennis.svg" }, "iconOverlays": [ { "if": { "and": [ "opening_hours!=24/7", "opening_hours~*" ] }, "then": "isOpen", "badge": true } ], "width": { "render": "1" }, "iconSize": { "render": "25,25,center" }, "color": { "render": "#009" }, "presets": [ { "title": { "nl": "Ping-pong tafel" }, "tags": [ "leisure=pitch", "sport=table_tennis" ] }, { "title": { "nl": "Sportterrein" }, "tags": [ "leisure=pitch", "fixme=Toegevoegd met MapComplete, geometry nog uit te tekenen" ] } ] }