import {InputElement} from "./InputElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import CheckBox from "./CheckBox"; import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagConfigJson"; import {MultiTagInput} from "./MultiTagInput"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; class AndOrConfig implements AndOrTagConfigJson { public and: (string | AndOrTagConfigJson)[] = undefined; public or: (string | AndOrTagConfigJson)[] = undefined; } export default class AndOrTagInput extends InputElement<AndOrTagConfigJson> { private readonly _rawTags = new MultiTagInput(); private readonly _subAndOrs: AndOrTagInput[] = []; private readonly _isAnd: UIEventSource<boolean> = new UIEventSource<boolean>(true); private readonly _isAndButton; private readonly _addBlock: UIElement; private readonly _value: UIEventSource<AndOrConfig> = new UIEventSource<AndOrConfig>(undefined); public bottomLeftButton: UIElement; IsSelected: UIEventSource<boolean>; constructor() { super(); const self = this; this._isAndButton = new CheckBox( new SubtleButton(Svg.ampersand_ui(), null).SetClass("small-button"), new SubtleButton(Svg.or_ui(), null).SetClass("small-button"), this._isAnd); this._addBlock = new SubtleButton(Svg.addSmall_ui(), "Add an and/or-expression") .SetClass("small-button") .onClick(() => {self.createNewBlock()}); this._isAnd.addCallback(() => self.UpdateValue()); this._rawTags.GetValue().addCallback(() => { self.UpdateValue() }); this.IsSelected = this._rawTags.IsSelected; this._value.addCallback(tags => self.loadFromValue(tags)); } private createNewBlock(){ const inputEl = new AndOrTagInput(); inputEl.GetValue().addCallback(() => this.UpdateValue()); const deleteButton = this.createDeleteButton(; inputEl.bottomLeftButton = deleteButton; this._subAndOrs.push(inputEl); this.Update(); } private createDeleteButton(elementId: string): UIElement { const self = this; return new SubtleButton(Svg.delete_icon_ui(), null).SetClass("small-button") .onClick(() => { for (let i = 0; i < self._subAndOrs.length; i++) { if (self._subAndOrs[i].id === elementId) { self._subAndOrs.splice(i, 1); self.Update(); self.UpdateValue(); return; } } }); } private loadFromValue(value: AndOrTagConfigJson) { this._isAnd.setData(value.and !== undefined); const tags = value.and ?? value.or; const rawTags: string[] = []; const subTags: AndOrTagConfigJson[] = []; for (const tag of tags) { if (typeof (tag) === "string") { rawTags.push(tag); } else { subTags.push(tag); } } for (let i = 0; i < rawTags.length; i++) { if (this._rawTags.GetValue().data[i] !== rawTags[i]) { // For some reason, 'setData' isn't stable as the comparison between the lists fails // Probably because we generate a new list object every timee // So we compare again here and update only if we find a difference this._rawTags.GetValue().setData(rawTags); break; } } while(this._subAndOrs.length < subTags.length){ this.createNewBlock(); } for (let i = 0; i < subTags.length; i++){ let subTag = subTags[i]; this._subAndOrs[i].GetValue().setData(subTag); } } private UpdateValue() { const tags: (string | AndOrTagConfigJson)[] = []; tags.push(...this._rawTags.GetValue().data); for (const subAndOr of this._subAndOrs) { const subAndOrData =; if (subAndOrData === undefined) { continue; } console.log(subAndOrData); tags.push(subAndOrData); } const tagConfig = new AndOrConfig(); if ( { tagConfig.and = tags; } else { tagConfig.or = tags; } this._value.setData(tagConfig); } GetValue(): UIEventSource<AndOrTagConfigJson> { return this._value; } InnerRender(): string { const leftColumn = new Combine([ this._isAndButton, "<br/>", this.bottomLeftButton ?? "" ]); const tags = new Combine([ this._rawTags, ...this._subAndOrs, this._addBlock ]).Render(); return `<span class="bordered"><table><tr><td>${leftColumn.Render()}</td><td>${tags}</td></tr></table></span>`; } IsValid(t: AndOrTagConfigJson): boolean { return true; } }