import {LayerDefinition} from "../LayerDefinition"; import {And, Or, Tag} from "../../Logic/TagsFilter"; import * as L from "leaflet"; import FixedText from "../Questions/FixedText"; import {ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor} from "../../UI/Image/ImageCarouselWithUpload"; import {TagRenderingOptions} from "../TagRendering"; export class BikePumps extends LayerDefinition { constructor() { super(); = "pomp"; this.icon = "./assets/bike_pump.svg"; this.overpassFilter = new Or([ new And([ new Tag("amenity", "compressed_air"), new Tag("bicycle", "yes") ]), new And([ new Tag("amenity", "bicycle_repair_station"), new Tag("service:bicycle:pump", "yes"), /* new Or([ new Tag("service:bicycle:tools", ""), new Tag("service:bicycle:tools", "no"), ])*/ ]), ]); this.newElementTags = [ new Tag("amenity", "bicycle_repair_station"), new Tag("service:bicycle:pump", "yes"), ]; this.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage = 10; this.minzoom = 13; const self = this; = (properties: any) => { return { color: "#00bb00", icon: new L.icon({ iconUrl: self.icon, iconSize: [40, 40] }) }; }; this.title = new FixedText("Pomp"); this.elementsToShow = [ new ImageCarouselWithUploadConstructor(), new TagRenderingOptions({ question: "What valves are supported?", mappings: [ { k: new Tag("valves", " sclaverand;schrader;dunlop"), txt: "There is a default head, so Presta, Dunlop and Auto" }, {k: new Tag("valves", "dunlop"), txt: "Only dunlop"}, {k: new Tag("valves", "sclaverand"), txt: "Only Sclaverand (also known as Dunlop)"}, {k: new Tag("valves", "auto"), txt: "Only auto"}, ], freeform: { key: "valves", template: "Supported valves are $$$", renderTemplate: "Supported valves are {valves}" } }), new TagRenderingOptions({ question: "Who maintains this bicycle pump?", freeform: { key: "operator", template: "Maintained by $$$", renderTemplate: "Maintained by {operator}", placeholder: "operator" } }), new TagRenderingOptions({ question: "Does the pump have a pressure indicator or manometer?", mappings: [ {k: new Tag("manometer", "yes"), txt: "Yes, there is a manometer"}, {k: new Tag("manometer", "yes"), txt: "No"} ] }), /* new TagRenderingOptions({ question: "Is dit een manuele pomp?", mappings: [ {k: new Tag("manual", "yes"), txt: "Manuele pomp"}, {k: new Tag("manual", "no"), txt: "Automatische pomp"} ] }) */ ]; } }