import * as turf from "@turf/turf"; import {TileRange, Tiles} from "../Models/TileRange"; export class BBox { readonly maxLat: number; readonly maxLon: number; readonly minLat: number; readonly minLon: number; static global: BBox = new BBox([[-180, -90], [180, 90]]); constructor(coordinates) { this.maxLat = -90; this.maxLon = -180; this.minLat = 90; this.minLon = 180; for (const coordinate of coordinates) { this.maxLon = Math.max(this.maxLon, coordinate[0]); this.maxLat = Math.max(this.maxLat, coordinate[1]); this.minLon = Math.min(this.minLon, coordinate[0]); this.minLat = Math.min(this.minLat, coordinate[1]); } this.check(); } static fromLeafletBounds(bounds) { return new BBox([[bounds.getWest(), bounds.getNorth()], [bounds.getEast(), bounds.getSouth()]]) } static get(feature): BBox { if (feature.bbox?.overlapsWith === undefined) { const turfBbox: number[] = turf.bbox(feature) feature.bbox = new BBox([[turfBbox[0], turfBbox[1]], [turfBbox[2], turfBbox[3]]]); } return feature.bbox; } /** * Constructs a tilerange which fully contains this bbox (thus might be a bit larger) * @param zoomlevel */ public containingTileRange(zoomlevel): TileRange{ return Tiles.TileRangeBetween(zoomlevel, this.minLat, this.minLon, this.maxLat, this.maxLon) } public overlapsWith(other: BBox) { if (this.maxLon < other.minLon) { return false; } if (this.maxLat < other.minLat) { return false; } if (this.minLon > other.maxLon) { return false; } return this.minLat <= other.maxLat; } public isContainedIn(other: BBox) { if (this.maxLon > other.maxLon) { return false; } if (this.maxLat > other.maxLat) { return false; } if (this.minLon < other.minLon) { return false; } if (this.minLat < other.minLat) { return false } return true; } private check() { if (isNaN(this.maxLon) || isNaN(this.maxLat) || isNaN(this.minLon) || isNaN(this.minLat)) { console.log(this); throw "BBOX has NAN"; } } static fromTile(z: number, x: number, y: number): BBox { return new BBox(Tiles.tile_bounds_lon_lat(z, x, y)) } static fromTileIndex(i: number): BBox { if (i === 0) { return } return BBox.fromTile(...Tiles.tile_from_index(i)) } getEast() { return this.maxLon } getNorth() { return this.maxLat } getWest() { return this.minLon } getSouth() { return this.minLat } pad(factor: number): BBox { const latDiff = this.maxLat - this.minLat const lat = (this.maxLat + this.minLat) / 2 const lonDiff = this.maxLon - this.minLon const lon = (this.maxLon + this.minLon) / 2 return new BBox([[ lon - lonDiff * factor, lat - latDiff * factor ], [lon + lonDiff * factor, lat + latDiff * factor]]) } toLeaflet() { return [[this.minLat, this.minLon], [this.maxLat, this.maxLon]] } asGeoJson(properties: any): any { return { type: "Feature", properties: properties, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[ [this.minLon, this.minLat], [this.maxLon, this.minLat], [this.maxLon, this.maxLat], [this.minLon, this.maxLat], [this.minLon, this.minLat], ]] } } } /** * Expands the BBOx so that it contains complete tiles for the given zoomlevel * @param zoomlevel */ expandToTileBounds(zoomlevel: number) : BBox{ const ul = Tiles.embedded_tile(this.minLat, this.minLon, zoomlevel) const lr = Tiles.embedded_tile(this.maxLat, this.maxLon, zoomlevel) const boundsul = Tiles.tile_bounds_lon_lat(ul.z, ul.x, ul.y) const boundslr = Tiles.tile_bounds_lon_lat(lr.z, lr.x, lr.y) return new BBox([].concat(boundsul, boundslr)) } }