{ "id": "shops", "title": { "en": "Open Shop Map" }, "shortDescription": { "en": "An editable map with basic shop information" }, "description": { "en": "On this map, one can mark basic information about shops, add opening hours and phone numbers" }, "language": [ "en" ], "maintainer": "MapComplete", "icon": "./assets/themes/shops/shop.svg", "version": "0", "startLat": 0, "startLon": 0, "startZoom": 1, "widenFactor": 0.05, "socialImage": "", "layers": [ { "id": "shops", "name": { "en": "Shop" }, "minzoom": 14, "overpassTags": { "and": [ "shop~*" ] }, "title": { "render": { "en": "Shop" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "name~*" ] }, "then": { "en": "{name}" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "shop!~yes" ] }, "then": { "en": "{shop}" } } ] }, "description": { "en": "A shop" }, "tagRenderings": [ { "render": { "en": "This shop sellse {shop}" }, "question": { "en": "What does this shop sell?" }, "freeform": { "key": "shop" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "shop=convenience" ] }, "then": { "en": "Convenience store" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "shop=supermarket" ] }, "then": { "en": "Supermarket" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "shop=clothes" ] }, "then": { "en": "Clothing store" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "shop=hairdresser" ] }, "then": { "en": "Hairdresser" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "shop=bakery" ] }, "then": { "en": "Bakery" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "shop=car_repair" ] }, "then": { "en": "Car repair (garage)" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "shop=car" ] }, "then": { "en": "Car dealer" } } ] }, { "render": { "en": "{phone}" }, "question": { "en": "What is the phone number?" }, "freeform": { "key": "phone", "type": "phone" } }, { "render": { "en": "{website}" }, "question": { "en": "What is the website of this shop?" }, "freeform": { "key": "website", "type": "url" } }, { "render": { "en": "{email}" }, "question": { "en": "What is the email address of this shop?" }, "freeform": { "key": "email", "type": "email" } }, { "render": { "en": "{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}" }, "question": { "en": "What are the opening hours of this shop?" }, "freeform": { "key": "opening_hours", "type": "opening_hours" } } ], "hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage": 0, "icon": { "render": "./assets/themes/shops/shop.svg" }, "width": { "render": "8" }, "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,center" }, "color": { "render": "#00f" }, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "shop=yes" ], "title": { "en": "Shop" }, "description": { "en": "Add a new shop" } } ], "wayHandling": 2 } ], "roamingRenderings": [] }