import {LayerConfigJson} from "./LayerConfigJson"; import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "./TagRenderingConfigJson"; /** * Defines what a JSON-segment defining a layout should look like. * * General remark: a type (string | any) indicates either a fixed or a translatable string */ export interface LayoutConfigJson { /** * The id of this layout. * * This is used as hashtag in the changeset message, which will read something like "Adding data with #mapcomplete for theme #" * Make sure it is something decent and descriptive, it should be a simple, lowercase string. * * On official themes, it'll become the name of the page, e.g. * 'cyclestreets' which become 'cyclestreets.html' */ id: string; /** * Who does maintian this preset? */ maintainer: string; /** * Extra piece of text that can be added to the changeset */ changesetmessage?: string; /** * A version number, either semantically or by date. * Should be sortable, where the higher value is the later version */ version: string; /** * The supported language(s). * This should be a two-letter, lowercase code which identifies the language, e.g. "en", "nl", ... * If the theme supports multiple languages, use a list: `["en","nl","fr"]` to allow the user to pick any of them */ language: string | string[]; /** * The title, as shown in the welcome message and the more-screen */ title: string | any; /** * A short description, showed as social description and in the 'more theme'-buttons. * Note that if this one is not defined, the first sentence of 'description' is used */ shortDescription?: string | any; /** * The description, as shown in the welcome message and the more-screen */ description: string | any; /** * A part of the description, shown under the login-button. */ descriptionTail?: string | any; /** * The icon representing this theme. * Used as logo in the more-screen and (for official themes) as favicon, webmanifest logo, ... * Either a URL or a base64 encoded value (which should include 'data:image/svg+xml;base64) */ icon: string; /** * Link to a 'social image' which is included as og:image-tag on official themes. * Usefull to share the theme on social media */ socialImage?: string; /** * Default location and zoom to start. * Note that this is barely used. Once the user has visited mapcomplete at least once, the previous location of the user will be used */ startZoom: number; startLat: number; startLon: number; /** * When a query is run, the data within bounds of the visible map is loaded. * However, users tend to pan and zoom a lot. It is pretty annoying if every single pan means a reloading of the data. * For this, the bounds are widened in order to make a small pan still within bounds of the loaded data. * * IF widenfactor is 0, this feature is disabled. A recommended value is between 0.5 and 0.01 (the latter for very dense queries) */ widenFactor?: number; /** * A tagrendering depicts how to show some tags or how to show a question for it. * * These tagrenderings are applied to _all_ the loaded layers and are a way to reuse tagrenderings. * Note that if multiple themes are loaded (e.g. via the personal theme) * that these roamingRenderings are applied to the layers of the OTHER themes too! * * In order to prevent them to do too much damage, all the overpass-tags of the layers are taken and combined as OR. * These tag renderings will only show up if the object matches this filter. */ roamingRenderings?: (TagRenderingConfigJson | string)[], /** * The id of the default background. BY default: vanilla OSM */ defaultBackgroundId?: string; /** * The layers to display. * * Every layer contains a description of which feature to display - the overpassTags which are queried. * Instead of running one query for every layer, the query is fused. * * Afterwards, every layer is given the list of features. * Every layer takes away the features that match with them*, and give the leftovers to the next layers. * * This implies that the _order_ of the layers is important in the case of features with the same tags; * as the later layers might never receive their feature. * * *layers can also remove 'leftover'-features if the leftovers overlap with a feature in the layer itself * */ layers: (LayerConfigJson | string)[], /** * If defined, data will be clustered. */ clustering?: { /** * All zoom levels above 'maxzoom' are not clustered anymore */ maxZoom?: number }, /** * The URL of a custom CSS stylesheet to modify the layout */ customCss?: string; /** * If set to true, this layout will not be shown in the overview with more themes */ hideFromOverview?: boolean; enableUserBadge?: boolean; enableShareScreen?: boolean; enableMoreQuests?: boolean; enableLayers?: boolean; enableSearch?: boolean; enableAddNewPoints?: boolean; enableGeolocation?: boolean; enableBackgroundLayerSelection?: boolean; }