import {UIElement} from "../UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {InputElement} from "../Input/InputElement"; import SingleSetting from "./SingleSetting"; import SettingsTable from "./SettingsTable"; import {TextField, ValidatedTextField} from "../Input/TextField"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import MultiLingualTextFields from "../Input/MultiLingualTextFields"; import {AndOrTagInput} from "../Input/AndOrTagInput"; import {MultiTagInput} from "../Input/MultiTagInput"; import {MultiInput} from "../Input/MultiInput"; import MappingInput from "./MappingInput"; import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagConfigJson"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "../../Customizations/JSON/TagRenderingConfigJson"; import {UserDetails} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import {State} from "../../State"; export default class TagRenderingPanel extends InputElement { private intro: UIElement; private settingsTable: UIElement; public IsImage = false; private readonly _value: UIEventSource; public options: { title?: string; description?: string; disableQuestions?: boolean; isImage?: boolean; }; constructor(languages: UIEventSource, currentlySelected: UIEventSource>, userDetails: UserDetails, options?: { title?: string, description?: string, disableQuestions?: boolean, isImage?: boolean }) { super(); this.SetClass("bordered"); this.SetClass("min-height"); this.options = options ?? {}; const questionsNotUnlocked = userDetails.csCount < State.userJourney.themeGeneratorFullUnlock; this.options.disableQuestions = (this.options.disableQuestions ?? false) || questionsNotUnlocked; this.intro = new Combine(["

", options?.title ?? "TagRendering", "

", options?.description ?? ""]) this.IsImage = options?.isImage ?? false; const value = new UIEventSource({}); this._value = value; function setting(input: InputElement, id: string | string[], name: string, description: string | UIElement): SingleSetting { return new SingleSetting(value, input, id, name, description); } const questionSettings = [ setting(new MultiLingualTextFields(languages), "question", "Question", "If the key or mapping doesn't match, this question is asked"), setting(new AndOrTagInput(), "condition", "Condition", "Only show this tag rendering if these tags matches. Optional field.
Note that the Overpass-tags are already always included in this object"), "

Freeform key

", setting(TextField.KeyInput(true), ["freeform", "key"], "Freeform key
", "If specified, the rendering will search if this key is present." + "If it is, the rendering above will be used to display the element.
" + "The rendering will go into question mode if
  • this key is not present
  • No single mapping matches
  • A question is given
  • "), setting(ValidatedTextField.TypeDropdown(), ["freeform", "type"], "Freeform type", "The type of this freeform text field, in order to validate"), setting(new MultiTagInput(), ["freeform", "addExtraTags"], "Extra tags on freeform", "When the freeform text field is used, the user might mean a predefined key. This field allows to add extra tags, e.g. fixme=User used a freeform field - to check"), ]; const settings: (string | SingleSetting)[] = [ setting(new MultiLingualTextFields(languages), "render", "Value to show", " Renders this value. Note that {key}-parts are substituted by the corresponding values of the element. If neither 'textFieldQuestion' nor 'mappings' are defined, this text is simply shown as default value."), questionsNotUnlocked ? `You need at least ${State.userJourney.themeGeneratorFullUnlock} changesets to unlock the 'question'-field and to use your theme to edit OSM data`: "", ...(options?.disableQuestions ? [] : questionSettings), "


    ", setting(new MultiInput<{ if: AndOrTagConfigJson, then: (string | any), hideInAnswer?: boolean }>("Add a mapping", () => ({if: undefined, then: undefined}), () => new MappingInput(languages, options?.disableQuestions ?? false)), "mappings", "Mappings", "") ]; this.settingsTable = new SettingsTable(settings, currentlySelected); } InnerRender(): string { return new Combine([ this.intro, this.settingsTable]).Render(); } GetValue(): UIEventSource { return this._value; } IsSelected: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); IsValid(t: TagRenderingConfigJson): boolean { return false; } }