import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "./TagRenderingConfigJson"; import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "./TagConfigJson"; /** * Configuration for a single layer */ export interface LayerConfigJson { /** * The id of this layer. * This should be a simple, lowercase, human readable string that is used to identify the layer. */ id: string; /** * The name of this layer * Used in the layer control panel and the 'Personal theme' */ name: string | any /** * A description for this layer. * Shown in the layer selections and in the personel theme */ description?: string | any; /** * This determines where the data for the layer is fetched. * There are some options: * * source: {osmTags: "key=value"} will fetch all objects with given tags from OSM. Currently, this will create a query to overpass and fetch the data - in the future this might fetch from the OSM API * source: {geoJsonSource: ""} to fetch a geojson from a third party source * * source: {overpassScript: ""} when you want to do special things. _This should be really rare_. * This means that the data will be pulled from overpass with this script, and will ignore the osmTags for the query * However, for the rest of the pipeline, the OsmTags will _still_ be used. This is important to enable layers etc... * * * NOTE: the previous format was 'overpassTags: AndOrTagCOnfigJson | string', which is interpreted as a shorthand for source: {osmTags: "key=value"} * While still supported, this is considered deprecated */ source: {osmTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string} | {geoJsonSource: string} | {overpassScript: string} /** * A dictionary of 'key': 'js-expression'. These js-expressions will be calculated for every feature, giving extra tags to work with in the rest of the pipieline */ calculatedTags? : any; /** * If set, this layer will not query overpass; but it'll still match the tags above which are by chance returned by other layers. * Works well together with 'passAllFeatures', to add decoration */ doNotDownload?: boolean; /** * The zoomlevel at which point the data is shown and loaded. * Default: 0 */ minzoom?: number; /** * The zoomlevel at which point the data is hidden again * Default: 100 (thus: always visible */ maxzoom?: number; /** * The title shown in a popup for elements of this layer. */ title?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson; /** * Small icons shown next to the title. * If not specified, the OsmLink and wikipedia links will be used by default. * Use an empty array to hide them */ titleIcons?: (string | TagRenderingConfigJson)[]; /** * The icon for an element. * Note that this also doubles as the icon for this layer (rendered with the overpass-tags) ánd the icon in the presets. * * The result of the icon is rendered as follows: * the resulting string is interpreted as a _list_ of items, seperated by ";". The bottommost layer is the first layer. * As a result, on could use a generic pin, then overlay it with a specific icon. * To make things even more practical, one can use all svgs from the folder "assets/svg" and _substitute the color_ in it. * E.g. to draw a red pin, use "pin:#f00", to have a green circle with your icon on top, use `circle:#0f0;` */ icon?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson; /** * IconsOverlays are a list of extra icons/badges to overlay over the icon. * The 'badge'-toggle changes their behaviour. * If badge is set, it will be added as a 25% height icon at the bottom right of the icon, with all the badges in a flex layout. * If badges is false, it'll be a simple overlay * * Note: strings are interpreted as icons, so layering and substituting is supported */ iconOverlays?: {if: string | AndOrTagConfigJson, then: string | TagRenderingConfigJson, badge?: boolean}[] /** * A string containing "width,height" or "width,height,anchorpoint" where anchorpoint is any of 'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'bottomleft','topright', ... * Default is '40,40,center' */ iconSize?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson; /** * The rotation of an icon, useful for e.g. directions. * Usage: as if it were a css property for 'rotate', thus has to end with 'deg', e.g. `90deg`, `{direction}deg`, `calc(90deg - {camera:direction}deg)`` */ rotation?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson; /** * The color for way-elements and SVG-elements. * If the value starts with "--", the style of the body element will be queried for the corresponding variable instead */ color?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson; /** * The stroke-width for way-elements */ width?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson; /** * A dasharray, e.g. "5 6" * The dasharray defines 'pixels of line, pixels of gap, pixels of line, pixels of gap', * Default value: "" (empty string == full line) */ dashArray?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson /** * Wayhandling: should a way/area be displayed as: * 0) The way itself * 1) Only the centerpoint * 2) The centerpoint and the way */ wayHandling?: number; /** * Consider that we want to show 'Nature Reserves' and 'Forests'. Now, ofter, there are pieces of forest mapped _in_ the nature reserve. * Now, showing those pieces of forest overlapping with the nature reserve truly clutters the map and is very user-unfriendly. * * The features are placed layer by layer. If a feature below a feature on this layer overlaps for more then 'x'-percent, the underlying feature is hidden. */ hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage?:number; /** * If set, this layer will pass all the features it receives onto the next layer. * This is ideal for decoration, e.g. directionss on cameras */ passAllFeatures?:boolean /** * Presets for this layer. * A preset shows up when clicking the map on a without data (or when right-clicking/long-pressing); * it will prompt the user to add a new point. * * The most important aspect are the tags, which define which tags the new point will have; * The title is shown in the dialog, along with the first sentence of the description. * * Upon confirmation, the full description is shown beneath the buttons - perfect to add pictures and examples. * * Note: the icon of the preset is determined automatically based on the tags and the icon above. Don't worry about that! * NB: if no presets are defined, the popup to add new points doesn't show up at all */ presets?: { /** * The title - shown on the 'add-new'-button. */ title: string | any, /** * The tags to add. It determines the icon too */ tags: string[], /** * The _first sentence_ of the description is shown on the button of the `add` menu. * The full description is shown in the confirmation dialog. * * (The first sentence is until the first '.'-character in the description) */ description?: string | any, }[], /** * All the tag renderings. * A tag rendering is a block that either shows the known value or asks a question. * * Refer to the class `TagRenderingConfigJson` to see the possibilities. * * Note that we can also use a string here - where the string refers to a tagrenering defined in `assets/questions/questions.json`, * where a few very general questions are defined e.g. website, phone number, ... * * A special value is 'questions', which indicates the location of the questions box. If not specified, it'll be appended to the bottom of the featureInfobox. * */ tagRenderings?: (string | TagRenderingConfigJson) [] }