import {Basemap} from "./Basemap"; import L from "leaflet"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../UI/UIEventSource"; import {UIElement} from "../../UI/UIElement"; import {Helpers} from "../../Helpers"; export class GeoLocationHandler extends UIElement { currentLocation: UIEventSource<{ latlng: number, accuracy: number }> = new UIEventSource<{ latlng: number, accuracy: number }>(undefined); private _isActive: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); private _permission: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(""); private _map: Basemap; private _marker: any; constructor(map: Basemap) { super(undefined); this._map = map; this.ListenTo(this.currentLocation); this.ListenTo(this._isActive); this.ListenTo(this._permission); const self = this; function onAccuratePositionProgress(e) { console.log(e.accuracy); console.log(e.latlng); self.currentLocation.setData({latlng: e.latlng, accuracy: e.accuracy}); } function onAccuratePositionFound(e) { console.log(e.accuracy); console.log(e.latlng); self.currentLocation.setData({latlng: e.latlng, accuracy: e.accuracy}); } function onAccuratePositionError(e) { console.log("onerror", e.message); }'accuratepositionprogress', onAccuratePositionProgress);'accuratepositionfound', onAccuratePositionFound);'accuratepositionerror', onAccuratePositionError); const icon = L.icon( { iconUrl: './assets/crosshair-blue.svg', iconSize: [40, 40], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [20, 20], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location }) this.currentLocation.addCallback((location) => { const newMarker = L.marker(location.latlng, {icon: icon}); newMarker.addTo(; if (self._marker !== undefined) {; } self._marker = newMarker; }); navigator?.permissions?.query({name: 'geolocation'}) ?.then(function (status) { console.log("Geolocation is already", status) if (status.state === "granted") { self.StartGeolocating(); } self._permission.setData(status.state); status.onchange = function () { self._permission.setData(status.state); } }); this.HideOnEmpty(true); } InnerRender(): string { if ( { return "locate me"; } if ( { return "locate me"; } return "locate me"; } private StartGeolocating() { const self = this; if ( === "denied") { return ""; } if ( !== undefined) {, 18); } console.log("Searching location using GPS"){ maxWait: 10000, // defaults to 10000 desiredAccuracy: 50 // defaults to 20 }); if (! { self._isActive.setData(true); Helpers.DoEvery(60000, () => { if(document.visibilityState !== "visible"){ console.log("Not starting gps: document not visible") return; }{ maxWait: 10000, // defaults to 10000 desiredAccuracy: 50 // defaults to 20 }); }) } } InnerUpdate(htmlElement: HTMLElement) { super.InnerUpdate(htmlElement); const self = this; htmlElement.onclick = function () { self.StartGeolocating(); } } }