import { LayerDefinition } from "../LayerDefinition"; import { And, Or, Tag } from "../../Logic/TagsFilter"; import { OperatorTag } from "../Questions/OperatorTag"; import * as L from "leaflet"; import FixedText from "../Questions/FixedText"; import { BikeParkingType } from "../Questions/BikeParkingType"; import { TagRenderingOptions } from "../TagRendering"; import { ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor } from "../../UI/Image/ImageCarouselWithUpload"; export class DrinkingWaterLayer extends LayerDefinition { constructor() { super(); = "drinking_water"; this.icon = "./assets/bug.svg"; this.overpassFilter = new Or([ new And([ new Tag("amenity", "drinking_water") ]) ]); this.newElementTags = [ new Tag("amenity", "drinking_water"), ]; this.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage = 10; this.minzoom = 13; = this.generateStyleFunction(); this.title = new FixedText("Drinking water"); this.elementsToShow = [ new OperatorTag(), new BikeParkingType() ]; this.elementsToShow = [new ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor(), new TagRenderingOptions({ question: "How easy is it to fill water bottles?", mappings: [ { k: new Tag("bottle", "yes"), txt: "It is easy to refill water bottles" }, { k: new Tag("bottle", "no"), txt: "Water bottles may not fit" } ], })]; } private generateStyleFunction() { const self = this; return function (properties: any) { return { color: "#00bb00", icon: new L.icon({ iconUrl: self.icon, iconSize: [40, 40] }) }; }; } }