/** * Wraps the query parameters into UIEventSources */ import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource"; export class QueryParameters { private static order: string [] = ["layout","test","z","lat","lon"]; private static knownSources = {}; private static initialized = false; private static defaults = {} private static addOrder(key){ if(this.order.indexOf(key) < 0){ this.order.push(key) } } private static init() { if(this.initialized){ return; } this.initialized = true; if (window?.location?.search) { console.log("Window.location.search is",window.location.search) const params = window.location.search.substr(1).split("&"); for (const param of params) { const kv = param.split("="); const key = decodeURIComponent(kv[0]); QueryParameters.addOrder(key) const v = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]); const source = new UIEventSource(v); source.addCallback(() => QueryParameters.Serialize()) QueryParameters.knownSources[key] = source; } } } private static Serialize() { const parts = [] for (const key of QueryParameters.order) { if (QueryParameters.knownSources[key] === undefined || QueryParameters.knownSources[key].data === undefined) { continue; } if (QueryParameters.knownSources[key].data === undefined) { continue; } if (QueryParameters.knownSources[key].data == QueryParameters.defaults[key]) { continue; } parts.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(QueryParameters.knownSources[key].data)) } history.replaceState(null, "", "?" + parts.join("&")); } public static GetQueryParameter(key: string, deflt: string, documentation?: string): UIEventSource { if(!this.initialized){ this.init(); } if (deflt !== undefined) { QueryParameters.defaults[key] = deflt; } if (QueryParameters.knownSources[key] !== undefined) { return QueryParameters.knownSources[key]; } QueryParameters.addOrder(key); const source = new UIEventSource(deflt); QueryParameters.knownSources[key] = source; source.addCallback(() => QueryParameters.Serialize()) return source; } }