import {TagMappingOptions} from "../UI/TagMapping"; import {Img} from "../UI/Img"; export class CommonTagMappings { public static access = new TagMappingOptions({ key: "access", mapping: { yes: "Vrij toegankelijk (op de paden)", no: "Niet toegankelijk", private: "Niet toegankelijk, want privegebied", permissive: "Toegankelijk, maar het is privegebied", guided: "Enkel met gids of op activiteit" } }); public static operator = new TagMappingOptions({ key: "operator", template: "Beheer door {operator}", mapping: { private: 'Beheer door een privepersoon of organisatie' } }); public static osmLink = new TagMappingOptions({ key: "id", mapping: { "node/-1": "" }, template: "" + Img.osmAbstractLogo + "" }); public static wikipediaLink = new TagMappingOptions({ key: "wikipedia", missing: "", freeform: (value: string) => { let link = ""; // @ts-ignore if (value.startsWith("https")) { link = value; } else { const splitted = value.split(":"); const language = splitted[0]; splitted.shift(); const page = splitted.join(":"); link = 'https://' + language + '' + page; } return "" + "" + "wikipedia"; } }); }