{ "language": [ "en" ], "startLat": "0", "startLon": "0", "startZoom": "12", "maintainer": "Pieter Vander Vennet", "layers": [ { "id": "Defibrillator", "title": { "key": "*", "render": "Defibrillator" }, "icon": { "key": "*", "render": "./assets/themes/aed/aed.svg" }, "color": { "render": "#0000ff", "key": "*" }, "description": "A defibrillator", "minzoom": "12", "presets": [ { "title": "Defibrillator", "tags": "emergency=defibrillator", "description": "A defibrillator" } ], "tagRenderings": [ { "mappings": [ { "then": "This defibrillator is located indoors", "if": "indoor=yes" }, { "then": "This defibrillator is located outdoors", "if": "indoor=no" } ], "question": "Is this defibrillator located indoors?", "type": "text" }, { "mappings": [ { "then": "Publicly accessible", "if": "access=yes" }, { "then": "Only accessible to customers", "if": "access=customers" }, { "if": "access=private", "then": "Not accessible to the general public (e.g. only accesible to staff, the owners, ...)" } ], "question": "Is this defibrillator freely accessible", "type": "text", "key": "access", "condition": "indoor=yes" }, { "key": "level", "mappings": [], "question": "On which floor is this defibrillator located?", "type": "int", "render": "This defibrallator is on floor {level}", "condition": "indoor=yes&access!=private" }, { "key": "defibrillator:location", "mappings": [], "question": "Please give some explanation on where the defibrillator can be found", "type": "text", "render": "{defibrillator:location}" } ], "overpassTags": "emergency=defibrillator" } ], "title": "Open AED Map", "icon": "./assets/themes/aed/aed.svg", "name": "aed", "description": "On this map, one can find and mark nearby defibrillators" }