{ "shared_questions": { "denominations-coins": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "1 cent coins are accepted" }, "1": { "then": "2 cent coins are accepted" }, "2": { "then": "5 cent coins are accepted" }, "3": { "then": "10 cent coins are accepted" }, "4": { "then": "20 cent coins are accepted" }, "5": { "then": "50 cent coins are accepted" }, "6": { "then": "1 euro coins are accepted" }, "7": { "then": "2 euro coins are accepted" } }, "question": "What coins can you use to pay here?" }, "denominations-notes": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "5 euro notes are accepted" }, "1": { "then": "10 euro notes are accepted" }, "2": { "then": "20 euro notes are accepted" }, "3": { "then": "50 euro notes are accepted" }, "4": { "then": "100 euro notes are accepted" }, "5": { "then": "200 euro notes are accepted" }, "6": { "then": "500 euro notes are accepted" } }, "question": "what notes can you use to pay here?" }, "description": { "question": "Is there still some relevant info that the previous questions did not cover? Feel free to add it here.", "questionHint": "Please don't repeat already stated facts" }, "dog-access": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "Dogs are allowed" }, "1": { "then": "Dogs are not allowed" }, "2": { "then": "Dogs are allowed, but they have to be leashed" }, "3": { "then": "Dogs are allowed and can run around freely" } }, "question": "Are dogs allowed in this business?" }, "email": { "question": "What is the email address of {title()}?" }, "induction-loop": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "This place has an audio induction loop" }, "1": { "then": "This place does not have an audio induction loop" } }, "question": "Does this place have an audio induction loop for people with reduced hearing?" }, "internet": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "This place offers wireless internet access" }, "1": { "then": "This place does not offer internet access" }, "2": { "then": "This place offers internet access" }, "3": { "then": "This place offers internet access via a terminal or computer" }, "4": { "then": "This place offers wired internet access" } }, "question": "Does this place offer internet access?" }, "internet-fee": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "There is a fee for the internet access at this place" }, "1": { "then": "Internet access is free at this place" }, "2": { "then": "Internet access is free at this place, for customers only" } }, "question": "Is there a fee for internet access?" }, "internet-ssid": { "freeform": { "placeholder": "Enter the network name" }, "question": "What is the network name for the wireless internet access?", "render": "The network name is {internet_access:ssid}" }, "just_created": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide." } } }, "last_edit": { "render": { "special": { "text": "Last edited on {_last_edit:timestamp} by {_last_edit:contributor}" } } }, "level": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "Located underground" }, "1": { "then": "Located on the ground floor" }, "2": { "then": "Located on the ground floor" }, "3": { "then": "Located on the first floor" }, "4": { "then": "Located on the first basement level" } }, "question": "On what level is this feature located?", "render": "Located on the {level}th floor" }, "luminous_or_lit": { "mappings": { "0": { "then": "This object both emits light and is lighted by an external light source" }, "1": { "then": "This object emits light" }, "2": { "then": "This object is lit externally, e.g. by a spotlight or other lights" }, "3": { "then": "This object does not emit light and is not lighted by externally" } }, "question": "Is this object lit or does it emit light?" }, "multilevels": { "override": { "question": "What levels does this elevator go to?", "render": "This elevator goes to floors {level}" } }, "opening_hours": { "question": "What are the opening hours of {title()}?", "render": "