"use strict"; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ImageSearcher = void 0; var UIEventSource_1 = require("../UI/UIEventSource"); var Wikimedia_1 = require("./Wikimedia"); var WikimediaImage_1 = require("../UI/Image/WikimediaImage"); var SimpleImageElement_1 = require("../UI/Image/SimpleImageElement"); var ImgurImage_1 = require("../UI/Image/ImgurImage"); /** * There are multiple way to fetch images for an object * 1) There is an image tag * 2) There is an image tag, the image tag contains multiple ';'-seperated URLS * 3) there are multiple image tags, e.g. 'image', 'image:0', 'image:1', and 'image_0', 'image_1' - however, these are pretty rare so we are gonna ignore them * 4) There is a wikimedia_commons-tag, which either has a 'File': or a 'category:' containing images * 5) There is a wikidata-tag, and the wikidata item either has an 'image' attribute or has 'a link to a wikimedia commons category' * 6) There is a wikipedia article, from which we can deduct the wikidata item * * For some images, author and license should be shown */ /** * Class which search for all the possible locations for images and which builds a list of UI-elements for it. * Note that this list is embedded into an UIEVentSource, ready to put it into a carousel */ var ImageSearcher = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ImageSearcher, _super); function ImageSearcher(tags, changes) { var _this = _super.call(this, []) || this; _this._wdItem = new UIEventSource_1.UIEventSource(""); _this._commons = new UIEventSource_1.UIEventSource(""); _this._activated = false; _this._deletedImages = new UIEventSource_1.UIEventSource([]); _this._tags = tags; _this._changes = changes; var self = _this; _this._wdItem.addCallback(function () { // Load the wikidata item, then detect usage on 'commons' var wikidataId = self._wdItem.data; // @ts-ignore if (wikidataId.startsWith("Q")) { wikidataId = wikidataId.substr(1); } Wikimedia_1.Wikimedia.GetWikiData(parseInt(wikidataId), function (wd) { self.AddImage(wd.image); Wikimedia_1.Wikimedia.GetCategoryFiles(wd.commonsWiki, function (images) { for (var _i = 0, _a = images.images; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var image = _a[_i]; // @ts-ignore if (image.startsWith("File:")) { self.AddImage(image); } } }); }); }); _this._commons.addCallback(function () { var commons = self._commons.data; // @ts-ignore if (commons.startsWith("Category:")) { Wikimedia_1.Wikimedia.GetCategoryFiles(commons, function (images) { for (var _i = 0, _a = images.images; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var image = _a[_i]; // @ts-ignore if (image.startsWith("File:")) { self.AddImage(image); } } }); } else { // @ts-ignore if (commons.startsWith("File:")) { self.AddImage(commons); } } }); return _this; } ImageSearcher.prototype.AddImage = function (url) { if (url === undefined || url === null || url === "") { return; } for (var _i = 0, _a = this.data; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var el = _a[_i]; if (el === url) { return; } } this.data.push(url); this.ping(); }; ImageSearcher.prototype.ImageKey = function (url) { var tgs = this._tags.data; for (var key in tgs) { if (tgs[key] === url) { return key; } } return undefined; }; ImageSearcher.prototype.IsDeletable = function (url) { return this.ImageKey(url) !== undefined; }; ImageSearcher.prototype.Delete = function (url) { var key = this.ImageKey(url); if (key === undefined) { return; } console.log("Deleting image...", key, " --> ", url); this._changes.addChange(this._tags.data.id, key, ""); this._deletedImages.data.push(url); this._deletedImages.ping(); }; ImageSearcher.prototype.Activate = function () { if (this._activated) { return; } this._activated = true; this.LoadImages(); var self = this; this._tags.addCallback(function () { return self.LoadImages(); }); }; ImageSearcher.prototype.LoadImages = function () { if (!this._activated) { return; } var imageTag = this._tags.data.image; if (imageTag !== undefined) { var bareImages = imageTag.split(";"); for (var _i = 0, bareImages_1 = bareImages; _i < bareImages_1.length; _i++) { var bareImage = bareImages_1[_i]; this.AddImage(bareImage); } } for (var key in this._tags.data) { // @ts-ignore if (key.startsWith("image:")) { var url = this._tags.data[key]; this.AddImage(url); } } var wdItem = this._tags.data.wikidata; if (wdItem !== undefined) { this._wdItem.setData(wdItem); } var commons = this._tags.data.wikimedia_commons; if (commons !== undefined) { this._commons.setData(commons); } }; /*** * Creates either a 'simpleimage' or a 'wikimediaimage' based on the string * @param url * @constructor */ ImageSearcher.CreateImageElement = function (url) { // @ts-ignore if (url.startsWith("File:")) { return new WikimediaImage_1.WikimediaImage(url); } else if (url.startsWith("https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/")) { var commons = url.substr("https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/".length); return new WikimediaImage_1.WikimediaImage(commons); } else if (url.startsWith("https://i.imgur.com/")) { return new ImgurImage_1.ImgurImage(url); } else { return new SimpleImageElement_1.SimpleImageElement(new UIEventSource_1.UIEventSource(url)); } }; return ImageSearcher; }(UIEventSource_1.UIEventSource)); exports.ImageSearcher = ImageSearcher;